Dran groans weakly "Love, take your medicine, it will last you two more days, then I'll make more."
Zy nodded and picked up tehe vial take a small sip of it.
Dran gets up "Love, You sure you want to continue taking it?" He'd ask "I can look for another catalyst if wished."
" no its fine, it helps" she said
Dran blinks "Even with it's effects?"
" what if nothing elce worls though, we know this works so it's really fine" she said
Dran nuzzles her lovingly.
Zy smiled hugging him " feeling better?" she asked him.
Dran nods "Still weak but I'll be fine."
" im glad.." she said " would you like some tea?" she asked
Dran nods.
Zy smiled as she fixed some tea for him and herself, putting honey in her own cup.
Dran smiles to her "You are beautiful as always. The spirits saved you when I couldn't." He'd say gently.
Zy smiled as she handed him his cup and sat down next to him. " i did not even realize id fallen asleep. How did you rest?" she asked him.
Dran closes his eyes "I slept, though I know I'm still not strong enough." He takes his cup gently.
" is there anything you need?" She asked him.
Dran shakes his head "I need to meet with the Lonir village." He'd say gently.
" alright" She said smiling
Dran looks to her "They have a strong and old Shaman... He can teach me what I never learned."
Zy smiled " maybe i can learn some stuff to" she said " i enjoy helping you"
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