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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

"Oh I am sure we will make the greatest friends, and easily make a shuttle full of gold in the process," Pix claims with a smile at pint. Truth was, it wasn't friendship she was after. A quick view of the man and she was certain he was the perfect specimen she could manipulate into doing what she needed to, in order to further her own profit margins.

Of course she planned to share, but her possibly ignorant assumption was that the 70/30 split she planned to offer wasn't something pint would decline....she didn't figure he could count that high.....some friend Pix will be.
Pint (played anonymously)

Pix Feir-Sil wrote:
"Oh I am sure we will make the greatest friends, and easily make a shuttle full of gold in the process," Pix claims with a smile at pint. Truth was, it wasn't friendship she was after. A quick view of the man and she was certain he was the perfect specimen she could manipulate into doing what she needed to, in order to further her own profit margins.

Of course she planned to share, but her possibly ignorant assumption was that the 70/30 split she planned to offer wasn't something pint would decline....she didn't figure he could count that high.....some friend Pix will be.

"60/40 and we have a deal, mate."
Iris (played by JetStorm)

"You seem cool,lets go get some coffee together sometime" she said with a warm smile.
Alexandria (played anonymously)

"You seem like a nice lady! Surely we can become friends."
Azura (played by AgitoAceXIII)


"I'm very much up to become friends..."
Pearl (played by LittleLilac)


“As much as I believe that any singer can melt my heart, I wouldn’t romance you. There’s someone greater than me out there for you. But I would very much love to be your friend, if you would consider me such.”.
Charlie (played by Pen_Tsunami)


"Maybe we should get to know each other before we draw false conclusions..."
((Ignore this))
Thorin stared at the man before him, before sticking out his hand. "I guess we can be friends."
Charlie (played by Pen_Tsunami)

Charlie looked at you.

"I'm a girl, but we can still hang out in the fallout gardens..."
Jessica Rivera (played anonymously)

“I’d be friends. I need more friends...
Liza (played by Serpentina_Winter)

"friend then"
Sabermoor Monarchy (played by Lanx12)

In all my years of travel to lay eyes on one as beautiful as you I am truly honored to meet you. Perhaps friends and then maybe something more. On my oath as a knight of the order of light.
Xepil (played by MordosKull)

"Ugh, paladins, grrr. No thanks. Pass! Grr!!!"
“You could be my friend! I love getting to know people that are different from me” Cornelia said with a smile.
"then allow us to be friends"
Shade (played by LillyBlack79)

"Ah, you are just the perfect person I would like to be friends with!" Shade said with a dark giggle and wide eyes with a pretty smile.
"I have a favorable friendship with you if tell more about human culture," Amarkun asked politely as his voice of his metal body allowed him to do
Renidik (played by SkinnyCracker)

"You seem as to have some great friendship qualities. As though I have never met before, you and me shall be great friends." Renidik said with a smile.
Jip (played by Juls)

Hmmm...are you animal, veggie-ta-ble, or mineral? I'll take a chance and say we could be friends!

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