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Forums » Forum Games » Kill~ Hit~ Or kiss!

Finny (played anonymously)

"Hey! Don't hit the young master!" He frowned, and then hit Lappland back.

Dr. Todd Swordson (played anonymously)

He would gently Gibbs-smack the boy on the back of the head "as much as I watch NCIS, I've never done that. I apologize, young man"
Sakura the Hybrid (played anonymously)

*punches him in the face* you look like your a bit stuck up
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"...Go to horny jail." Fake Peppino pulls out a no-horny bat. (FOR OCCASIONAL REASONS LMAO)

...that means HIT if your wondering.
“That was good…however, given the circumstances, this must be done.” Insert her just giving a gentle hit to this man, because she doesn’t need him dead or see a reason to actually kiss him.
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

He would open the face plate of his suit before putting a kiss on the tip of her nose.
Daniel McGrath (played by Malacath)

Daniel looked over the metal suit, eyes glimmering with fascination. Oh how he'd love to take it apart just to see how it would tick. Or even better, hack into it to see just what it could do.

"I have to say, I can definitely appreciate a fine piece of art. And from the looks of it, the suit and the owner fit that description perfectly."

Gently taking the other man's hand he felt the metal, enjoying the smooth texture on his fingertips before gently placing a kiss. Was it a bit cheesy? Oh absolutely! But it was fun nonetheless!

Miryu Ikazuchi (played by Reithesniper)

She loked an Daniel.. and sniffed him for a moment

Before punching him in the chest, she wasnt trying to hurt him like at all but the other two don't sound too appealing.. so take as less of "Ill break your ribs" punch and more of a "Suprise gut punch"
Sparrow (played by Claine)

Ooooh you're so cute! Look at your beautiful traditional garb! I bet that was expensive huhuhu!

I'd give you a little kiss on the cheek <3
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He jumps up on his hind legs trying to lick her face as he wagged his tail.
Omori Kodachi (played anonymously)

Omori gives the doggo a kiss on the forehead "Good boy!"
The Drifting Servant (played anonymously)

Asmi looked a little nervous. The other two option’s weren’t exactly his cup of tea, so..
The ghost boy goes for a hit, but that doesn’t matter, because it goes straight through anyway. “I-I’m sorry!-“
Dobermann (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"...How in the..." Well, you can't exactly kill a ghost, nor can you exactly kiss it, so Dobermann goes for the hit, but if ghosts work the way they do, then that hit didn't connect due to......reasons.
Jinxx (played by xx_r4t_k1d_xx)


She lightly hits Dobermann, unsure of what else to do.
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

He honked her nose, but gently "that counts as a hit!"
Aizen Franks (played anonymously)

…A robot? Or was that a mech suit? That definitely perked the researcher’s interest, but he already had more important of a project to work on..

With as much as he didn’t want to touch the thing, he suppose he didn’t have much of a choice, flicking the thing. That being..a hit.
William Afton (played anonymously)

He carefully looked around, raising a brow underneath the yellow rabbit mask. He could have sworn he had heard someone wandering around.
"You don't have to hide~" He said in a eerie, sing-song voice.

Kill (that is, if the character hadn't already been deleted :P)
He would lift his giant blade and cleave downward. His blade cutting William in half, as well as pulled his soul and spirit into the pocket universe inside the blade where he will be slowly torn to bits for all eternity, and would be fully conscious.
Miko the Immortal Slime (played anonymously)

She looks at Drael.. she didn't necessarily approve of him.. she wouldn't kiss him.. or kill him.. she would give him a punch, her arm kinda splattered on his stomach

"I tried..." she said seeming a little disappointed in himself-
*sighs and gently hits her* Nothing personal.

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