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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

"My ancestors because of you? I expected someone a bit stronger and better looking. For your sake, I will pass."
Seaspray (played by randomentity777)

"Friend. You seem like you know where to find interesting things, so you could probably point me in the direction of the nearest ocean,"
Crossing his arms over his chest, "Pass."
Michelle drummed her fingers against her thigh as she twisted her head around to look at the man who spoke. Now, wasn't he a handsome thing? Her gray eyes narrowed in suspicion. It wasn't every day that she ran across someone who wasn't entirely mortal, in fact, this was her first time seeing someone who wasn't human. His clothes were odd, yet he was eye-catching and his face wasn't bad on the eyes either. The dagger under the folds of her dress felt heavy as she stood up from her chair and faced him.

"I would love to befriend you, sir," she bowed her head. Her eyes looked up through her lashes as a small smile curled at her lips. "I am afraid I am not one to romance a gentleman I do not know, however, I would find an alliance with you beneficial to my goal. I may even be able to help you with your goal. After all, that is how alliances work, two people working towards one goal or two different goals together. So what do you say? I truly do need the help and you are very promising."

She didn't want him to be her enemy either. He would be a foul opponent to have, it would be best to form an alliance now before he found a reason to kill her. She wasn't a king yet... but if she was one, she had a feeling that he would be a good ally to have by her side.

- [FRIEND] -
Allister (played anonymously)

Hiding behind a doorway, he carefully peeked out to look at the lady.

"Uh.." His voice cracked, and he didn't manage to get a word out.

He adjusted his mask and hesitantly walked to her and held out his hand. "Could.. we.."

"Could we be friends?" Allister's voice was soft, gentle and seemed fearful of the woman for some reason. But despite this, he seemed to want to express that he'd like to be friends rather than pass.
The eldritch woman glanced over Allister's features. "I . . . think this is a child," Isa said. The mask made it moderately more difficult to tell, but she did believe she was looking at a child.

"Dating a child feels wrong, I think." It was strange to her how romance with a child felt wrong when the fact that she used consume the souls of them on a minutely basis did not feel wrong at all. Deciding to just blame the feeling on this humanoid form of hers, she continued. "I wouldn't mind being friends, though."
Indra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“That’ll be a pass from me…but at least ya are decent enough to not want to date kids, I guess.”
"Friend. Maybe we can spar together like with Hwoarang"
Other Characters (played anonymously)


"Hey!! Speaking of sparring!" Hwoarang raised his fists up. "Come at me, fight me!"

othercharacters (played anonymously)

"I haven't the time for those who constantly want to fight." He said with a calm tone and narrowed eyes.

You are quite the eccentric jester. Unfortunately I must tend to matters concerning my realm but I would otherwise have wished to have seen your act, regrettably I must.

“…I suppose it doesn’t hurt to be around people, but you…”

“…I suppose I wouldn’t mind being friends.”
"I'm sworn to celibacy, but I would not mind being friends."
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

"You bring my glorious Primarch Sanguinius to my remembrance. I would draw swords alongside you anytime. May my Emperor's light and might ever be a guide unto you"
Xander Vornn (played by Tyranoth)

I will fight and die by your side brother, and together we shall bring honor to our primarchs legacy. We stand to purge the emperor's galaxy of all that defiles it.

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

i say your a friend i mean im not ne for vilonce unless its the undead but other then that i rather smoke

Enjou (played by Jaws)

The scholar watched a leaf burn with awe. Compared to his appearance, one of his hand was abnormal. In fact, it was orange and clawed. He set his eyes on Max and crunched the leaf.

"I do lava autumn", Enjou said with lots of laughter at his own pun. His hand was suddenly back to well, normal. "You don't seem so bad so why not?" He cracked a smile.

Ivry (played anonymously)

Ivry looked around, feeling someone's presence, but there appeared to be no one around. He didn't like this feeling, but there was nothing he could do about it.

(Automatic Pass, due to deleted character)
It was one of those days when Chrysalia was able to come out of the castle and explore. And on that day, she encounters an interesting soul tethered by one's choice made from the love of a sister.

"Why, it seems like you need a friend..." Chrysalia smiled warmly as she offered her hand to Ivry.
"Friends. You seem like someone I'd enjoy being around. You look rather kind, as well." Constance smiled politely.

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