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Forums » Introductions » Heya! I am new on here!

Heyo! I have been rping for quite some time now. But I am new here, so it will take me some time to get use to this platform. And I do really almost any kind of rps and I am ok with it being mature meaning (18+) but don't go too overboard with it please and am hoping to do some rps soon! ^^

rolled 7d8 and got a natural 43. After the modifier of +1, got 44


Hello and welcome to RPRepository the best roleplaying website ever thanks to Kim.
Hullo, Darkstitchblade! o/

Don't fret about getting used to it, we're here to help if you have any questions! :D
What's your favorite book?

Welcome to RPR, enjoy your stay! :)
Welcome to the RPR! Have a great time!

Welcome to RPR! I hope you find lots of fun here ^^
Sanne Moderator

Wecome to the RPR, Darkstitchblade! The site is pretty big and can be confusing, but we're always ready to help you out if you have questions. :) You can also type your question or keywords into the search bar at the top of the page, and it'll give you a bunch of results for help articles or forum posts.

If you want to look for or post prompts for mature themes, check out our Looking for RP - Adults Only forum! :)

Welcome! This site is AMAZING.
Heya welcome to RPR! <3 I'm positive you'll quickly find lots of great games and fantastic new friends. The RPR community is very active and kind, so don't be afraid to ask questions or talk to people.

If ever looking for something specific, I suggest LFRP as that will help you to narrow down your search and see the options others have posted in trying to find a game. As well as Find RP which presents you with even more options. Happy gaming! <3

P.S. There have been raffles, and game going on in Forum Games and Smalltalk where people have been giving away items due to the RPR fundraising event. Wouldn't want you to miss out! ;)
Hello there DarkStitchBlade, hope you enjoy your time here on RPR! :D
Haha! Welcome to RPR my friend!! Seems you got plenty of helpful tips before I could even greet you here!

Nice profile pic by the way~

I'm not really doing many rp's right now because life sucks BUT if any of my characters catch your eye feel free to ask for a rp anyways.

I'm gonna shoot you a friend request here but feel free to chat with me on discord too, I'm almost always online there. :3
Welcome to RPR!

Welcome to RPR! The main forums tend to have some relatively PG guidelines but even so I think you'll find a lot of fun to be had here. Enjoy your rps!

Welcome to RPR!
Welcome to the Repository!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Heya! I am new on here!

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