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Forums » Looking for RP » Seeking RP. Multiple openings. No player (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Heyo. I'm up for an RP today/tonight. Can be shortish. Can be a long term. Long term is preferred. Can just think of a thing and see how long it goes. My characters are pretty much mostly human, and those that do have another form are mostly in their human(oid) form for RP. Preferred settings for this go are modern realism, modern light fantasy (think early Supernatural- The Things are there but barely anyone knows of them), or steampunk. I do a LOT of subgenres within (horror, crime, drama, etc.). I generally prefer to work a plot out with my potential partner, but towards the bottom of the post are some very general ideas that are easy to build off of.

Style FAQ
This is a link.

Character Types I Have (no sheet links yet)
- Humans, modern realism (civilian, organized crime. Fits Rhys Aeron Moon, Albert Charlot Coupe, and Regina Viktoria Baardsson on my page.)
- Human, steampunk (Rhys Aeron Moon on my page)
- Humans, modern light fantasy. (civilian, organized crime, some monster hunter types Fits Rhys Aeron Moon, Albert Charlot Coupe, and Regina Viktoria Baardsson on my page.)
- Single-species shapeshifters, modern light fantasy.
- The literal devil, modern light fantasy. (Lux B. Phillip on my page.)
- Werewolf (I do not play with "shift at will," "just basically an anthro/furry wolf," or "I have full control over my werewolf form" types.)

Super basic generic plot bases
- There is a Thing that's going around and killing people. It must be stopped.
- A local "civilian" type of character gets unwittingly pulled into an organized crime plot.
- There is an organization that regulates and keeps track of the local... not-so-human parties. They also "deal with" the ones that don't like to follow the rules.
- (Steampunk) Sometimes, pirate ships like to take more than material goods from the towns they pillage. What happens with their human cargo? Well, depends on what purpose the pirates can see them fulfilling, doesn't it?
- Feel free to contribute your own! :)

Please note that I do NOT roleplay with players or characters under 18. No exceptions.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

I would be intrest

i'm very interested! i'm okay w using humans + a fantasy theme close to early supernatural's theme, though i don't have any ocs on here that would really fit the more darker themes, or at least, i think you prefer using more adult ocs! i do have a and lots of ocs there that also fit the requirement for being able to fit into fantasy themed rps, and i also try to give lots of detail in replies!
EvisceratedUnicorn Topic Starter

I keep forgetting to add that I don't RP with people under 18 (I don't do sexual themes- I just don't feel comfortable RPing with minors). Oops. Sorry!
EvisceratedUnicorn wrote:
I keep forgetting to add that I don't RP with people under 18 (I don't do sexual themes- I just don't feel comfortable RPing with minors). Oops. Sorry!

I understand that's alright
EvisceratedUnicorn Topic Starter

Still looking. <3

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Seeking RP. Multiple openings. No player (closed)

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