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Forums » Looking for RP » Sci-Fi Adventure! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The planets and their species (plus some backstory):

Avianya'll, the Avians home world. A slightly smaller than earth sized ocean covered planet with a few islands. The oceans are vastly unexplored and are known to have a massive variety of native sea species including gigantic species. There are currently a few ocean research/exploration teams of Humans operating in Avianya'lls enormous oceans. The Avians are a bird like species, standing three to four metres tall. Their feathers a dazzling, shining light blue, and they have great and powerful black beaks and claws. The Avians are a loving, benevolent, intelligent species. They care for all other less evolved bird like species on the planet and have a profound respect for all sentient/intelligent life forms. They developed portal travel through the use of wormholes and bending the space time continuum. They achieve this through a combination of technology and their own brain stems biology to create powerful, large gateway portals which can allow huge transports to travel from system to system through. Through the use of their newly invented brain stem technology wormhole portals, the Avians began exploring nearby systems and finding life forms and planets with oxygenated atmospheres. At first they found Gudobus VI and the Ghakvrons, then the Deatuene moon and finally by a freak accident and malfunction they teleported to earth many galxies away (7 billion light years away), and they found a wartorn earth, struggling in the midst of global catastrophy from climate change. Ten million humans were able to make it through to the Avians home world to escape the doomed planet earth before the portal closed. The Amalgamated 3 Confederacy was started, and the construction of 'The Capitol' on Deatuene began. The population of Avianya'll is three billion, two billion Avians, 750,000 Humans, and 250,000 Ghakvrons.

Carthe, the 'homeworld' of the deadly Kukaad Infection. Carthe is a massive, small moon sized asteroid from a huge asteriod belt orbiting the EB-VOS12 system. The EB-VOS12 system is mainly used for mineral mining operations. It is the closest system to the Deatuene system. On asteriod Carthe, a deadly virus was found in the form of a toxic spore cloud (Kukaad infection) which is excreted by the native Bahulu-Kark slugs, when they encounter predators. These toxic spore clouds, when inhaled by carbon based lifeforms, cause a delayed reaction which takes over the victims nervous system, causing them to become enraged and vicious, devouring all other fauna, carbon based lifeforms they come across, effectively turning them into zombies. The Bahulu-Kark slugs are grey slugs which are generally 1-2 metres long (adult sized) and roughly 30cm thick. They have a singular bulbous, slimy, yellow eye protruding from their head. The deadly Kukaad infection spores are released from yellow sac glands all along each side of the Bahulu-Kark slugs bodies.

, the Ecumenopolis (slighlty larger than Earth) sized moon orbiting an orange gas giant, capital trade and population moon of the The Amalgamated 3 Confederacy, the planet is also simply known as 'The Capitol.' Deatuene is a full moon wide city (Ecumenopolis), (similar to Coruscant from Star Wars.) The entire planets population is roughly one trillion. most of the skyscrapers and buildings which completely cover the planet are two to five kilometres in height. There are many, many levels to the urban sprawl, hundreds, sometimes up to thousands of levels deep until the planet surface, and even then, there are further underground systems which house even more of the population. Generally the closer to the surface or underground levels below the surface, the more crime and the less law enforcement there is. Upon initial colonisation by Humans, Avians and the Ghakvrons, there was no intelligent life, just a simple native species which were wiped out when the planet was initially being built into the moon wide city. The moon was chosen to become the capitol of the The Amalgamated 3 Confederacy because it harvested the best conditions to suit the Avians, The Humans, and the Ghakvrons optimally. It had just the right level of gravity and oxygen and a comfortable day/night cycle to reasonably suit all three species.

Gudobus VI, home to the Ghakvrons, a sentient reptillian/dinosaur like humaniod race, they have hard, scaled, light brown skin, two small horns above their eyes, and three clawed fingers and a thumb. The species is heavily cultural and benevolent, with a devoted religious practice and colourful vibrant cities made of the ever available glow stone. The planet is a dense gravity, rock planet with no water or plant based lifeforms. There are a few native reptillian, dinosaur like species which are similar to the Ghakvrons although smaller and non sentient. They don't require Food and reproduce Asexually. Ghakvrons have long life expectancy (200 + years.) Gudobus VI is often plagued by heavy weather, including; huge dry thunderstorms, strong winds and occasional volcanic activity. The population of Gudobus VI is roughly thirteen billion, nine billion Ghakvrons, three billion Humans and one billion Avians. There is an equal and symetrical distribution of the glow stone cities around Gudobus VI, in the shape of the Ghakvrons religious symbol. The Ghakvrons, humans and Avians live in peace for the most part, together in the glow stone cities all around the planet. The Ghakvrons are always respectful of the Avians but they are weary of the humans and this can sometimes cause minor tensions. They developed basic interplanetary space craft and set up a few outposts on the three moons and a basic underground outpost colony on a nearby snowball/ice world, Gudobus VII. The Ghakvrons were extremely happy when the Avians came to their planet through one of their wormholes. This happened before the Avians rescued the last humans. They reguarded the Avians as highly respected and never had any conflicts with them. A mining ship delivering ore to Gudobus VI unknowingly caused the outbreak of the Kukaad Infection on Gudobus IV. The planet was then Quarantined and no ships were permitted to leave Gudobus VI.

** So if you're interested, we could come up with some characters and a plot for this setting. It would be good to get two or three other people to do this RPG with. Maybe our group could be part of a military armoured suit group sent into Gudobus VI and stop the outbreak of the Kukaad infection from getting worse. Or maybe we could explore the vast oceans of Avianya'll as a research/exploration team. Or we could even adventure in the underworld of the expansive sprawling metropolis of Deatuene. Or expand and discover new planets and lifeforms or any number of other plot ideas we could work with. Let me know if this seems like a fun RPG setting that you would like to explore.
Magic 10%
On very, very, rare occasions there may be unexplained, POSSIBLY supernatural events. Minor "environmental" magic. Perhaps implies the existence of a deity or supernatural entity. Or perhaps it's just tricks?
Technology 80%
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (generation ships)
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Sci-Fi Adventure! (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus