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Forums » Looking for RP » Fantasy themed RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Howdy, bud!
With the creation of my small list of characters, I've decided to give my fiendish rebel a shot. Introducing Albicas, the demon of rebellion. He can fit into just about any setting that has fantasy elements and possibly even sci-fi if we spin it hard enough.

I'm not too picky about who I roleplay with, just give enough info for me to work with (even just a single paragraph is good enough for me if it conveys enough).

Sample Ideas:
I know I need to bring some stuff to the table. As such, I have created a small list of prompts that we could look into for our devilish friend. Just keep in mind that these are sample prompts made purposefully vague. We can discuss many more ideas in PM's or possibly even use some of my other characters:

Visions [Modern/Hidden Fantasy/Adventure]
- You've always seen things since you were a child. Shadows on the walls, tricks of the light, people who weren't there. It's for this reason that you were always the odd one out growing up, and when your parents tried to get you on medication it simply got worse, even if you stopped seeing most of the illusions. And yet, there is one particular figment of your imagination that just won't leave.Then again, watching it make bunny ears behind the teach's head is a good laugh every now and then.
"Care to tell us what's so funny, Y/C?"
Or not.

Misfire [Midieval/Adventure/Fantasy]
- This is it. It's been a long road, but you are finally ready to become an official mage. You just have to summon your familiar. Nothing could possibly go wrong...

Cult Classic [Any Time Period/Fantasy]
- So, this is how you die, huh? Surrounded by cultists and sacrificed to some crazy demon thing. At least the knife in your chest stopped hurting a while ago.

And that is all for samples. For those interested in genres such as romance or 18+, I'm perfectly fine with those too, though it may come off wierd since I have yet to try those out. Hope to hear from you all soon!

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Fantasy themed RP (closed)

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