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Forums » Looking for RP » A Dragon in Vereldane (Fantasy Adventure (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hi! Pen here! I decided that i obviously need another roleplay on my stack. I want to make it clear that I am Extremely slow at responses, sometimes going as far as a whole couple of weeks. I don’t need reminders, especially if we’re already just chatting in the meantime, I’m just busy and that’s all.

Character profiles real quick!! Just the first three. Their profiles are currently really scrunched up. Anyways this roleplay is loosely based off D&D and what i remember watching my mom play Dragon Age. It’s a high fantasy roleplay with technology pointed towards the Middle Ages, but arcane power leaving the door open for all sorts of stuff. However, those born with Magical gifts in Vereldane are sort of forced into the Magus tower until they can prove their importance to society. How that works isn’t developed yet because I was more focused on distinguishing The Common Tongue from the human language and all that business on my current and largely unused world building doc. Also, all lgbtq-phobias are non-systematic and uncommon in this cool medieval fantasy because I Said So :^ ).

Don’t worry about this thing’s length too much!! I really only require 2-4 paragraphs! Other than that, my only other rules are not to refer to my characters in second person and please write in third person. I’m free to chat to ooc and making friends is one of my main goals when it comes to roleplaying!! This can also be a 1x1 or a group of 3 and multimusing is very much so allowed!!
Starter w/ map

Vereldane was a human nation that sits between dwarvish Mintrine to the south, human Delpenstal to the west and elvish Torinil to the north. To its east is the bright blue Vivan sea, and further on, Osusia. It is a beautiful, warm country. Its Monarch rules from the tall, white stone of the Icarus Tower, the tallest building in all of Vereldane. A glorious palace built as a testament to humanity’s power, its shadow stretching over the city of Delphine.

But, this story does not start in the Icarus Tower, or Delphine, or even in the surrounding Delphineshire. Instead, it starts in the Rynshire to the north, in Grandspire. A place that, while still home to a construction powerful and beautiful such as The Church, it cannot hold a candle to the Icarus Tower. And, while the Delphine’s problems include intense political intrigue in which rests the safety and stability of Vereldane, Grandspire’s problems are much smaller. More meaningless to history.

Orcs clans are nomadic, they travel here and there, and it is not completely surprising that one has eventually found its to the forests of Grandspire. The forest is a bountiful place. Unfortunately for all, the humans do their logging in the forest and groom it for lumber purposes. Gandspire and the orcs are at odds, with many fights being petty and not often worth the resources used. As the orcs have made themselves more comfortable, they have become more bold and the squabbles have become less petty as they gain more power. Grandspire and its civilians have decided to put an end to it once and for all.

The militia has been ordered by The Church to fight the orcs. They are joined by the Rynshire Mercenary Company, hired by Grandspire logging. This is the first group to be “led” by Elwin Rolfe, a woman who has been apart of the militia in Grandspire for a near thirteen years. She is deeply indebted to The Church after it chose to spare her life when its court ruled out of her favor. For these last thirteen years, she has held a nameless rank with no power, no honor, and no respect. At least, on a legal basis. Time creates these things naturally. All of Grandspire knows Elwin’s name, they know her power, and honor her and respect her name. It was about time that The Church began to as well.

However, what Elwin led was a rag-tag group of militiamen who desperately needed the experience of battle. When The Church had heard of the hiring of a mercenary company, that was when it was decided Elwin would lead. It was a simple group of willing town eighteen folk needing experience and thirteen bodies that, if lost, would not be a drain on Grandspire’s resources coming to a head with a posse of maybe twenty orcs. Elwin, though not hopeful, was sure no one would die at least.

So, Elwin was mounted onto one of the militias' horses. An older blue dun mare put in barding of spaced splints on dark green leather. A horse that was certainly not Elwin’s own. No, The Church and Grandspire would not allow her to own any form of property, so it was likely Elwin would leave the mare safely on the hill and hope it did not find some unforeseen way to die. The Church would love for that to happen, another zero to the end of a never-ending and forever increasing line of zeros of Elwin’s debt.

Behind her, her troops tried to stand at the ready. The mercenaries conversed amongst each other, making plans Elwin was sure would conflict with her own as the mercenaries of the Rynshire Company were ought to do. Her men fiddled with their weapons and chittered nervously. One of the mounted fellows in the back startled their horse and almost tumbled off the side. Elwin gave an aggravated sigh and set her jaw. She had come up with a plan that would split her group into thirds, but for now, she would wait for the return of Scout Briar to bring news about the Orc encampment.
Just a little more!!

Alright! So you made it this far!! For that I wanna clarify that the encampment isn’t gonna be the main plot, but instead there’s gonna be a nifty little dragon attack. The (first, hopefully) major arc of this roleplay is gonna revolve around defeating the dragon while also revolving around the development of relationships (platonic, romantic, rivalry) and such as. It’s just ur basic adventure roleplay with more mom friends.

If you wanna jump in and can’t/don’t want to come up with some wild, mystical, way of getting your character in there, or just want an easy way in that fits real nicely consider:
> Your character is apart of the orc encampment. Maybe they are an orc, a member of another race who has fallen in with the orcs, or a prisoner of the orcs. *If they are an orc please don’t play them as the big, horrible dipwad. Those characters just don’t really work for me and orcs are supposed to be primitive, but not unintelligent.* They might inherently know: Nobody.
> Your character is apart of the militiamen. They are probably, but not necessarily, younger or newer to Grandspire. This is one of their first genuine skirmishes. They might inherently know: Elwin who is described, but likely not close. Moriah, a child who can be explained later, closeness can vary. Grandspire’s history and people in general.

> A mercenary. They probably have experience as an adventurer or a mercenary, but this could be their first or just one of many runabouts with the Rynshire Company. They might inherently know: Phillippa, soon to be described, to a varying degree of closeness.

> Just a woodsmen. They heard a commotion and wandered over just in time to get caught up in the dragon mess. They might inherently know: Elwin, but only by brisk rumor. Maybe Grandspire’s history and some of its wood-related people.
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 20%
Iron age
Combat 40%
Unrest may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat may be summarized.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » A Dragon in Vereldane (Fantasy Adventure (closed)

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