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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

Ruiz Mazandarani (played anonymously)

“You’re tiny! I’ll date you.”
Kai Grayson (played anonymously)

"wassup dude! I'm straight but i wouldn't mind being friends!" he smiled, full of energy
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He ran up. Instead of just his tail, his whole body wagged. He then took off bolting around with a case of the zoomies. Friend
Venom smiles. *Can I eat him?"
Eddie sighs. "No, venom, he's a friend
"I'd be crazy if I didn't become friends with Eddie Brock and the Lethal Defender himself: Venom"
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

".. I must consult my superiors, to see if we could be friends, it’s a risky job, after all."
Missouri (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"I'll pass, sir. Perhaps there's another person for you out there, but it is not me."
Lord Blackadder (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Befriending you? Certainly not, you are not even funny.

I’ll give it a pass, until it’s improved."
Kai Grayson (played anonymously)

"Definently a pass, you are kind of a bully, you should not bring someone down like that, you don't even know that women. It will surprise me if you have friends. Apologies but if we are speaking about what we think of the other like you did with that women, than I shall with you. So please stop being rude to people you do not know"
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"I’ll give a pass, i need someone who is courageous like my friend Johan is.

When you are complaining, it give the opposite of what i want.

It give me the impression that you are not mature.

Maybe in another life, but, not now.

Not everyone are 'bullies', i heard you have abused of that word in the future.

For shame.

Become a knight or something."
Kai Grayson (played anonymously)

"Sir I am not complaining, if you call protecting someone from what they said about someone that might not be true and making assumptions complaining, then sure I was complaining. We should not be bringing eachother down, but bringing each9ther up, but he said that to a women. I was taught not to talk to one like that, and men should respect eachother as well. But he did not respect that women. And also I have only used the word bully once and it was with that man.

Now since we have to choose since your above me, friend because I think your a swell guy, and I believe I saw you play a flute? Correct me if I'm wrong. And it sounded pretty."
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Kai Grayson wrote:
"Sir I am not complaining, if you call protecting someone from what they said about someone that might not be true and making assumptions complaining, then sure I was complaining. We should not be bringing eachother down, but bringing each9ther up, but he said that to a women. I was taught not to talk to one like that, and men should respect eachother as well. But he did not respect that women. And also I have only used the word bully once and it was with that man.

Now since we have to choose since your above me, friend because I think your a swell guy, and I believe I saw you play a flute? Correct me if I'm wrong. And it sounded pretty."

"He’s a lord, nothing can be done, if he want to say something, he will, it’s his nature.

Thought he helped me greatly before, so, i’m neutral.
If he is not violent, i let it slide.

It sounds too childish, 'he said, she said', bah! It’s useless."

Then he calmed down.

"Why not?, i’ve been playing the flute as long as i remember, wish i was hired for my entertainments."
(( Pssst, this is not a place to reply back and forth. ;)
If you'd like to do that, try PMing each other or using each other's guestbooks. ))
Nina Phelps (played by Dawnia)

(What the Twisted Victorian said. Now, let's get this back on track, shall we?)

"Mmmmm Kai, I may have a dream that I go out on a date with you, but I am forty and married, so .... friend-zone?"

Nina looks at the Pee Wit cartoon character and ponders...

"Hmm... you're cute in that court-jester sort of way, but I'll have to pass."
Kai Grayson (played anonymously)

"well your gorgeous ma'am, i'd date if you were not married" he smiled
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He would sit in front of the man with the puppy wagging his tail before looking at the puppy and dropping into a play bow.
Missouri (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"One could never have too many friends, especially in the four-legged department.

Admiral Mayvinn (played by Kloomsy)

Admiral Mayven enjoyed many types of people. Usually the so called “easy” ones; also known as the people who bought every single syllable that fell from his mouth. In his line of work, he needed people who were easy to bend to his will and follow his every command. He was an admiral, not a flimsy tavern worker! Romance on the other hand was another story.

Challenges always caught his eye. He was a big fan of puzzles, people he could crack open and understand, people who didn’t want to be understood but he did so anyway. But he also hated it. You see, Mayvinn is very distrusting, and extremely two faced. Like a serpent with two heads; cut off one personality, two more will grow back. He’s always adapting to the people around him and always guessing what they’ll like best.

So the character below him? Missouri was her name… well, he found her boring. Stale. Uninteresting. Accomplishments meant nothing to him when the person who earned them felt soft to look at. He wasn’t a big fan of “kind” people, or so called “gentle giants”. He found them to be weak willed.

“Pass,” he smiled. “I apologize, dear, but I’m not that interested. I’m married to my work so I don’t have much time for romance or friendships. Our personalities are quite different from each other as well—I don’t think it’ll work out in any way.”

~ PASS ~
Rufus (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Something he does respect from another, is honesty, after dealing with some cheaters before, he didn’t refused service as he is an employee, not the employer, thus, he is following the rules, he is not setting them.

His personal judgement is his own.

Hovewer, something bothered him from the other, so, he have to be honest as well here.

"I’ll pass, but that doesn’t mean that you cannot shop here anymore, i will be here, if not, well.. I’ll let you know, sir.

Ask my colleagues if you do not see me."
Cassandra Goth (played by Jaws)

Cassandra tapped on her left cheek with one of her long coffin nails. It almost looked like she was going to stab herself with it. Her face showed her hesitance to speak. "I don't mind being friends," she said.

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