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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"Hmm, you seem interesting, date"
Eric Molder (played by SillySpider)

"uh ... I guess friend" He shrugs.
Javier Escuella (played by Halstarion)

"I have an abundance of enemies and far too few friends left. So, friends?"
Alice (played by Jaws)

The maiden held up her sword towards the man. "I don't know." She lower her sword but still held her guard. "Pass", she said with hesitation.
Red Hood (played anonymously)

He glanced at her and perked a brow before shaking his head "put that butter knife away for now. Friend, and maybe we can spar and see if Ra's al-Ghul's training is any good"
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

"Butterknife?" The butler peered up from his work.

With a soft glow of his red eyes, he smirked.
"Sir, you fail to see how effective an actual, kitchen use, butterknife can be in battle."

Dante (played by Halstarion)

"Oh, baby, I can tell what you are from a mile away. I'd still be down to hang out. Nothing weird." If one can excuse that Dante himself is very weird. "Friends?"
Mudrock (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Pass. I doubt we'd get along much."
Xailah Alptraum (played anonymously)

"Ah, you must be a great fighter, no doubt?" Xailah observed, doing a quick sweep of the snowy-haired woman before her. Despite her short build, the albino looked to be built for battle, judging by her toned sculpt and authoritative stance; straight-backed and unwavering, stiff like stone. "I am sure you have some stories to share. I woud so love to listen, if you care to tell." The cryptid propped her chin up in the heel of her hand, her eyes narrowed into their typical dreamlike state of contemplation. "I could see a fine alliance in our future; if you are willing."

It looks as if Xailah is set on making a new friend today. Hooray?
Alice (played by Jaws)

The maiden looked at Xailah with interest and held her sword low to the ground. "You seem very eccentric...I like it", the maiden said. "Friend..consider yourself spared from my madness."
"I wouldn't mind being friends!"
Blemishine (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Hey, you remind me of a young man that my sister talks about! I can’t remember his name, but either way, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to make friends, would it?”
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He whined and went and climbed under a table and put his head down. pass
Dante (played by Halstarion)

"I'm not really a fan of dogs. Maybe if we were talking a demon dog." Which is very contradictory of him. It isn't the first time and it won't be the last. "But, I'd feel bad telling you to get lost and, hey, maybe Nero will like you. So, friends!"
Torchie (played by SillySpider)

Torchie raised a weak hand.
"I ... can sense you, but heh, I cannot see you.
I'd hope you'd mean well, I'd like to be freinds if so, for what little time is left anyways."
He offers a faint smile.
Jinxx (played by xx_r4t_k1d_xx)

Torchie wrote:
Torchie raised a weak hand.
"I ... can sense you, but heh, I cannot see you.
I'd hope you'd mean well, I'd like to be freinds if so, for what little time is left anyways."
He offers a faint smile.

Jinxx seems to feel bad for the person before her.

"...Yikes, you don't have much time left, do ya? Well, I'd rather you not spend that time alone so... Friends?"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

The dog watched her growling lowly before dropping into a play bow with a big puppy-grin and barking and running around and running back to Jinx and jumping a few times.
Alan Wake (played by Atheist)

"The options here are kinda limited," Alan said, kneeling some and outstretching his hand. "You gotta go with friend though on this. Just look at how adorable you are. Alice would probably kill me if I brought you home though."
Maisi Dennis (played anonymously)

"Friends!" Maisi replies without hesitation, giving Alan a smile. "What better combo than an artist and a writer? I bet if we got together to brainstorm we'd be able to come up with some great stuff. We could even go people-watching later!"
"Date!" Lorenzo smiled. "Help you find inspiration for your paintings while also enjoying the great outdoors. It's a win-win!"

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