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Forums » General Roleplay » Love is Blind (1x1)

Faye (played anonymously)

Faye sat on her bed. When Amy had left it had been six thirty; now she counted the minutes left for it to be seven and be able to see again. The idea was beyond crazy. Sure, guys were nice to her, and many of them were close friends to her, but none would ever be willing to have a relationship with her. After hours of Amy trying to convince her, she had finally accepted to go to this blind date. She was kinda starting to regret it.

Amy had just arrived to her cousin's house. She knocked on the door, grinning widely. She was such a matchmaker.
More Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)

(Max is the lucky guy for her :3 I have just very barebones right now, I'll flesh out more as our RP goes on!)

Max opened the door, rubbing his eyes and letting out a yawn. "Amy..? What are you doing here?" He stepped outside, closing the door behind him and stretching. "What's with the grin? You're ridiculous." Max was just waking up, of course. He was more nocturnal, even if he wasn't quite a full/normal vampire. Daylight wasn't that bad for him, he went out in it all the time. But he liked to sleep through daytime when he could, because nighttime was so much more fun.
Faye (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Vampire, yay! And don't worry about him, It'll do! XD)

His cousin rolled her eyes at him. By the looks of it, he'd slept through the day, again. "I have news for you, you're going to prom!" She slipped under his arm and walked into the house, looking around. "When was the last time you cleaned this up? Ugh, I don't even want to know." She sat on one of the sofas. "You should already get yourself a tux."
More Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)

Max frowned when she walked in with him. "I don't need to clean it, nobody ever comes over unless I want them to. Now, what's this about prom and a tux? Just why would I be going to prom, and why would I need to get a tux? I already have one that's nice enough."
Faye (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"You'll be going to prom because you'll have a date, you'll have a date because I got you one." She grabbed a cushion and threw it at him playfully. "And you'll get a new tux because it has to be perfect, not 'nice enough'." She smiled at him. "C'mon, it's senior year! I won't take a no for answer."
More Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)

Max took in a deep breath through his nose and sighed, batting away the cushion easily. "Who is this 'date', then? And do I have to match my tux to her dress? It is a she, right?" It had better be. If Amy was setting him up with a gay....well, she'd have some marks on her neck to explain soon, because he would not be happy at all.
Faye (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Relax, Dracula, I have it all covered, and yes, the date is a she." Amy giggled, crossing her legs. "And I don't think she minds wether your clothes match or not." She cleared her throat, all business now. "Anyways, you two have a date tomorrow at the ice skating rink. Eight o' clock."
More Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)

Max frowned at the 'Dracula' comment. "Watch it, Amy, you're in my territory." When she spoke, he rolled his eyes. "The skating rink? Fine. Am I picking her up or meeting her there?" He rubbed his head. "Eight in the evening, right? Not morning." He sighed. Well, might as well. He didn't have anything else to do.

(going to bed because early work day tomorrow, I'll post tomorrow either before or after work! :) )
Faye (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Sure, night!)

Amy laughed when he said she was in his territory. "Yup, the skating rink, eight in the evening. I'll drive her there." She rubbed her hands evilly. "Her name is Faye and that's all I can tell you for now. Just one more thing, when you have a kid, if it's a girl, you'll name her after me for being so awesome." She always had to add a comment like that one.
More Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)

Max rolled his eyes when she spoke of having kids. "You've got to be kidding, right? Kids are monsters, even more of a one than I am. Besides, it's a date, Amy." He smirked a bit, deciding to have fun with his cousin since she liked to have fun with him. "I'm surprised you're trusting her to me, though. Vampire is just one step away from succubus, y'know." He winked.
Faye (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Amy gave him a look. "Don't you dare get overly 'frienly' on the first date. If things go smoothly, you'll get something even better than that. A freaking girlfriend." She yawned and got up. "Well, my work here is done, and since I doubt you have any food, I'll go home." Amy walked over to the door. "Eight! Don't go late!"
More Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)

Max sighed. "I never said I wanted a girlfriend. Sheesh." He waved her away. "Yeah yeah yeah. Go on, you're annoying me. I won't be late." He rolled his eyes and walked her to the door to make sure she would leave without bothering his things. Then, he went to get a snack from the fridge. Great, a date. A blind date. Oh goodness.
Faye (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Should we timeskip to the date?)

Amy waved him goodbye and walked away singing. At last those two would have someone! Well, only if it worked, because if it didn't, they'd probably end up worst. She sent Faye a text, telling her the good news.
Faye blinked several times when she got her vision back and after a couple of minutes, she received Amy's text. Oh, hurray, the guy had accepted.
More Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)


Well, the day and time had come. It was eight o' clock, and Max was standing at the door to the skating rink. He was dressed in casual clothes, a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt with a jacket on over it. He was waiting, and still trying to decide how he could end the date quickly. Amy probably set him up with a nutjob.
Faye (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The hour Amy had set was perfect because Faye was able to see. It was up to her to tell Max about that tiny detail. Amy had to practically drag Faye there. She waved a Max when she saw him and nudged her friend to do the same. Faye just gave her a look. She was wearing jeans too and a Linkin Park t-shirt with a hoodie. "Awkward..."

"Don't be shy, Faye, there he is!" Amy said pointing at Max.
More Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)

Max looked over when he saw Amy. Oh great. What was SHE doing here? He walked over and took Faye gently by the arm. "Hey Amy, isn't this supposed to be a DATE? As in, two people?" He did not want his cousin hanging around, especially when she was playing matchmaker like this. He often found her unbearable, but it was even worse when she was like this.
Faye (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Faye smiled at that. He did have a point. Amy swatted her hand and started walking away. "I was about to leave, don't worry, you'll have time to talk and do everything you want. Don't take her home too late because her father will kill you!" Faye let out a laugh. "She's worst than mom."
More Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)

Max rolled his eyes, letting go of Faye as soon as Amy was gone. "She's worse than anyone. Are you ready for this, then?" He went inside with her, and got them skates. "I don't know why you're friends with her, she's such a pain when she does these things."
Faye (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Don't be too harsh. At least she cares, I mean, she cares way too much sometimes but she's a good friend." She looked at him for a moment before looking away and focusing on the other people there. "How did she convince you to do this anyway? You don't look like you need help getting dates."
More Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)

Max shrugged. "I guess." When he spoke of convincing him, he shrugged. "Well, I hate when she tries to play matchmaker, but after she had it all set up, I couldn't really say no. It'd be something to do, too." He put on his skates. "What about you? How'd she convince you of this?"

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