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Forums » Introductions » Here to make an RP team of 4, including me.


I can't get all arts and craftsy with this because I'm doing it on my phone. My various characters: Ulysses, Cylenium, Nelìs, and Ink (some that I still need to make a page for, but have drawn them) are of your choice to choose from. I'd like to start an RP team on KIK if you have on or you can get one.When I have my group set and chosen I'll explain more details and we'll also discuss how we want to start and all. KIK me @CloverKidd.
Welcome to RP Repository SpilledInk. You might find it more useful if you put your ad in "looking for RP" which can be found under the Forums tab. This one is for introducing one's self to the RPR Community.

Best of luck,

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Here to make an RP team of 4, including me.

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