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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

( is it ok if i join in on this game :3)
Rain (played by Drake_Lie)

Lilith Graves wrote:
"Well aren't you just the cutest thing? I'd happily be friends with you, you're adorable!" Lilith said with a sweet smile, ignoring the two behind Tuma.
"I'll be your friend" giggles

((You can join any forum game you wish))
Red Hood (played anonymously)

Maxthecoolcat420 wrote:
( is it ok if i join in on this game :3)

(Why are you asking us? Lol)
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( i dont know its better to ask befor just jumping into random things since ive had alot of people get on my ass for just joining random stuff lol )
Lalo Salamanca (played anonymously)

"I'm going to pass. Don't take it too personally, I just don't think we'd be a fit. Lo siento."

(Jumping right into forum games is a lot of fun, and I've found people here to be very kind and welcoming, so I wouldn't worry too much!)
“And I’m passing too. Mi dispiace, but I’ve basically given up on any familia and you just seem to be the person I’m not looking for. But don’t feel too bad, I don’t have to give you the good ‘ol slice-n-dice. I guess that makes you sicuro from me, doesn’t it?”
Alucard (played by Halstarion)

"Pass. I am unfit for this world, and those that reside within it."
Azathoth (played by Reithesniper)

"Then you may live in one of my lovely pocket dimensions, you cant die there.. one big realm of solitude.. or the nightmare realm but I doubt you'd perfer it" he said chuckled

"I take friends in everyone now days even the hopeless"
Lilith Graves (played by CupidL0v3)

"You're adorable! I'd love to be friends with you if you'd allow it, you're just too cute!" She said excitedly with a smile across her face.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( alrighty then so what exactly do we do just like say pass friend or date? I know it sounds like a dumb question lol)
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

(That is exactly what you do)

He sat in front of her wiggling and dancing. His tail wagged as he looked at her.
Azathoth (played by Reithesniper)

Azathoth would look thor "... ok, here have it" he said as he created a steak "Im supposed to be the destruction of all stop being cute...:
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* pulls out a Walkman and started listening to music while occasionally taking drags out of a joint* uuggh so bored
(You're supposed to say whether or not you'd befriend, date, or ignore the person above you)

"Mathius is right. I'll be your friend. Besides, who better than the Fate's Circle's resident tank to keep an eye on you"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( oh my bad id didnt know so then i say one of those about your character right )
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

(Correct, like a big would you rather, kinda-)

Saiken blows bubbles in Draels direction, a smile on her face "Too powerful forgive me" she bowed knowing well to respect a power greater than her own

(Id say try with the next character!)
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( ooooh ok i think i got it now thanks lol sorry agin if im kinda a bother with the questions )
George (played anonymously)

George wasn't sure what Saiken was, he had never seen Mizutsune before, a but that didn't stop him from becoming her friend.

He handed her an apple and grinned. "Ehh?"

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( friend ) * max noticed George * whoa hay man i didn’t know George was actually real
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

The dog sat in front of the man wagging his tail.

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