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Forums » Introductions » Darkness says Hello


Hello darkness my old friend...

Welcome Vozhad! Enjoy RPR!
Vozhad Topic Starter

Subtleknifewielder wrote:
Hi there Vozhad, welcome to RPR! As you can see, the community and staff are fun, friendly, welcoming and helpful! If you haven't yet, we recommend browsing the tutorial, it's got a ton of helpful tips and guides for all sorts of different RP-related subjects, from making characters to looking for RP partners--even experienced roleplayers may find things they hadn't thought of, I know I sure did. :) And if you're still not sure about something on the site after checking out the tutorial, feel free to ask questions of the mods and anyone else who offers to help.

If you're hankering for some specific kind of RP (and it definitely looks like you are with that amazing level of detail :O ), we have an awesome Find RP tool that has a bunch of neat filters and stuff you can use to look for particulars. If you just wanna browse, you can go straight to the Looking For RP forum and see if anything there catches your eye, or even post ideas of your own! :)

Or if you just wanna chat for a bit as you decide what kind of characters you want to make, we have a place for Smalltalk too!

And above all...hope you have fun and stick around a while to make a bunch of RP friends! These people being friendly sure helped me decide to stay, too, when I was new!

Vozhad wrote:
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Greetings, I do hope all of you are safe and sound and doing well with the ever lasting blessing of happiness and prosperity being the inseparable part of your life. Here I want to talk a little bit about my self. Well I like to talk about myself and certainly there is a lot to say, the reason is the county I live most people don't like fantasy and imagination however I am the total opposite pillar which means I love fantasy and imaginary worlds so much that even in my sleep I am deeply immersed in oceans of fantasy so being here is so exciting to me.

I studied civil engineering but it was not for me so I began doing what I was best at, writing... I am a novelist and write both long stories and dark lyrics, (Please note that English is not my mother language.) I also teach English for money. My personality is complex however I am a nice, kind guy. I usually avoid people who don't like fantasy stories and are more realistic sort.

What is most important to me?
Well for me Vampires, Vampires, Vampires, (How magical the word is to me, I can write the word page after page and never get board or tired.), and darkness are the most important things to me. Every inhale and exhale of mine is haunted by my love for Vampire, that is why I have been working hard on my main book for three years now whose first volume is almost done, I will work hard to muster enough money to have it published.

I also love games, games I love must have powerful vampires, like Elder scroll Skyrim(Mods are involved), Warhammer total war, Vampire masquerade redemption and bloodlines, Bloodrayne I and II, Disciples II and III.

I also love Undead, all sorts of them so lets put it this way:
I love= Vampires and Darkness>> Undead>Dragons>Necromancers>Demons>Werewolves>

What I don't like is judgmental people, I do believe judging others for who they are is the worst feature of humanity so even if the person is not my type I won't judge instead I simply and politely keep my distance.

I also love all sorts of animal as Sirasava in Godzilla said, "I admire all forms of life." I too do the same, but I love cats,bats,owls and spiders more(yes I love spiders as well)

I am so caring and protective of my friends and always will try to support or help them with whatever ability I have, great friends are the real treasures of life.

In role play I control many characters but for now I have created a Necromancer. There is character in m book that is the ultimate Vampire who has created darkness and hunts down gods, it yes it is very mysterious and cryptic and even creepy and I will take the ones who are interested in to it in to my personal dark dimension and yes before you ask I can role play with such a character whom you call god like beings and I am really good at it, in a way you certainly will enjoy.

I do like erotic lines in my stories as well, some of my characters are Dom,some are sub and some are in the middle most of time my characters are male but with Necromancers and Vampires I have female versions as well.

I am still new here, and there is a lot for me to discover, and I am happy I am among you great people, I do hope I will find nice friends here, people who love vampires can really be nice friends with me but all are welcomed to my worlds.
Best regards Vozhad.

Ah, thank you for the blessing, I am enjoying life. Hope you are well, too, and that you continue to dream of many fantasy worlds. I also love fantasy, myself! If you don't mind me asking, though, what country are you from? Whatever it is, your English is pretty good, and you paint beautiful pictures with your words, so I hope that others recognize that and read your book when it is published. :)

Mmmmm...Vampires. I can get behind a love of Vampires, though for me personally, they would have to take second place to werewolves. =3 I think in general, I just have a fascination with supernatural creatures, but those two are definitely at the top of my list. And right below them, dragons. ^_^

Heheh, you also like spiders you say? I have a few friends who like them too. I don't mind them as long as I don't wake up to one near my face, hahah.

Ah, you mentioned erotic plotlines? I confess I do like those too. :D I'd tell you about the Looking for RP--Adults only forum but someone else beat me to it, it would seem.

Anyways, yeah, welcome again, we're certainly happy to have you here. Perhaps we can plan an RP or two in the future!

Greetings, I am honored by your comments regarding my introduction, and I do understand that some people prefer other supernaturals, there so many different tastes when it comes to fantasy, but for me Vampires have a whole different meaning. You asked what country I am from, for now I want to keep it to myself later I will perhaps tell more, but I have a saying which "We are from where our hearts belong to" and in my case I am from Darkness.

I forgot to talk about my music taste, I listen to special kinds of musics the ones that are usually AMV, showing reflecting the power of vampires and darkness in a nice harmony with pictures. My favorite bands are Blutengle and E-nomine both are German, Gothic pop, heavy metal are my favorite types of music.

I watch horror and vampire movies but the top movies in my heart are:
Bram Stoker's Dracula, Night flier, All Sir. Lee Dracula movies. Frank langula Dracula, BBC Draculs. Nosferatu and etc

Regarding many animes I have watched Hellsing Ultimate OVA is sacred to me, it is fantastic beyond the word beyond.

Right Now I have created there characters and I intend to create more and add some updates to the ones I already have, again thanks for your most kind and moral giving words.
*Nods*. Yep, I too can understand having a favorite of all them. One can like many things and still have a favorite. And there's a ton of lore about vampires that does make them quite fascinating. :D

Alright, I won't push, and that's a fair assessment, we have a pretty much identical saying--"Home is where the heart is." ^_^

I can't say I am familiar with those bands, but I do share a love of AMV's. :)

Speaking of movies, have you seen Van Helsing? The one with Hugh Jackman in it?

Anyways, glad to see you have been busy making characters, and maybe once I have had a good rest I'll take a look over them so I can fully appreciate them. :D
Vozhad Topic Starter

Subtleknifewielder wrote:
*Nods*. Yep, I too can understand having a favorite of all them. One can like many things and still have a favorite. And there's a ton of lore about vampires that does make them quite fascinating. :D

Alright, I won't push, and that's a fair assessment, we have a pretty much identical saying--"Home is where the heart is." ^_^

I can't say I am familiar with those bands, but I do share a love of AMV's. :)

Speaking of movies, have you seen Van Helsing? The one with Hugh Jackman in it?

Anyways, glad to see you have been busy making characters, and maybe once I have had a good rest I'll take a look over them so I can fully appreciate them. :D

That is very kind of you that you are going to read about my characters. And about Vanhellsing I must say yeas I did watched it and I was in love with movie and its approach to the vampires, the movie is directed by the same director who made Mummies, however the end part of the movie killed it for, at the end I felt as if my heart was staked! The fight between Dracula and Vanhellsing werewolf was really bad, remember the scene Dracula kicked the werewolf? just what was that?! besides in the final fight they tried to humiliate Dracula, especially the scene werewolf was trying to strangle an undead being who doens't even breath! and I didn't like the idea Dracula being the spawn of devil at all. If we put these matters aside I love the rest of the movie especially the opening scenes, the best parts were the ones that Dracula killed Dr.Frankenstein and the one that he and his brides were in the sky while people were running from them to save their lives, the landing part of Dracula near the burning windmill was capital as well, the brides and their jaws opening with those great fangs were fantastic as well. Dracula rising from his icy grave was epic too. I never forget the slightest details when the scenes are about Dracula. I love analyzing movies,games and animes a lot too, so I would be glad if I can find someone whom I can talk to about these sorts of things.
Hmmm...when you put it that way the final fight does sound disappointing. Hmmm...

But yeah, the rest of it was pretty great. ^_^

What about books? Do you enjoy reading stories about vampires, too? I know a good series you would probably like, if that's the case.
Vozhad Topic Starter

Subtleknifewielder wrote:
Hmmm...when you put it that way the final fight does sound disappointing. Hmmm...

But yeah, the rest of it was pretty great. ^_^

What about books? Do you enjoy reading stories about vampires, too? I know a good series you would probably like, if that's the case.

I do love vampire books, when I was in the first year of high school I bought Dracula and read it, after finishing it there has not been a single night without the book next to my bed, I then began rewriting Dracula for myself, I didn't have a computer or a laptop back then so I bought a calendar-notebook and began rewriting it, people thought I am crazy or something because as I said most people here are very judgmental and realistic but I never gave up.
Then I got familiar with Vampire masquerade the white wolf universe I loved their books until recently that they ruined everything because not only they reduced the powers of Antediluvian vampires they also killed them after 12 years, that made me exceedingly sad but still I love vampires in that universe especially Lasombra vampires, there is a new game out there called Vampire masquerade Bloodlines II, still i don't know how the game is for it will take long time for the game to be imported here.
Daren Shan books were, oh how can I say? They were beyond Catastrophe, didn't like twilight that much for the element of darkness is absent in those books... Anna rice books I have not read yet but I know about Leastat.
I loved the atmosphere of Carmilla Carstein also like Warhammer Vampire counts a lot.
After all these things that happened in cinema Vampires reduced to low class supernatural beings and even in some like underworld series they got depicted as an alive beings! and then Hybrids came, vampires like blade and half vampire-half human nonsense were introduced and each passing night (I use night instead of day) the conditions got worse and worse. In games Liches began to be depicted more powerful and thus making me very sad so I decided to do something and began writing a book that original vampires hunt down gods, impossible to be killed or destroyed and the first vampire in my book is both Omnipotent and present they are neutral to humans and other being but there is one person that wants to find them and so much more.
Considering the stuff I told, I do love reading good vampire books, I bought Dario stoker's Dracula and first pages made me sad, Bram Stoker wrote that Dracula has the strength of twenty or more people and his great, grandson in first pages has mentioned Dracula has the strength of ten! Why? why they do these thing to vampires, look how Sauron in lord of rings is well defended by fans and writers, we vampire fans must do the same, there must be a balance I know, but there must be special vampires that by all means cannot be killed no matter what, and for the sake of balance for normal vampire only and only a stake through the heart must do the trick all other things must not harm a vampire.

As for your kind suggestion, I must say I am eager to read the nice books you have in your mind to introduce to me, would you mind telling their name to me?
Ah, hmmm...well, the protagonist of this book series that I am thinking of is a half-vampire, but from what I have read so far, through the first part of the series, she is the only one and she was created with dark magics, not a process that is easily repeatable as vampires are undead, and she was created for a specific purpose. She is the only one of her kind in a world where vampires have been mostly forgotten but many of them still very much exist, just out of the public eye. I won't spoil too much, I just mention this much in case what she is might turn you away from the series.

If that bit of information does not turn you away from the series, then...the name of it is the Saga of the Noble Dead, written by Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee. In this world there are several classes of undead, among them ghouls, ghosts, and vampires. Vampires are considered the 'Noble Dead' because they are neither physically deformed, nor do they lose any memory of what they once were. Their minds and bodies are completely intact, unharmed by their transition from the living to being Undead.

The name of the first book in the series is Dhampir.
Vozhad Topic Starter

Somnom wrote:
Hey Vozhad! Welcome to RPR! Thanks for telling us so much about yourself, what you like, and what you write. I hope you're settling into the site okay. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask because there are so many wonderful and helpful people in the community. Hope you make lots of friends and enjoy a lot of fun games!!

Greetings, thanks a lot for your kind words, I do hope to make lots of friends here.
Vozhad Topic Starter

Subtleknifewielder wrote:
Ah, hmmm...well, the protagonist of this book series that I am thinking of is a half-vampire, but from what I have read so far, through the first part of the series, she is the only one and she was created with dark magics, not a process that is easily repeatable as vampires are undead, and she was created for a specific purpose. She is the only one of her kind in a world where vampires have been mostly forgotten but many of them still very much exist, just out of the public eye. I won't spoil too much, I just mention this much in case what she is might turn you away from the series.

If that bit of information does not turn you away from the series, then...the name of it is the Saga of the Noble Dead, written by Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee. In this world there are several classes of undead, among them ghouls, ghosts, and vampires. Vampires are considered the 'Noble Dead' because they are neither physically deformed, nor do they lose any memory of what they once were. Their minds and bodies are completely intact, unharmed by their transition from the living to being Undead.

The name of the first book in the series is Dhampir.

Thanks for introducing the book I will indeed read the book, Vampires are indeed the aristocrats of undead society but what makes them unique and ultimate monster is that, as you mentioned they are indeed the most human like by appearance and yet the furthest one from humanity, all other beings including undead are about the souls, all undead are "Souls" including Wraiths, Banshees, Ghosts, Reapers, Weights, Specters, spirits and etc only vampires are soulless and that is mysterious and spooky which I do love. I hope in the book there are some great powerful vampires.
I can definitely guarantee there will be some powerful vampires in the series, though the more powerful ones come later, as is natural in a series. And even the relatively weaker ones would take a lot for anyone to kill. These vampires are definitely not pushovers, so I think you will like them. :)
Vozhad Topic Starter

Subtleknifewielder wrote:
I can definitely guarantee there will be some powerful vampires in the series, though the more powerful ones come later, as is natural in a series. And even the relatively weaker ones would take a lot for anyone to kill. These vampires are definitely not pushovers, so I think you will like them. :)

Wow, now I am really excited, thanks.
No problem. Let me know what you think when you do read them. ^_^

Vozhad Topic Starter

Subtleknifewielder wrote:
No problem. Let me know what you think when you do read them. ^_^

Without a doubt I will talk about the book with you.
Vozhad Topic Starter

Icysoul wrote:

Hi welcome to RPR Vozhad! Welcome to RPR! I hope you have fun here!

Hey! Glad to see this place grow with yet another fantastic member, YOU! Don't forget to head over to the Find RP section if you are bored and have time on your hands! Perhaps try and make friends? Oh, and silly me, I haven't even said Welcome to RPR yet! Well I mean, now I have. WELCOME TO RPR! XD
Vozhad Topic Starter

Trudy wrote:
Hey! Glad to see this place grow with yet another fantastic member, YOU! Don't forget to head over to the Find RP section if you are bored and have time on your hands! Perhaps try and make friends? Oh, and silly me, I haven't even said Welcome to RPR yet! Well I mean, now I have. WELCOME TO RPR! XD

Oh, Hello. Thank you so much for your warmest welcome, I am indeed happy that I am here for this place feels like home... I have found one partner for now and I do hope that I will find more.

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