"I found this!"
*Holds up a half eaten croissant. Tail feathers shaking in an excited manner*
It may or may not have been dug out of the trash.
*Holds up a half eaten croissant. Tail feathers shaking in an excited manner*
It may or may not have been dug out of the trash.
"Over here, Mr. Bird!"
Swooping down in the form of a peregrine falcon, Bailey shifts back into her human form just in time for her feet to touch the ground, before tossing a whole, raw fish at Zreek's feet.
"You gave me a mouse one time, so I thought I'd bring you something this time!" She giggles, wiping the slime from the fish away on her robe. "An eye for an eye! Or... a mouse for a fish?"
Swooping down in the form of a peregrine falcon, Bailey shifts back into her human form just in time for her feet to touch the ground, before tossing a whole, raw fish at Zreek's feet.
"You gave me a mouse one time, so I thought I'd bring you something this time!" She giggles, wiping the slime from the fish away on her robe. "An eye for an eye! Or... a mouse for a fish?"
The little girl runs up, her tail wagging excitedly as she holds up 2 slightly burnt pieces of bread with overcooked ham in the middle "I made you a sandwich! Its not the best because I made it with my magic but... I tried!" She says with a huge grin, handing it over before running off to look at some cool rocks she found.
The knight shakes his head and chuckles, handing over some very delicious looking soup "Here, you don't have to eat that sandwich but I do request you pretend to have eaten it at least, for her sake" He says softly, giving a kind smile.
The knight shakes his head and chuckles, handing over some very delicious looking soup "Here, you don't have to eat that sandwich but I do request you pretend to have eaten it at least, for her sake" He says softly, giving a kind smile.
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