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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

Vee (played by Alien_Princess)

Vee's eyes widen largely and the vae wings attached to their body flutter in excitment. "Friend!" they shout and begin running towards victory with their arms out.
Jip (played by Juls)

"A goblin!" Jip exclaims, drawing his human-sized short sword, which is like a great sword for the gnome before realizing the green creature ahead is not, in fact, a goblin at all.

Maybe some kind of tree spirit. He looked relieved and then replaced the sword. "Definitely a friend!"
Roselin (played by AgitoAceXIII)


"...Eh...You're a little too short in my books, but then again...I don't take height into consideration. Either way, I'd be friends with you."
Kano (played anonymously)


“My~ I am only a simple man with simple desires,” Kano smiled widely, and shifted from his male form, to that of a woman.“Or perhaps, you prefer women?”
Jenaiah Simons (played anonymously)

"I'm gonna have to pass. Nothing ahainst you directly but people, things, that shift to another aren't my thing. Sorry."
Calypso (played by JetStorm)

"Maybe friends...?" the pixie asked
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"i might date a fairy"
That Scaly Rascal (played anonymously)

"Hey, so.. you're a fellow dragon and incredibly cute?" Ren grinned as she leaned in, finding the smaller creature particularly easy on the eye. Her personality seemed quite fine too. This was not an opportunity she'd pass up. "What'a you think? Little flying trip for two~?"

Before she knew it, she hit that stupid wink again. Dumb but charming!
Gerard Price (played anonymously)

"Well, if I'm being completely frank here, I'm just going to go ahead and pass...." Gerard said with a withering smile on his lips.
Angie walks around him before taking a few steps back. Bring her hand up to her face to her chin; tapping one of her nails against her bottom lip. "You're well dress and you have an air of confidence about you. Hmm....I like so I guess friends. We could maybe work on it from there."

"I'm not really sure what my interests are right now...So. Yeah."
Lizzie dixon (played by sarah18394729)

pass sorry love
Jade Newhouse (played anonymously)

"I try not to befriend those who are so much younger than myself, so I'm going to have to pass on you hon. No hard feelings, yeah?"
Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unta (played anonymously)

“Just anotha posh umie wiff squishy bitz. Pass!”
Calypso (played by JetStorm)

"Can we be friends?" she asked the orc curiously.
The Wanderer (played by Burrito)

"Pass. With all due respect, i'm afraid your superiors wouldn't exactly approve of our companionship."
Jadis (played by Juls)

Friend... or perhaps at least an ally.
Corrin (played by AgitoAceXIII)


"Well, you look like you need a friend...So, I'll gladly be friends."
"I always love making new friends!" Beatrice giggled, hugging the girl.
Pint (played anonymously)

"Uh... pass, sorry, I ain't the huggin' type."

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