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Forums » Art & Creativity » I want to Publish my Stories Online

I’m an amateur writer, as in, I write short stories and work on a novel on and off. I want to publish these short stories and eventually novel excerpts online to market myself and seek feedback. What sites are good for that?
One of my closest online friends uses Wattpad....I'm personally not familiar with the program but I can see if she would be willing to talk to you about it if you would like?

PM me if you do plz :)
DazzlingDragon Topic Starter

I'm actually familiar with Wattpad; I used to upload writing there but I haven't used it for a long time. Can't remember why, but the place doesn't have the greatest rep these days, it seems. However, I might consider trying it again anyways, so sure! Let me send you a message real quick.
I highly suggest
i've heard many good things about ao3 / society of our own; it was very much recommended to me when i asked the same question :)
Sunflower wrote:
i've heard many good things about ao3 / society of our own; it was very much recommended to me when i asked the same question :)

Archive of our own you mean?

That is almost exclusively for fan fiction. You can upload original work but people usually don't and it's not often read on there. It is a good site, just not for original work.
DazzlingDragon Topic Starter

Thank you guys very much for the suggestions. I might actually check out Archive of our Own to read sometimes but as a writer I almost exclusively make original content. Booksie seems really good for writers, though. It looks like they even have tools for connecting writers to professional publishing companies, or something along those lines.

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