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Forums » Looking for RP » Werewolf looking for friends (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I just made Bernard now CUZ I FELT LIKE IT. I'm bored.
So yeah, Bernard is a charrie I've kinda been sitting on for a little bit, and now I want to get him out into the world. He's the sweetest little guy ever and he's lonely and needs some love.
Anyone? :3
I've got a werewolf named Rae. Check her out!
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Cool enough. She seems more feisty, compared to Bernard's mild manner.
She can be fiesty, but still laid back.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

He likes laid back. He's very laid back.
Shaien (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Maybe this girl will work? :3 She has a somewhat split personality between her human form and her troll form but both of them are fully aware of each other and help each other out. Her human form she shows during the day, but at night, she lets go and her troll form takes over. Both sides of her two totally different people. But both sides have a soft side that they share. :) You can check her out and see what you think!
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Ok, cool. Berny will get along with just about anybody xD
Shaien (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Alrighty then. XD How should we start this thing up?
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Idk. Is there any specific plot you wanna do?
Beast (played anonymously)

Well this character isn't a werewolf, but he's pretty similar XD
Check 'em out ;)
Shaien (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Since I am too lazy to think of one, how about we try doing one based off a song? XD They all have good plots to them.
Hazel (played by epimyth)

Hey there. Would this character work for you? She's a tad bit younger than yours, but that can be overlooked. What do you say?
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

@beast: ooh, I always enjoy a good experiment xD
@shaien: any song you have in mind? I've never done one off a song before
@hazel: she'll work. She might as well be a loner for all the crap she has to put up with...
Hazel (played by epimyth)

So how're we gong to do this? I'm excited. PM?
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Bernard likes to explore, and wolves in the wild attack loners that pass through their area. Maybe he could accidentally wander into her pack's territory and they attack him?
Just an idea.
We can do PM or forum, I don't really care xD
Hazel (played by epimyth)

Sounds good to me. I vote pm. Ready to start when you are. c:
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Ok, I sent you a PM.
Shaien (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Well, any of the songs from Simple Plan will do. XD I love them!
I have Atrixian & moon, You can find Atrixian under "The Gentlemen" under Demetri c; Message me if you're interested c:

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