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Forums » Forum Games » Kill~ Hit~ Or kiss!

BIT (played by GingerHades)

<Unidentified Species detected. All acts of violence towards a creature, human or otherwise, is strictly prohibited. Threat Level: Medium. Approach with caution.>

Of course, BIT can't kiss, either, because it doesn't have lips. Exercising caution, BIT approaches the alien, and once it feels it is at a safe distance, it raises a metallic floating paw and gives the alien a gentle pat on the hand before running off.

Guess we can say this was a very friendly hit?
Cat scrolled the small being with curious eyes as she couldn't help but notice its fairly close resemblance to a dog. Though she did wonder what exactly it was and how it came to be, it wasn't anything she's see as kiss-worthy. Just intriguing enough in a way that made her think. "I'm really sorry but I'll have to go with hit for now. In any other life, I'd love to still be friends though."
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*he looked at her with sad eyes* “I’m sorry but can I kiss your cheek as in a friend way…?” *Riku went on his tiptoes and kissed her cheek*
Dobermann (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“I’d rather you didn’t do that to me.” Hit, though, not with her whip
“Totally kiss… I MEAN” Rowan looked around, her cheeks red. “SHUT UP” she yelled although no one was saying anything
Laurentius (played by hexblading)

The man gave a long, rowdy laugh from deep in his gut and slapped his knee. Oh, the sight of youth pushing away their emotions almost brought a tear to his eye; such things were so adorable when one was still so young. He walked over to the young lass and gave her a light hit to the back.

"Oh, if only I was young like you again. So many things I could've done with my time."
Faust (played anonymously)

“What can I say?” The big guy half heartedly shrugs, laugh lightly rumbling. “I like myself somethin’ tall, blonde, and smooth talkin’.” Rus spares a toothy grin. Not at all aware that it isn’t as polite looking as he assumes it is. “I’ll take a kiss, pretty boy.”
Looking the man over, Sabrina's nose lightly wrinkled and she shook her head. "Your a little too bold for me buddy so I'll go with hit." She climbed up a few steps of the ladder she had gotten from Home Depot on the way here and lightly smacked his arm. "Also how the hell are you so tall? The **** kind of milk do you drink???"
Gold (played anonymously)

The parakeet male slightly hummed before smiling a bit, before giving Sabrina a small kiss (more like a quick peck bc he is vvvv awkward bird boy) on the cheek, his feathers fuffing up in embarrassment, him slightly covering his face. he s in embarrassment. he quickly shifted into his parakeet form and scurried away

Burt let out a war cry and drawing his gun, started chasing the parakeet around. Blam! Blam! Blam! His shots echoed all over the place as he set out to kill - and cook - the bird.

"Woah, woah, stop flittering about, you livin' chicken nugget! I'll turn you into a PIE!"
Kiran (played by Leighoflight)

Kiran pats the aggressive wombat on the head. "Good boy" Trying his best not to laugh before running away.

Iskandar (played by hexblading)

The paladin simply stared at Kiran with a look that was best described as contemplative. Surely he wouldn't kill the good doctor, not with the good terms they were finally on. He wouldn't kiss him either, given their sordid and troubled meeting, but he wouldn't outright hit him, either.

These games were always so complicated, and Connor never liked complicated things.

So he just patted Kiran on the back, and walked off.

Eric Gwàiwù (played by Dib2435)

" Of for the love of the supernatural, this is easy! Hit! " Eric said before he hit Connor at the back of his head.
Quinn (played by Rayne_Storm)

"Woww! You really just hit him, and for what?" Quinn questioned as he frowned before hitting Eric as hard as he could.
“The less questions you ask, the better.” And as such, the android gave the person a hit, and then walked away like it was nothing to her.
Carmine- Crimson Origins (played by MangoNekros)

YoRHa got a nice taste of Carmine's 'Blood Spike', being forced into the air after being hit by some type of formation of... crystalized blood? "I hate people who think they're all that. Not all that enough to dodge my Blood Spike, were you?" he asked
Zoey Robinson (played by Dib2435)

" Hit! " Zoe said from far away as she through a softball super hard at Carmine hitting his back
Hiroko Himura (played anonymously)

*he frowned looking at the girl with a sad look in his eyes* “I’m sorry to do this…” *he gently hit her on her arm shaking his head*
Balthazar (played anonymously)

With an assertive paw, the cat bapped Hiroko over the top of his foot, claws, however, detracted. There was a vague flick of the tail and by the looks of his blown pupils, Balthazar seemed rather intent on something.

The feline's gaze appeared to be fixated on something dangling quite obviously from Hiroko's face -- ah, the piercings! That had to have been it because now the eager little pest was attempting to scale the tall figure in order to reach and hunt down these enticingly pendulous trinkets.
"Heeeere, kitty kitty kitty!"

Without very much warning (aside from her sudden shouting), Balthazar was unceremoniously scooped up by Bailey. After receiving a brief kiss on the forehead, he found himself in a tight squeeze of a hug before the kid finally let him go.

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