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Forums » Introductions » New to RP Repository but not role play

Hello fellow bi! It's nice to meet you. I've been here 3 years and sometimes I don't know what I'm doing. :P I hope you enjoy your time here and stay for a while. <3
Hi there frk_lu, welcome to RPR! As you will soon see, the community and staff are fun, friendly, welcoming and helpful! If you haven't yet, we recommend browsing the tutorial, it's got a ton of helpful tips and guides for all sorts of different RP-related subjects, from making characters to looking for RP partners--even experienced roleplayers may find things they hadn't thought of, I know I sure did. :) And if you're still not sure about something on the site after checking out the tutorial, feel free to ask questions of the mods and anyone else who offers to help.

If you're hankering for some specific kind of RP, we have an awesome Find RP tool that has a bunch of neat filters and stuff you can use to look for particulars. If you just wanna browse, you can go straight to the Looking For RP forum and see if anything there catches your eye, or even post ideas of your own! :)

Or if you just wanna chat for a bit as you decide what kind of characters you want to make, we have a place for Smalltalk too!

And above all...hope you have fun and stick around a while to make a bunch of RP friends! These people being friendly sure helped me decide to stay, too, when I was new!

frk_lu wrote:
Hello people out in the world

Not very good with introductions. Don't quite know what to say/write.

But here I am. I have been online roleplaying for... I can't remember how many years. Four? Five? Never played with dices or in real life, sadly, but lots and lots of writing with wonderful people.

To be honest I hope, I get to use this webside, but I am gonna be a bit busy, when summer is over. But let's see how things turns out (also, I have no idea, what the hell I am doing at this point, but shhh xD).
As an introduction I would say that's just fine. ^_^ And hahah, we've all had times when we had no idea what we were doing, either, so no worries!

And no problem, we all understand having times where we're busy and times when we have too much free time, lol.

What kinds of genres do you enjoy roleplaying the most? :)

frk_lu wrote:
Never played with dices or in real life, sadly...

Oh no! That's how I started, tabletops. They are pretty fun. I recommend trying if the opportunity ever arises. If you like SciFi, SWRPG: Saga Edition is pretty easy to learn. Good luck!

Also, welcome to the site. I'm fresh-faced as well. I just joined today. :)

Hey! Glad to see this place grow with yet another fantastic member, YOU! Don't forget to head over to the Find RP section if you are bored and have time on your hands! Perhaps try and make friends? Oh, and silly me, I haven't even said Welcome to RPR yet! Well I mean, now I have. WELCOME TO RPR! XD
frk_lu Topic Starter

You're all very sweet! Thank you very much!
Subtleknifewielder wrote:

What kinds of genres do you enjoy roleplaying the most? :)
I enjoy all kinds of genres, but I have mostly practiced in the fantasy genre at the group on the other webside. It can be boring in the long run, when I think about it... xD
PenguinColada wrote:
Also, welcome to the site. I'm fresh-faced as well. I just joined today.
Nice! New faces are cool :D

You are on: Forums » Introductions » New to RP Repository but not role play

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