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Forums » Looking for RP » Wrestling Role Plays (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Luna Wolf (played anonymously)

"Luna, you gotta sharpen you skills more. Make sure you tuck your head down when getting slammed into the mat." Luna's wrestling instructor was coaching to her, calling out demands while watching her work in the ring. Luna was slowly getting better and better at her craft. She nodded to what he was calling out. She took a few breaths in and out, making sure to do them quickly before attempting to do more moves.

About a hour went by. Her instructor called time and said that was enough for today. After Luna climbed out of the ring she sat down on the outer edge of it. Her instructor walked over to her and handed her a bottle of water.

"That was some good work out there today champ." He patted her on the shoulder.

Opening the water bottle, she quickly took a drink and said, "Yeah. I can tell I'm getting better at selling my snaps and diving off of the top rope." She took another drink of water.

Her instructor nodded in agreement. "Where do you see yourself if five years Lucy?"

She shook her head. "Not really sure right now".... she was catching her breath....."But wherever I go, i definitely wanna make the fans happy and make all of you guys proud of me."

The instructor smiled and said "Make sure you tell them "Matt Lancer " sent you. My name is huge in this business. "

Luna gave a thumbs up as she finished off the water bottle.

Matt put his arm around her. "Come on, I'll give you a lift home." Luna grabbed her stuff and headed out of the gym right behind him.

After they got in Matt's car, Luna took out a protein bar from her bag. She opened it and took a bite of it.

Matt kept his eye on the road in front of them as he saw he open up the protein bar.

"Make sure you eat good tonight okay? Remember, in two weeks we have our big opening so I need you ready. I need you to bring your A game."

"Consider it already brought." Luna shot him a smile.

"Saying it and proving it are two different things Lucy. Okay? Just keep calm and stay focused. Remember to keep doing your cardio every morning and jogging too."

Luna nodded. She hated going home. She knew one of two things were gonna happen everyday. One, her mother would be out or passed out or two, her father and mother would both be out or would be home partying.

Matt felt really bad about her home situation. He would offer her his spare room but he didn't want the other wrestlers to get jealous and think he was favouring her. Also she was just 17. It wouldn't look good in a lot of people's eyes, even if it would be better for her.

After Matt pulled into her driveway, he wait for Luna to get out to say something to her.

"Hey Lucy, we all love you okay sweetie? Stay safe. I know you don't wanna be here at your house right now. But don't worry, someday, a wwe talent will be there and soon you'll be on your way. You got the talent for it girl. Keep your head up, alright?"

Luna nodded and gave him a hug before he drove off.

She walked to her front door and pulled out her house keys.

She quickly got inside. As she looked around the living room. Yep. Just as she thought, both of her parents were passed out. Beer cans were everywhere and the tv was left on.

She grabbed a blanket and put in over her mother and father and went to her bedroom. She took a shower and cook herself a big meal. She did the dishes that were in the sink including her own and went off to her bedroom.

As she pulled the covers down on her bed to crawl in, a knocked was heard at her door. She got up and answered the door.

It was her mother. "Hi sweetie. Noticed you did the dishes. I was gonna do them in the morning. "

"It's fine mom. You always forget to do them."

Her mom looked around her bedroom for a few minutes before speaking again.

"So could l barrow like 200 for the rent sweetie?"

"What happened to the money you had mom?"

"Well your father wanted to go out and party so we did."

Luna let out a sigh and mumbled under her breath. She got out the money from in between her mattress. She made sure her mom couldn't see where she hid her money at. She walked back over to her mom and handed her the money.

"This all i had saved up mom. Please pay the rent."

"I will honey. I promise. "

Luna knew how her mother's "promises" went.

Luna nodded and kissed her mom on her cheek and went to bed.

So I'm looking for someone to help me keep this story going. I want your character to be from the wrestling team back at their gym. Maybe your new to the scene? Maybe your a personal? Maybe your related to "Matt"? The choice is yours to decide. You can be either a male or female for this role. I don't mind eother one and you have to be a human character. If you would like to do this role play with me, please feel free to message me here or in my inbox, wolfzone92.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Wrestling Role Plays (closed)

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