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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking to Play My Temperamental Sorcere (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

[*] Listening to Florence and the Machine really made me want to play my character Luna. I'm sorta bad at thinking of plots, but I don't mind discussing them!

She's not exactly a pleasant woman and has a lot of violent tendencies. A big plot device I tend to use in her RPs if I can't ever think of one is searching for a way to lift a spell off of her, which simply binds her magical ability in a way.

If you'd like to play or learn more just send me a comment or PM!

What I'm looking for though:

-Paragraphs! I like to write a lot, and I don't really have fun if I'm writing only a few sentences. I don't have much to work off of that way. :(. So if you can feed me a lot, I'll give you a lot in return!

-A player who doesn't mind violence if it comes to it (it probably will, she has a really short fuse.

-That's pretty much it lol.
She sounds like a peach. I'd love to RP with her. :D

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking to Play My Temperamental Sorcere (closed)

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