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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

Miles 'Tails' Prower (played by Foxfarer)

“Woah! You seem so cool!….Uh…ahem, sorry. Your history is incredibly interesting, and being immune to poison is something I don’t see every day. I would say friend!
M16A1 (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Hmm. Yeah, I guess we can be friends, as long as you bring your own whiskey.”
Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

"Cant help myself.. pretty lady" she chuckled "I dont mind a date but honestly being in danger with you is a date enough for me!"

<3 Date <3
Miles 'Tails' Prower (played by Foxfarer)

M16A1 wrote:
“Hmm. Yeah, I guess we can be friends, as long as you bring your own whiskey.”

"I uh...I can't legally drink but thanks?"

[ response to another message. Please respond to Miryu for the next one! ]
"Friend. It doesn't appear that anything else would be an option" he said with a grin.
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

SECRET: "Pass."

Lockelan: "Hm, what do you think, Keye?"

Keye: "Friend."
Lee-Enfield (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Of course there's more than one of you. But, I must say that I pass. I don't think you'd like me much."
Riley only averted his eyes and spoke quietly, "No."

It wasn't that he was shy, he just lacked.. a few common characteristics for "normal" humans. Friends were never something he'd try, nor would he reach out to someone if he didn't have to. It wasn't her personally, it was just something avoided for awhile, and it would be hard to stop now. Though.. her outfit/attire, and her weapon.. They both interested him.

Manico (played by Reithesniper)

"Im a bit too old for dating.. more like your out of my age range.." she said looking the man in the eye.. "Your handsome, dont let a face like that go to waste.." she smiled

Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Manico!" he said happily. He went to her and wrapped his arms around her and Piano rubbed his small self against Manico's ankle.
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Keye: "Hmm, i'd say friend. Lockelan wouldn't mind you around to be honest."

SECRET: "I already hate him. Pass!"

Hm. Keye wants to be friends, but SECRET doesn't want to :P
Enterprise (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“I’m not sure a machine of war would really get along with you….And besides, I have my own affairs to deal with. I believe that I’ve got too much baggage around for anything to be considered.” Pass
Tom (played by LeftScout)

Tom glanced the person up and down before shaking his head, "I get sea sick easily. Sorry but it's a pass."
Anna (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Hmmmm, friend. because why the seven hells not?"
Aba (played by Reithesniper)

She looks at Anna, Aba picks her up by her arm "Your interesting.. a date.. yes a date is in order!" She smiles
Alan Wake (played by Atheist)

Alan made every effort to refrain from gawking at the sight of Aba. Once he was composed enough, he finally spoke. "I can't pass on the chance to get to know someone with such exotic features -- you're the picture of a cloudless sky, my friend, unmarred by a single wisp of a pale brume and ineffably blue."
Adam Lansen (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Of course we're gonna be friends nose. I've read some of his stuff, and I'm gonna need help writing the obligatory post-service Navy SEAL book" he said chuckling
Martyr Daeva-Lazarus (played anonymously)

"Suh dude!" Martyr issued a mock salute to the man. "You a military guy? That is so neat! Do you have grenades? Can I see them? OOH- what about those bigass guns you guys use?!" The demoness chattered excitedly, looking the man over. "I was in the military for a short time- and I mean really short. Apparently I 'couldn't listen for shit'." Her fingers curled in the air, emphasizing that last bit. "Oh, uh, hey! I know this really mediocre burger joint, the area it's in is super shady, but don't even worry about that. The food isn't that bad at least, and I've only been jumped like... twice on my way there! Wadd'ya say, wanna come?"

Although her intentions are slightly unclear, Martyr seems content enough to invite Adam on a friendly date.
Adam Lansen (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Hell up for going to grabbing a beer with me and some other SEALs and sailors? You'd like one of my buddies. His name is Greer"
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

"Pass, violence is not needed around my forest please sir"

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