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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

Lo'Ak (played by rockblock1000)

"A warrior," The Na'avi looked Drael up and down, "But not of the skypeople. I suppose we could be friends, but I would beat you in a fight."

(He would not beat Drael in a fight.)
Ronal (played by randomentity777)

"Friend, of course. The way that you were able to form a bond with a tulkun that was considered an outcast has caused quite a bit of interest around you. I am impressed at how quickly you have learned the way of the water."
Pumpkin the saiyan (played by Reithesniper)

Pumpkin stared at Ronal for a moment.. most of the time she'd be all agressive.. but smiled, and nodded her head "Goodluck with your child.." she said

Because she Pumpkin, she's passing
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Pass. I have seen through your race, and I know your lust for power…So I must pass.”
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"You seem like a nice lady!", Azumi smiled at Skadi, "Even if you weren't, I would still like to be friends with you, or anyone! It matters not to me who you are, let's all just be good friends!"
"We're already friends...."
Mine Laru Query (played by Jooters)

"Hmmm... Imma have to say... Friends! Cause I am TOTALLY 100% NOT GAY WHATSOEVER I WOULD NEVER KISS A MAN EVER!" The dragon exclaimed unconvincingly. "I am sure the next person to reply will be a cute girl who would never say no to someone as handsome as me, however~" He added in a bad posh British accent.
Styrmir (played by SillySpider)

Styrmir tilts their head.
Sniffing them, they smell familiar enough.

With a playful poke of their webbed finer on the others snout,
they declare them a friend, for now!
Surtr (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“…Since when is sniffing people a polite thing to do?” Pass
Lucifer (played by Kloomsy)

Lucifer raised an eyebrow and stared at the young woman. His jagged nails drummed against his thigh. His eyes were drooped, eyebrow raised slightly as his nose curled. If it wasn't easy to read what his face was saying, he was unimpressed. To him, it was just another short woman with a personality that didn't catch his eye at all. Her 'cold' personality wasn't cold to him... but then again, he was the literal devil.

"You're boring," he sighed and leaned back on his throne. He stopped drumming his thigh and leaned against his palm, waving a dismissive hand at her. "I think it is quite clear that I am going to pass on you. In fact, your entire existence is repulsive to me. Is there anything interesting about you? I have met spirits in hell with more personality than you, which says a lot since they are screaming in eternal agony."

- [PASS] -
Ciel (played anonymously)

"I already have a piece of shit demon by my side, I don't need the literal devil."
Ciel spat, arms crossed, referring to Sebastian, his demon butler.

Admiral Mayvinn (played by Kloomsy)

Mayvinn raised an eyebrow whenever he saw the little boy. He didn't even look fifteen years old! He opened his mouth to make a comment, but nothing came out. A small smile slid onto his face and he bowed his head respectfully. He wasn't used to speaking to children, it was even more uncommon for him to see a child who was so important to a nation at a young age.

"I am afraid I am going to pass since I am not interested in befriending a child. I apologize--However, I respect your duties and your loyalty to your country. A lot of my soldiers could learn a lot from you, little boy."

- [PASS] -
Toge Amane (played anonymously)

Toge seemed calm, but its clear he wasnt too interested "waffles"

Dobermann (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Pass. Not only are you a teenager which makes you a child, you just don’t seem like any good fit for me.”
"I might try to be your friend if you could help me rid myself of the Devil Gene"
Billy Hargrove (played anonymously)

"Pass. I'm picky about my dates, and bad at making friends."
Lenny Martin (played by Jaws)

Lenny looked at the man in front of her. "Pass, I find those who indulge in being antagonistic towards others very troublesome to befriend or date."
"I don't see anything wrong with being friends, more can lead to new open door to life"
The man faintly smiles before disappearing.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: well then if someone can disappear like a migicion is a friend in my book * max said as he would take drags from his pipe he had
Lucifer (played by Kloomsy)

Lucifer raised an eyebrow and stared at the stranger. Honestly, would he ever find someone who wasn’t boring as hell? No pun intended. Though he shouldn’t be surprised, he has lived a long time and he has ran into a lot of different individuals… they all got boring after a while, especially the ones he never could understand.

“Pass,” he waved dismissively. “I’ve never understood people who enjoy ‘peace’, doesn’t that make your life quite boring? What’s fun about every day being the same? I’d be a dead man if I was forced to sit in a room with you. The boredom would get to me.”

- [PASS] -

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