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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

Gregory (played by twistedvictorian)

"Friend." Gregory said, "A really good boy." He petted the dog on the head.
Isaac Moriah (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Definitely friend."
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Pass, pretty sure thats a child
Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

“friends not my type and I’m not into girls sorry dear maybe we can hang out some time though you seem like a party person!”
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

Saiken looks at Rin "Shame, not into women, You are pretty none the less, friend!"
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Meh. Possible friend..."


(Editor's note: fixed image)
"Drinking, fighting and video games? I'd say, friend. ...As long as you don't mess up my car."
"Mmmm, that's a pass, pal. Sorry."
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"Imma gonna let one of my children do this"
Silvia: "emotionally troubled? Big pass on me, I'm sorry"
"I like to think we're friends...."
Nearl (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Pass. Nothing against you, but we don’t know each other enough, or really, at all.”
Denise Mueller (played anonymously)

Friend … because you seem like. Good person to have on one’s side.”
She's practically elven nobility minus the pointy ears... Date.
"AH! A warrior, and well ready for battle, friend! Let us share a hearty drink!"
Kurai Zankoku (played anonymously)

“You seem like a good warrior to meet with if you have honor in the heart of the people you fight then I would say friend but if you have no honor and respect to those you fight then pass”
Wally (played anonymously)

"Oh.. You kind of remind me of a Houndoom." He said quietly, but backing away.

"Something tells me you don't like me though.. So, pass." Wally avoided eye-contact and looked down at the floor.
Rain (played anonymously)

*sky was well unsure for him self and just sighed* “let’s go with friends I haven’t made any yet so far!”
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

SECRET: "I like her style. Friend!"

Lockelan: "I agree. Friend."

Keye: "Wow. First time SECRET making a friend... Nice. Also, friend as well!"
Alan Wake (played by Atheist)

Alan gave the group a quizzical look. "Theeere's a lot going on here," he then gestured vaguely to the whole.

"But," he added quickly so as not to stir any hard feelings, "We're going to go ahead and go with friends. Friendship like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival. Some kinda quote I picked up somewhere... Sounds good, huh?"
*Rizzical side eye* "I'd definitely ask you out on a date," Aunn purred. "But I doubt you'd accept."

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