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Forums » Introductions » Newbie

Hi, my name is Lillia, or Lill if you prefer, I'm a newbie roleplayer, in fact I've only roleplayed once with friends and it was pretty casual but I really liked the experience and would like to give it another shot. That particular roleplay was a zombie apocalypse kinda deal, some of the characters were regular humans but some had powers as a result of different situations prior to the apocalypse, for example they were used to experiment on and stuff like that, asides from that I'm open to any type of RP.

I also like writing but I'm not too sure about starting my own RP just yet, I want to learn a bit more of how people outside my circle of friends usually roleplay and stuff like that, I'm looking forward to meeting new people hopefully make some friends and rp together :3
Hey! Welcome to RPR, I'm a newbie too! This place has a really good community and great Rps, so I think you'll enjoy it :).
Welcome Lillia!

There's a ton of different styles of play-by-post RPs. :) So I'm not sure you'll find a "usual". But jump into a few and see what you like!

Happy RPing!
Hi Lillia!! Welcome to RPR! I hope you have fun here and that this is an easy step outside what you're used to! Be sure to check out the roleplay forums once you're ready!
Welcome to the Repository
Welcome to RPR Lillia_leaf

You'll discover that there are a great variety of experience levels for roleplayers here on rpr, and the admin and moderators have made this a very welcoming place for new players, be they experienced roleplayers or brand new role players! In addition I've seen a lot of zombie apocalypse rps around while browsing the site, so I'd say there is definitely a market here for that if you're interested in pursuing another rp in that particular genre.

I personally have rp preferences and a master list of stories and characters on my profile you can find by clicking my user name if you're interested in taking a look at me as partner, otherwise looking at the Looking for RP is a good start to finding a new rp to join, or even to propose your own!

This is absolutely the best rp site on the internet, and I would dare say the best website on the internet, so I am sure you'll find the community very welcoming and have a great experience here! Welcome to RPR!
Heya welcome to RPR! <3 I'm positive you'll quickly find lots of great games and fantastic new friends. The RPR community is very active and kind, so don't be afraid to ask questions or talk to people.
Hey Lillia! Welcome to RPR!

Hope you're settling in okay. If not, and you've got questions, feel free to ask. There are so many helpful people around. :D

Cheers to making new friends and finding fantastic RPs!

Welcome to RPR!

I hope you have lots of fun here! ^^

There is the Looking-For-Role-Play (LFRP) section to find new partners by responding to ads or making your own plot pitches!
There is a "Find RP" search feature that can help you find things a little more quickly as well!
Don't forget there are roleplay groups that are open for people to join that are separate from PMs and the public forum!

I have noticed there is a little something for everyone, and if its not listed then don't be afraid to share your own ideas! The community is very kind and welcoming to all forms of creativity.
Hi Lillia, welcome to RPR! :)
Hi Lillia welcome to RPRepository. 😃
you'll have lots of fun here. 👍
Hello Lillia and WELCOME TO RPR!! :D

Hey Lilia. I am new too. Welcome to rprepository. I can be your rp partner and friend.
Hey Lil Happy Halloween! Hope you've settled in :)

Hello and welcome to RPRepository.

Welcome to RPR!

Welcome both to the site and rp. If you ever starting an rp or just want to ask some questions about rping. My door is open lillia
Welcome, hon! Enjoy your time here.
Welcome to RPR!


You are on: Forums » Introductions » Newbie

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