This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
I was curious as to whether or not anyone is interested in playing a game of DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) Pathfinder edition. So far, I and two others are interested, with our DM being a man of the furcadian stature.
We do have an idea of a setting. A vast land, where elves live on high mountain castles, and that the land does not have an ocean, but rather, lakes and rivers. More details will appear, after brainstorming and prodding the fellow that is to DM.
The current characters are 1 Human Witch. This is a relatively new idea, and I believe that I am the only one, out of the two players (so far) to have a character race and class picked out. I am certain that all base races, core races, and the "other" races will be acceptable. Though, we are using a 20 point buy system for stats, and I am not certain if those 20 points will be spent if a "special" race is chosen.
The method of the game will be played on Furcadia, if all the users frequent Furcadia, or, if there is a mixture of users. If there are any questions, do feel free to send me a message, or post your concerns below. Though I must warn the reader, Dungeons and Dragons includes dice rolls. Lots and lots of dice rolls. To those that have played, this is common sense, but to those that have never rolled a dice before, it may seem strange, and unusual.
We do have an idea of a setting. A vast land, where elves live on high mountain castles, and that the land does not have an ocean, but rather, lakes and rivers. More details will appear, after brainstorming and prodding the fellow that is to DM.
The current characters are 1 Human Witch. This is a relatively new idea, and I believe that I am the only one, out of the two players (so far) to have a character race and class picked out. I am certain that all base races, core races, and the "other" races will be acceptable. Though, we are using a 20 point buy system for stats, and I am not certain if those 20 points will be spent if a "special" race is chosen.
The method of the game will be played on Furcadia, if all the users frequent Furcadia, or, if there is a mixture of users. If there are any questions, do feel free to send me a message, or post your concerns below. Though I must warn the reader, Dungeons and Dragons includes dice rolls. Lots and lots of dice rolls. To those that have played, this is common sense, but to those that have never rolled a dice before, it may seem strange, and unusual.
DOWN! Do I sign in blood?
You are just in time, accept it. Jokes aside, the other player will be on vacation in two days from today. However, I do know of another adventure being created, but it is for 3.5, not 4th edition.
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