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Forums » Introductions » Hello there!

Hi all! New to the site, been rping about 15+ years though. Looking for some new friends and possibly rp partners!
I'm never sure how to word these things, so let's just get right into it.
I like modern or medieval settings the best. Anything with werecreatures or dragons, and I'm in. I enjoy incorporating romance/smut(with 21+ yr olds) and relationship building between characters in the rp, not as the main focus but it's definitely important.
Other genres I like include drama, sci-fi, fantasy, video games, anime, and more.
Please let me know if there's anything I need to know. :)

Hello and welcome to RPRepository the best roleplaying website ever thanks to Kim. Great interduction. You'll find plenty of freinds and roleplayers here in no time.
RunePelt Topic Starter

LakotaSiouxWarrior wrote:
Hello and welcome to RPRepository the best roleplaying website ever thanks to Kim. Great interduction. You'll find plenty of freinds and roleplayers here in no time.

Thank you so much for the kind welcome ^^
Sanne Moderator

Welcome to RPR! :D Your likes are shared by a lot of people in this community, I don't anticipate you'll struggle finding new friends and RP partners. :)

I love your icon by the way!
RunePelt wrote:
I enjoy incorporating romance/smut(with 21+ yr olds) and relationship building between characters in the rp, not as the main focus but it's definitely important.

Welcome RunePelt! :)

Just FYI (cause I was here for months before I realized it existed!) there's an 'Adults Only' Looking For RP sub-forum that is turned off by default. If you'd like to enable it, the checkbox is under Dashboard -> Your Settings -> Comfort & Privacy. That can at least help ensure your partners are 18+
Man, that was longer than mine that's for sure! But welcome and hope to see you around!

Also, love werecreatures and dragons too! XD Sorry though, I'm not THAT good at roleplaying, or I don't think I'm good at all.

Hullo, RunePelt! o/

I also love dragons and romance, and have been roleplaying for entirely too long.
You're among friends :D

Welcome to RPR, enjoy your stay!
Heya welcome to RPR! <3 I'm positive you'll quickly find lots of great games and fantastic new friends. The RPR community is very active and kind, so don't be afraid to ask questions or talk to people.

If your looking for romance of 21+ I really suggest checking out LFRP as that will help you to narrow down your search and see the options others have posted in trying to find a game. As well as Find RP which presents you with even more options.

Thanks for sharing so much about your interests! Got to say if the 'and more' area of drama, sci-fi, fantasy, video games and anime is anything like the rest you have some pretty good taste IMO ;) Happy Gaming!

P.S. There have been raffles, and game going on in Forum Games and Smalltalk where people have been giving away items due to the RPR fundraising event. Wouldn't want you to miss out! ;)
Welcome to RPR!


Welcome to RPR, hope you enjoy your time here (:
RunePelt Topic Starter

Oh my goodness there's so many replies I didn't notice! Thank you all for being so awesome and welcoming! Warmest welcome I've been given in along time. :D
RunePelt Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
Welcome to RPR! :D Your likes are shared by a lot of people in this community, I don't anticipate you'll struggle finding new friends and RP partners. :)

I love your icon by the way!

I appreciate it! Also, thank you. I like your icon as well. :)
Hello and welcome

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