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Forums » Introductions » Hi!


I am TrippleTrash, but you can call me however you want! :)

I came to this site because I am way too shy to ask any of my friends to RP with me, so I came to the conclusion to find friends here who know that I RP!

* Since I rarely asked someone to RP, I am quite new to the whole RP thing, but I really want to learn how to make fun RP's.
-I am willing to RP about anything, as long as my character, Mirre, will be able to make sence in the plot. (She is just a regular human.) Not that she is just living in the year -4000 without reason, or something. XD

* I am still in school, high school to be exact. My favourite subject is biology, because the person I work wogether with and I always have fun during those lessons. :)

* I have 3 pets, a dog and two cats.
-The dog is a chocolate brown labrador and he is a bit bigger than average. He is really energetic but lazy.
-The first cat is completely black and really skinny and serious, except when him and I are all alone. Then he enjoys being hugged and petted. x3
-The other cat is black with white paws, tummy and a bit above his nose. He is quite fat and really fluffy. He enjoys being pet and is a bit clingy.

* I have one quick question about this site... How does this all work? I am a bit lost, I'm not going to lie. :3
-Oh, and another one; What does the "Include a dice roll with this post" thing mean?
Thank you! :D

If you want to RP, PM me or reply down below! Feel free to send any topic, scenerio, ect.!

I hope I can make friends on here... :)

Sanne Moderator

Welcome TrippleTrash! :)

Don't worry, it's pretty easy to find someone to RP with. You can check out the Find RP tool and message someone whose prompt is interesting to you. You can just let them know "I liked your prompt and want to RP my character <your character> with you, would you like to?" and take it from there!

You can also follow our Getting Started Guide and check out the articles it links to. It'll give you a basic understanding of how roleplays usually happen around here, though everybody is welcome to play however they prefer. :)

The dice roll is an optional tool. Lots of roleplayers play board games such as Dungeons and Dragons -- roleplaying games where you rely on dice to decide whether or not actions were successful, and if so how much. We have a dice primer you can read through that explains the basics. :) Adding a dice roll to your post will show a result. I'll roll a die and show you!

A common use for dice is when people do giveaways, where they give away free stuff if you manage to roll a certain number. It's quite fun!

Don't worry, none of this is mandatory. You're welcome to read them at your leisure. RPR is a big site with a ton of features, it's more or less expected that it'll take some time to get used to. Remember that you can always type your question in the search bar at the top of the page, or consult the Help database directly! Also feel free to ask us any other questions you might have.

rolled 1d20 and got 3
If I roll anywhere between 11 and 20, I get a cookie! ;)

Heya welcome to RPR! <3 I'm positive you'll quickly find lots of great games and fantastic new friends. The RPR community is very active and kind, so don't be afraid to ask questions or talk to people.

Like Sanne said, when looking for something specific or even wanting to brows, I suggest LFRP as that will help you to narrow down your search and see the options others have posted in trying to find a game. As well as Find RP which presents you with even more options.

Thanks for sharing so much about yourself, your life and your interests :) Happy Gaming!

P.S. There are raffles, and game going on in Forum Games and Smalltalk where people have been giving away items due to the RPR fundraising event. Wouldn't want you to miss out! ;)
Hullo there! o/

I'm going to call you Trip, because I don't want to call you trash :P
You seem great! And huzzah for pets!

Welcome to RPR, enjoy your stay! :)

Hi trip. I love pets to. Hello and welcome to RPRepository the best roleplaying website ever thanks to Kim.
I see that your questions have been answered, so all I can give you is a warm welcome to RPR!
TrippleTrash Topic Starter

Starwarsfan wrote:
Thank you! :)
TrippleTrash Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
Welcome TrippleTrash! :)

Don't worry, it's pretty easy to find someone to RP with. You can check out the Find RP tool and message someone whose prompt is interesting to you. You can just let them know "I liked your prompt and want to RP my character <your character> with you, would you like to?" and take it from there!

You can also follow our Getting Started Guide and check out the articles it links to. It'll give you a basic understanding of how roleplays usually happen around here, though everybody is welcome to play however they prefer. :)

The dice roll is an optional tool. Lots of roleplayers play board games such as Dungeons and Dragons -- roleplaying games where you rely on dice to decide whether or not actions were successful, and if so how much. We have a dice primer you can read through that explains the basics. :) Adding a dice roll to your post will show a result. I'll roll a die and show you!

A common use for dice is when people do giveaways, where they give away free stuff if you manage to roll a certain number. It's quite fun!

Don't worry, none of this is mandatory. You're welcome to read them at your leisure. RPR is a big site with a ton of features, it's more or less expected that it'll take some time to get used to. Remember that you can always type your question in the search bar at the top of the page, or consult the Help database directly! Also feel free to ask us any other questions you might have.

Thank you so much for all the information, it really helped! ^-^
TrippleTrash Topic Starter

Kruhee wrote:
Heya welcome to RPR! <3 I'm positive you'll quickly find lots of great games and fantastic new friends. The RPR community is very active and kind, so don't be afraid to ask questions or talk to people.

Like Sanne said, when looking for something specific or even wanting to brows, I suggest LFRP as that will help you to narrow down your search and see the options others have posted in trying to find a game. As well as Find RP which presents you with even more options.

Thanks for sharing so much about yourself, your life and your interests :) Happy Gaming!

P.S. There are raffles, and game going on in Forum Games and Smalltalk where people have been giving away items due to the RPR fundraising event. Wouldn't want you to miss out! ;)

Thank you so much! I appreciate it. :P
TrippleTrash Topic Starter

Ethys wrote:
Hullo there! o/

I'm going to call you Trip, because I don't want to call you trash :P
You seem great! And huzzah for pets!

Welcome to RPR, enjoy your stay! :)

Haha, Trip is fine by me. :D
Thanks a lot, I will enjoy my stay!
TrippleTrash Topic Starter

LakotaSiouxWarrior wrote:
Hi trip. I love pets to. Hello and welcome to RPRepository the best roleplaying website ever thanks to Kim.

Hey Lakota! :)
It's great that you love pets and thank you.
Welcome to RPR. Hope you enjoy your stay here. :3

And if you ever wanna RP, don't be a stranger. My door is always open, just hit me up. :3

I do Fantasy, Adventure, Slice-of-Life, Romance (FxF or MxF), and Drama. :3
Welcome to RPR!


TrippleTrash Topic Starter

Michael147 wrote:
Welcome to RPR. Hope you enjoy your stay here. :3

And if you ever wanna RP, don't be a stranger. My door is always open, just hit me up. :3

I do Fantasy, Adventure, Slice-of-Life, Romance (FxF or MxF), and Drama. :3

Thank you, I will enjoy my stay here! :D
And of course I'd be willing to RP! PM me when you're free. ^^
TrippleTrash Topic Starter

Cherry_Red wrote:
Welcome to RPR!


Thank you, Cherry! :)
TrippleTrash Topic Starter

Icysoul wrote:
Thanks :^)
Welcome to the Repository! Sorry for the late Welcoming!

Hello TrippleTrash, welcome! If you're ever in need of some peeps to RP with feel free to message me! Have a great day/night and enjoy your time on RP Repository.

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hi!

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus