Luna was in the library researching demon marking, always researching. She had yet to find out what her mark ment. Sighing she opened another book and started reading. The Villain organsation had offered to answer that for her right before she escaped, no, never again. It was all because of her quirk that her life had been ruined. She would only use her if it was life or death, but the other was fine. Those were normal as long as she didn't show that she had multiple Quirks.
Archie walks into library, his backpack rolling along besides him as he was looking at it, keeping enough focus to not run into anything, then stops at a book shelf and starts looking along it, grabbing as many as he could about different types of quirks, and walks over to a table...sitting down. He opens up the first book and his backpack rolls over to him, stopping next to him
Luna had sinced someone walk in, she looked up and saw a blue-headed guy sitting at a table. He seemed to be reading about quirks. So she wasn't the only one with questions, that was good to know. Her quirk reached out and she stopped it. No, she must learn to control it better. The stupid quirk kept trying to study or take another person's quirk. At least this time she stopped it. She turned on a computer and looked up and continued searching, but this time she looked for her quirk, All for One.
He keeps reading"What are the links...what aspect could be used to disable a quirk"He mutters to himself, not meaning to talk out loud, as he puts the book down open to a page and opens up a few more, putting the open books side by side...his backpack still on his side, not moving
"Hmm? Why would you want to disable a quirk?" she had heard him and walked over and sat down.
He looks at her"Y-you heard me?"He sighs lightly"Well reasons...It would be a good tactical weapon..."
"Yeah, so I've heard..." she looked down thinking of her quirk and shook her head. "But if the villain league got ahold of it there would be chaos and possible even more death. They almost did once wit-..."
"That's why I was gonna make the device require my quirk to use"He shrugs"but they almost did get a hold of what"He turns and looks her in the eyes
"Umm, there was a rumor going around that someone had the quirk All for One, and that he/she escaped from the villain league a few years ago with the help of a demon. Supposedly that person is still in the area..." She looked up and saw he was staring at her.
"All for one?"He says and tilts his head, reaching into his bag and taking out his laptop he opens it up and starts typing, researching that quirk"Hm...anyone could do this kind of search...Hey, what do you know about this quirk"The part about a rumor he just dropped...more interested in learning about the quirk then about the rumor
"W-well quite a bit, I've done lots of research about this quirk for curoity and other reasons. It is a very dangerous and possible helpful quirk depending on how it is used. Supposedly if the wielder is strong enough they can even edit the quirk. It is a very infamous one after all..." She pulled out a notebook from her bag and started drawing a symbol. She looked up, "Why you ask?"
"I see...And I was just curious is all...If it's infamous we need a counter to it then"He says thinking"But to be able to edit your quirk...depending on the scale of it...that is able to be an incredible powerful ability"
"Yeah, I guess..." She flips threw the sketchbook. passing by pages of a lab, people, and a demon mark. "Well, I just realized I never got your name."
"Oh, I'm Archie"He says with a small nod and puts away his laptop"And you are?"
"I'm Luna, nice to meet you, Archie." She puts her journal in her bag. "Hey out of curiosity whats your quirk? If you don't mind telling me that is..."
A robotic hand comes out of his bag and reaches up to her, holding out as if ready to shake her hand
As he does that he opens his laptop and logs in"Technological control"He looks at her"I can show you some more of its traits...but in exchange what is your quirk"
As he does that he opens his laptop and logs in"Technological control"He looks at her"I can show you some more of its traits...but in exchange what is your quirk"
"Cool and mine is called... umm" Mind: frick what am I supposed to tell him? Wait I can use one of the others... "Understand, I'm fluent in all languages."
"In all? Does that include stuff like programming languages?"He asks, with a small smile as the hand pulls away and retracts into the bag
"Yes, but it gives me a headache trying to do coding for more than 3 hours." Well, that went well.
"I see, so does it also give you a headache to talk in other languages if you use your quirk?"
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