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Forums » Introductions » Hello!

I am Skiddle! I am looking for a romantic role play any maybe more bye ~ <3!
Heya welcome to RPR! <3 I'm positive you'll quickly find lots of great games and fantastic new friends. The RPR community is very active and kind, so don't be afraid to ask questions or talk to people.

If ever looking for something specific, I suggest LFRP as that will help you to narrow down your search and see the options others have posted in trying to find a game. As well as Find RP which presents you with even more options. Happy gaming! <3

P.S. There have been raffles, and game going on in Forum Games and Smalltalk where people have been giving away items due to the RPR fundraising event. Wouldn't want you to miss out! ;)
Sanne Moderator

Welcome to RPR! :D Kruhee provided a bunch of helpful links to get you started on finding romance RPs, but please let us know if we can help you with anything!
Hullo, Skiddle! o/

I love how your name is like a cute version of Skittle! :)
What is your favorite color?

Welcome to RPR, enjoy your stay! :D


Hello and welcome to RPRepository the best roleplaying website ever thanks to Kim.

Welcome to RPR! I hope you find lots of fun here ^^

Welcome to RPR!

Welcome to RPR! I'm sure you'll find someone who fits the bill in no time! That said, as long as you rp on the main site make sure to refer to da rulez if you're looking for an rp that drifts into something beyond PG.
Welcome to the Repository!

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