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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

Alice (played by Jaws)

"Pass. Individuals like you are irritating", the maiden spoke in a disgusted manner. She looked at the dragon-like humanoid. The dragon's colorful scales was giving her a headache.
Colin Craven (played anonymously)

Colin looked the Maiden up and down and shook his head. "No, no you and I wouldn't get along."
"Besides you have blood all over you! What if it contains a disease?" He hissed, "I could get sick from it and die."

"Pass." Colin then refused to look at the maiden in red.
King Thorax (played anonymously)

The changeling huffed softly, looking down at Colin with as disappointed a face he could muster. “You’re being awfully rude right now, young one.” He said, strangely assertive of him. “Well…” his eyes shifted, looking down before once more back up. “If I’ve learned anything, it’s that people can change, and I believe you can too! So, I will be your friend.
the-queen's-spider (played anonymously)

The young earl seemed absolutely stunned by the changeling standing before him.

"Oh! You are so pretty! So elegant!" He began to circle Thorax. "You will be my friend!"

Alois beckoned Thorax with one hand, "Come, we shall go to my estate and play hide and seek in the garden!"

It seemed that Alois wouldn't take no for an answer..
"I wouldn't mind being friends!"
They smile.
Emelia glances over the young individual near her, then continues studying a book called The Inquisition: An Honorable History.

"Call me picky, but I prefer my romantic partners to be not fresh into adulthood, thank you very much."

Another glance. "That said, I see nothing wrong with friendship. You have baggage, sure, but I'm not exactly in a position to talk."
Aunn gives Emelia a sideways glance.

"I mean... if you'd want to... we could go on a date?"

Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Friend. You wanna pet Piano?" He showed her the gray kitten with white feet and black toes.
pinocchio (played anonymously)

"Oh!" Pinocchio gasped.

"Your kitten reminds me of Figaro! My father's cat." Pinocchio smiled brightly, his donkey tail twitching.

The slime wobbles over with a shlop shlop noise.
Stopping just before the other.
It stares at them a moment before cutely blinking.

Then, suddenly changing color and shape, the slime takes the same form as the other.
Mimicking their voice.
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

The four then looks at each other before nodding to each other, choosing their answers.

Hallie: "Well.. I'd say that it looks pretty cute and tiny! Hmm, maybe a possible Friend!"
Lockelan: "I'm siding with Hallie on this one. Friend."
Keye: "Me too. Possible friend as long it isn't hostile!"
SECRET: "No way in hell i am NOT friending a slime. Pass!"

(So... 3/4 friend much- o-O)
The eldritch woman hums. "Alright, rapid fire, let's do this."

She points to SECRET first. "Pass, work on your temper."

Next was Keye. "Friend, hard to date someone who can't even remember their name."

As for Lockelan and Hallie, Isa does not even speak. She simply starts dragging both of them away.

A man with a pickle for a head watches the scene. He holds up a sign that says "Date is her answer to both of them, apparently." He flips the sign. The reverse side says "She has no idea how romance works."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He hugged her "friend!"
Torchie (played by SillySpider)

"Hmm, Friend" He softly smiled.
Azathoth (played anonymously)

"Hm.. what do you see as weeks... in your case I could make them years" he smiled and stuck out his hand "Im Azathoth" he said

Cynthia Dae (played anonymously)

“I’ll have to pass because you are very questionable.”
Friend. "I have a few openings at my company if you're looking to get a head start."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Hi! You have pretty hair! I can be your friend. Wanna pet Piano?" He tilted his head and showed her the kitten on his shoulder
Maki Tadashi (played by Reithesniper)

Maki looks the man up and down "Ooh.. cats" she said before laughing "But it seems your a tad stronger" she said looking directly at Oniyan.. and your peaceful nature makes great Chaos when you get angry!" She laughs "Go makes some chaos for me friend" she said waving him off
* maximus was sitting against his van like a cat would if they found a new area to explore before lying on the side doorway with his long leopard tail hanging off the side * Maximus: hmmm i can't choose between a friend or pass * he said contemplating

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