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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

"Not a fan of slimes, to my knowledge they're pretty acidic-"

Pass for now
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He perked a brow "I gotta ask Manico, but we can be friends if you're nice....."
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

"You seem not so smart, like me, we can be friendo"
The Mask Merchant (played by Reithesniper)

The Merchant looked at Zex and then continued to make a mask before sliding it towards him "Yess...?"

Twins (played anonymously)

The twins look at her
A: "date, she looks fun"
Z: "no, let's pass on this"
Natalie (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"That's an obvious pass on this one. I'm not surprised much on this anyway."

Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He wan to her with his ears down wiggling and wagging his tail fiercely. He sat against her looking up at her

Twins (played anonymously)

A: "friend, duh"
Z: cuddles the doggo
"There's two of you? And what are you both gaining of this?" Pass
Queen Obsidia (played by Drake_Lie)

"I mean if you are good at keeping people safe, it should be easy to keep me safe, so date"
"Isnt that a terrible reason do date someon.. but yet again Im not in a position to really to judge" he said raising a hand "As beautiful as you are its best if I pass you on this. " he said "As long as im treated well we can be friends.."
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He sat at his side and looked up at him wagging his tail.
The Pirate King (played by Kloomsy)

Kyven scowled. He was never super fond of animals, they always scurried around deck and made a mess of thing.

Even if he liked animals, he was more of a cat person than he was dog. Dogs were loud, excited, and too much to handle. Birds were the most common form of “pet” on a life at sea and he didn’t even have one of those. Unless his messenger raven counted. Sure, once he had a pet cat, but that was years ago before he even thought of becoming a pirate.

“I won’t befriend ya’,” he sighed. Talking to a dog made him feel stupid. “Ya’ know what, let’s get on’ with it. Pass. Damn it.”
"Friend, if you want. There's something fun about meeting new and interesting people. And, truth be told, I make a way better friend than I do partner, anyway!"
Kal'tsit (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"While friends are good and all...It's better you and I do not acquaint ourselves." Pass
Noble Six (played by voidslayer45)

"while i do believe your skill would be appreciative on the field outside of it i see no use for us to intreact" pass
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

"You are interesting, friend"
Natalie (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Eeeeh... Possible friend. Just stay away from Matt. He hates slimes."

Specter (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Maybe when we know each other, but for now, we part ways.” Pass
Maria Frenzy (played anonymously)

"Are you a nun..?" she would ask "Pass for both our sakes.. if she is a nun"

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