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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

Sir Stringer (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Being friends seems to be a good idea, my hotel is missing some friendly workers in it, but that wouldn’t be the main task.

The main task would be to protect the clients from some.. Nuisibles.

I’m still working on a relationship with another, so let’s say that i am taken. Besides, i am picky on the subject."
Theresa Knox (played anonymously)

"Hmm.... you would be a worthy friend to have I think."
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Just friends, besides, it’s rare when i’m starting more with any regular citizens, I.E relationships

It work better with fellow agents when it comes to that, i cannot risk to do everything myself."
Johnathan Miles (played anonymously)

"Just friends!" he smiled and nodded "It takes a lot to make me pass, like if someone was a jerk and I knew them as a jerk then pass, but I don't know you so defienntly friends! And I don't swing that way so it would be date, so friend" he nodded and smiled
Enrico Pollini (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Really sorry, but, pass.

It’s competitors that i enjoy so much, with them, the fun never stop.

If you were one, we could be friends fast, we could go in the most nonsensical stuffs ever, just for the fun of it."
Ofelia (played by Screechening)

"Hard pass... because there's no one here to even speak to...!!" Ofelia shouted in pure exasperation. She even waved her hands around in the general direction where someone would've been. But alas, there was not a single soul in sight.

"I ain't a fan of ghosts, if I had to be honest. I was never good with horror movies..." Ofelia muttered the last part, even visibly shuttering at it.
Bai Yue (played by Straye)

His gaze lingered on the plant fairy, and he certainly found her attractive, however he always felt he was better off alone, so…

“Friend,” he’d say with confidence, as if nothing else crossed his mind. “If anything, we could discuss the medicinal properties of various herbs, or even the aesthetic quality of flowers.”
Johnathan Miles (played anonymously)

Johnathan looked the man up and down "well definently not date as I am straight, but maybe friend, I don't know anything about flowers or any of what you just said, but am sure we could find something to talk about" Johnathan said with a smile.
Amisrin Norvaris (played anonymously)

"Friendship seems like the safest option amongst those I have been presented with. I do not know enough about you to pursue romance, and it seems cruel to pass someone off without giving them a chance."
Eve (played by Evezgaming)

"Friend, I don't know you that well, but I want to get to know you" Eve smiled as she bows
Crepito (played anonymously)

"My advisor Stark says I should be wary of those with horns.. But you really do seem nice." Crepito frowned. "Pass, but only because Stark would advise me to do so. I mean no ill meaning by it." Crepito added.
Dana Wyne (played anonymously)

"I'm afraid I will have to pass. Your name to me has the sound in my head of 'creepedo'.... it was my first impression, so yes, definitely pass."
Cassandra Goth (played by Jaws)

Cassandra ran her hand through her hair to calm her nerves. "You seem nice so friend," she said.
IJN Yamato (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Hmm...I don't see anything that would come between us, but I'm not going to date someone I don't know yet. So, I suppose we could be friends."
ZER0. (played anonymously)

Zero blinked slowly, staring at the floor rather than the person in front of him. “Friends..” He slowly managed to say, his voice robotic, yet slightly humane.
Rose Everdeen (played by Berrystar)

For a moment, Rose played with the ends of her hair as she curiously thought what this being truly was. He may have looked human, yet the robotic tone indicated otherwise. Nevertheless, she smiled softly and said, "Friend." Rose thought he was rather adorable, in the friend like sense, and someone who seemed to need a humans touch.
Marco paused, inhaled slowly, and exhaled even slower... the Venetian blood surged its course from the heart to the very ends of nimble digits, as he spoke ever so softly. to himself... "She is beautiful, elegant, desirable; the long hair caressing her face like morning haze to a field." Cocking an ear, while removing his hat, he could hear her voice, ever so lyrical and sweet. "And the voice, a sweet siren should I have ever heard..."

"Pass? Never say I..."
"Friend...? Should I be so ever worthy?"
"Date..... ? T'would be the ultimate gesture one could make.... and more? If a man such as I ever so lucky..."

Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

"hmm...friend, because I do not share romantic relationships with men, and you seem like a cool guy to be friends with, so friends!" he smiled and nodded
Gear Master (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Hmmmmmmm?" Gear Master seems to be deep in thought before nodding. "Hey, sure, I'll friend you, lol!"
Eve (played by Evezgaming)

"Pass" said Eve as she sat down, playing with her own tail, "I don't know, and what if u are bad??" Eve hides her tail and hides her horns with her hoodie

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