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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

Kitsunami (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Hi fox boy! My name I'd Oniyan. We can be friends"
Jason Alitt (played by ALTY_Heave)

Jason cocked an eyebrow as he stared at the saiyan. He snickered to himself, stating, “Something tells me that if we become friends, I’ll start getting stronger.”
Torchie (played by SillySpider)

Torchie held up his hand slightly. Unable to see the other. He could still sense their presence.
"You burn strong with a wild energy ... but that doesnt bother me. I'll be your friend while I still can."
He weakly smiles
Cinnabar (played by Foxfarer)

A curious look was present on the mobian's face, tilting her head as she examined Torchie for a moment. She didn't speak for quite some time, making a small 'hum' sound before giving a smile.

"You are dying." She stated...rather bluntly, as she leaned forward. "Though, something captivates me...but, I pass."
Vespera (played anonymously)

Yuck! What is that thing! Pass! And remove it from the shop if it ever comes back.
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Nyehh... I'll pass."

"Wait wait, heh, what's this guy's name again?" Nice Man Blake chuckled, his nicely sculpted brows raised with pure flabbergast. "A fake fastfood-cookin' somethin'-somethin'? Oh, c'mon, that's just-" Pristine white teeth sparkling in his amused smile, he didn't last a second longer until he burst out into full-on laughter. So that was what those lil' dirt-snifflin' casuals were up to, these days? Being fake pizza chefs making.. fake pizza's, presumably? "Nah, that's just way too damn funny. A fake pizza chef? Yeah, Peps, you're totally comin' up in the Glass Spire today." With a swagger-filled strut, Blake moved up to the chubby mustached man, and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. All friendly banter, it seemed like, though he clenched just a little too hard, and his tone was just a tiny bit too patronizing. "Tell ya what, you cook up one of those 'fake' pizza's of yours, and you might just end up leadin' one of the egghead teams for the day. That's definitely gonna show those smartasses how ####in' stupid they look when they put off work like they tend to do." Instead of results, those poor little 'overworked' scientists only brought him excuses. This experience would certainly humble 'em, so that they would finally put in some elbow grease and bring him what he wanted. "Sounds great, doesn't it, Peps? Yeah, ya can thank me later- toodles, now." Then, he turned away and leaned back against a wall, arms crossed. Onto the next silly wretch it was..
Remedy (played by Reithesniper)

"Huh.. has anyone ever told you, that you sound punchable?" She said, reattaching her head.. although its just going to fall off again later "Pass.. he seems.. annoying In a way?"
ummmmm Pass...
Sanya Sera (played by ALTY_Heave)

((Assuming you meant to use your character here, so I'll respond with those regards haha))

Sanya took a moment to think about it. "You seem kind...and I mean, you're very attractive to me," she stated with a small chuckle. "How about we have a date and see how it goes?" the woman inquired. "How does that sound to you?"
Aliyana (played by Espresso86)

Glances over

Um hello, where did you have in mind?
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

Manico seems to not be in the mood, probably got smacked here by Azathoth "Ugh.." she sighed "Ok, your pretty, but pretty weak, Im gonna say friend.."
The Alien Princess tilted her head.
She extends her arms out.
It would be a sign of acceptance as a friend!
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He smiled up at the princess "hi! Your hair tentacles are pretty. Wanna be my friend?"
McMillian Agares (played anonymously)

McMillian, speaking of 'hair tentacles', was holding his four-year-old son, Noah, on his hip, using his long, black hair as support.
"I have a feeling we could be friends." He smiled, as Noah reached trying to pet Piano (the kitten Oniyan had) but wasn't close enough.
Remedy (played by Reithesniper)

"Hm.." she said placing her head back on in the presence of a child "Oh, hello" she said smiling gently "We can be friends although Im not sure you kid will react very well when my head falls off
Odessa Rose (played by CupidL0v3)

Odessa stared at the blue woman, quite intrigued. Though her face seemed uninterested, her eyes showed much interest. The tall woman was unique. And very pretty.
"Here." She said blankly, taking a white rose from her bouquet and placing it behind Remedy's ear before giving a small smile, her eyes softening. "You are gorgeous.."

Since kind aquantence isnt exactly an option, Friend!!
Lei-Seg Frostskader (played anonymously)

Lei-Seg shivered, looking up at Odessa. He reached a gloved hand out for her hand, and if she took it, she would find that it was very, very cold even with the gloves covering them.

"F-friend." He spoke in a soft, shaking voice.
Rain (played by Drake_Lie)

He would look over the undead child in front of him and take thier hand "friend"

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