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Nothing good has ever come from the loathsome taint of necromancy, I suspect the Inquisitor is not inherently evil and perhaps in the earlier stages of her affliction but a ghoul's inevitable fate is to become a scourge to the living, this I cannot allow.

I suspect the Inquisitor carries the burden of this dilemma all the same, I myself sympathize with her cause however upon principle I must either bind or vanquish her to a state where there remains no reasonable precedent that she could become a threat however i will do my best to honor her legacy and see that justice is done so that her soul may be at ease.

I suspect we would not be amicable to each other's presence if not outright hostile. I would pass, but not foregoing her honor and respect.
Alucard (played by Halstarion)

"...Aha, it already seems abundantly clear that we would never get along. After all, would I not simply be deemed another tainted presence upon the land? Not that I disagree, of course. All the same, pass."
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He got between Alucard and Marcus and watched him. Marcus was one of his loved ones, and a member of his pack. pass
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

Her nose wrinkled up a bit once she was in proximity of the German Shepherd. Keiko didn't exactly hate dogs; it was rather their scent was just off-putting to her. "Sorry, pass. I am more of a cat person", she explained before backing away.
"Keiko!" He flew and scooped her up and hugged her tightly. Piano was in his shirt and he put his tiny paws on Keiko and let out a mew.
Axo (played by Reithesniper)

The Axo had caught him on her fishing rod and effortlessly brought him over "My my.. what wonderful power.. but Its too much for me-" she said placing him down "Oh.. this isnt a snack fest, sorry sorry!" She said "I couldn't see myself being rude to you.. so I guess we could be friends
Kavern (played by Starphobia)

"Pass." Kavern said, keeping an emotionless and hard-to-read gaze on Axo.
Death (played by SillySpider)

"Huh? I guess a feline friend wouldn't be so bad.
At least that leaves all my bones intact."
Death looked around to make sure no dogs were around.
Verfall (played anonymously)

Verfall leaned on a fence, looking at Death closely.
"Oh we could so be friends.." He said with a mischievous grin.
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

Oswald "Ozzy" Brown would then think before shrugging slightly but he then thinks for a moment until he FINALLY decides. "Yeah sure. You seem like a interesting dude. Let's be Friends. Hell, i'll show you what i know."
Azereus (played by Claine)

Oswald Ozzy Brown wrote:
Oswald "Ozzy" Brown would then think before shrugging slightly but he then thinks for a moment until he FINALLY decides. "Yeah sure. You seem like a interesting dude. Let's be Friends. Hell, i'll show you what i know."

A dragon from down under. No, I don't accept you into my kind. Pass.
Alucard (played by Halstarion)

"You seem to be more than you appear. Might I say... friend?"
Ukichi (played by Katia)

"A dhampir with a rather famous parent? Should make for excellent conversation at the very least. I'm afraid I don't do casual dating so friend."
Sapphire (played by SillySpider)

"As a hunter of planets.
My mission is to my homeland.
We can be friends but nothing more."
"A friend, perchance? As old as I am, coming across good friendships has been surprisingly scarce - thusly, I will take friends where and when I am able."
Alice (played by Jaws)

Without looking at the stranger, she was already deciding slay or spare. The maiden then took a look at what she was dealing with. She took notice of the stranger's white hair and six blue eyes. It was a nice sight to see, but the maiden couldn't seem to loose her guard around him.

"Pass, now shoo", the maiden said in a haste manner.
Springtide (played by Starphobia)

"I wouldn't mind friends.... But pass..." Springtide's scales turned a soft shade of pale green, indicating fear and uncertainty.
Sanya Sera (played by ALTY_Heave)

Sanya tilted her head to the side, a small smile coming to her face. “I believe we could easily become good friends. Are you up for it?”
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

"Hm. Actually, yeah sure. I could be friends with you. I got nothing better to do unless i gotta start another hand-to-hand combat." Ozzy would say, putting his arms behind the back of his head.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Oswald Ozzy Brown wrote:
"Hm. Actually, yeah sure. I could be friends with you. I got nothing better to do unless i gotta start another hand-to-hand combat." Ozzy would say, putting his arms behind the back of his head.

"Ooh a martial artist. Teach me your ways!", Azumi smiled, "By the way, wanna be friends? I always love making friends!"

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