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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

"I think I'll pass, you're just not my type to hang around with, or date."
Tyler shrugs.
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

"In love with a killer?" He said "Puh-lease!" He said sharply closing his book and switching from his readinf glasses to his normal circular glasses "Im going to pass on you pal-" he said "Before the earthlings get to you, and boy dont they loger a murderer.."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Look, Piano! It's an android Kaishin! Hi Mr Android! We can be friends!"
Lucifer (played by Kloomsy)

Lucifer paused and raised an eyebrow at the man in front of him. He found humans to be annoying, though he wasn’t sure what a Saiyan was. His long nails twirled around black strands of hair into loops and loops, somehow not tangling it into knots. His gaze was lidded and he clicked his tongue in a bored rhythm.

“Pass,” he gave a lazy smile. “Such a boring creature that I don’t want to waste my time on. I’ve lived long enough to know that I don’t care for dull things.”

Of course this ‘Saiyan’ creature would be considered only a thing in his eyes. He believed himself to be better than anyone else that existed, since he was the one ruling over Hell while other creatures worried about what they would be having for dinner. When has he ever worried about something as minuscule as that? His finger stopped twirling his hair around and he sighed.

Maybe one day he would meet someone who would actually be of interest to him.

• [PASS] •
Lexi (played by xx_r4t_k1d_xx)

Lucifer wrote:
Lucifer paused and raised an eyebrow at the man in front of him. He found humans to be annoying, though he wasn’t sure what a Saiyan was. His long nails twirled around black strands of hair into loops and loops, somehow not tangling it into knots. His gaze was lidded and he clicked his tongue in a bored rhythm.

“Pass,” he gave a lazy smile. “Such a boring creature that I don’t want to waste my time on. I’ve lived long enough to know that I don’t care for dull things.”

Of course this ‘Saiyan’ creature would be considered only a thing in his eyes. He believed himself to be better than anyone else that existed, since he was the one ruling over Hell while other creatures worried about what they would be having for dinner. When has he ever worried about something as minuscule as that? His finger stopped twirling his hair around and he sighed.

Maybe one day he would meet someone who was actually of interest to him.

• [PASS] •

Lexi observes the demon before her. A weary look emerges on her face, though she wears an awkward smile.

"Lucifer..? As in.. Satan Lucifer..? God's favorite who was kicked out of Heaven Lucifer..?"

She backs away a fair bit, clearly nervous and intimidated. She wasn't particularly religious, but if this person was truly who they said they were, then she wanted to stay as far away as possible. At this point, her smile had almost completely faded.

"Um... Pass..."
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He went to her and offered her his paw while wagging his tail.
"This is a dog. He's not even an anthromorphic one, just a doggy. I will not a date a dog, but I will one thousand percent befriend one. Give him all the pets!"
Maya (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* looks at isa and smled * id befrend you i mean hell you can give some great deals * she chuckled*
Lenny Martin (played by Jaws)

Eleanor took a good look of Maya. "You are cute", she commented. The lycan thought for a bit but had nothing else to say about the woman. "Pass, I don't we will get along much", Eleanor concluded. She returned back to making buttercream.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He offered her his paw friend
Eric Molder (played by SillySpider)

"Huh, well I guess I wouldn't mind having mans best friend tag along", Eric reaches down and gently scratched the dogs head.
"I would be your friend....." he said quietly
Isa let loose a frown for once, contemplating a relationship with Jin Kazama. "Given the . . . infamy that surrounds your family's business, I'm inclined to pass on romance." Her frown reverted to its standard Cheshire smile. "I'd be fine with being your friend though. Just. . . if your grandfather somehow comes back from the dead, leave me out of the situation, please?"
"I am inclined to think we're already friends. Plus I'm sure you know Astoria.....I'm already happily in a relationship with her"
MOVED TO OTHER CHARACTERS (played anonymously)

"I wouldn't mind being friends, but you most likely can't see or hear me."
Ben calmly said.

Ben finally replied, his hands still in his pockets.
Pumpkin the saiyan (played by Reithesniper)

The woman stared at the Ben, as shes grown.. fond of humans , she ignores his presence and decides not to attempt to fight him

I believe this is a sign of potential friendship?
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He had returned. Piano has grown and Oniyan picked him up "I want to be your friend...."
Aeren (played by SillySpider)

Leaning on his staff he smiles.
"I think we can be friends."
Offering out a friendly hand and a mischievous grin.
I am always a friend to the elves.
"We've met before through your warhound named Thor. I would gladly be your friend"

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