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Forums » Introductions » My Introduction

Hi, I’m FireBlue. I am a proud Roleplayer and have been RP-ing for 3 years now, my favorite type of RP would be a Fantasy Genre RP, for those are just amazing and fascinating. I recently made my own world for RP over at Discord, I call said world: ‘Realm of Discord’. This world is a Fantasy Genre world where Fantasy creatures thrive in great towns and cities. Hope to RP with you sometime!
Welcome to RP Repository, FireBlue! :)

You can use the Looking for RP forum to try to recruit players for your Discord game. (And check out the current threads to see if there's anything that sparks your interest!)
Hi Fireblue, welcome to RPR!! I hope you have fun here! I hope you find some nice roleplayers! Be sure to check out the forums once you're ready!
Welcome to the Repository
Welcome to rpr FireBlue!

I think you'll find the fantasy genre to be quite popular around here, as you might already imagine. Plenty of people here also use discord too so it's possible you could find new additions to your discord crew here (and yes it's okay to advertise on this site for that).

If you're interested in an rp with little ol me, you can find all of my preferences and a masterlist of stories and characters on my profile by clicking my user name. You can also find plenty more with others on the Looking For RolePlay forums!

If you prefer to chat, or have questions you can feel free to mail me also :) otherwise I will simply welcome you to the RPRepository, legitimately the best RP site (and literally website) on the internet!
Heya welcome to RPR! <3 I'm positive you'll quickly find lots of great games and fantastic new friends. The RPR community is very active and kind, so don't be afraid to ask questions or talk to people.
Hey! Welcome to RPR!

Hope you're settling in okay! If you've got questions, feel free to ask. There are so many helpful people around. :D

Cheers to making new friends and finding fantastic RPs!

Welcome to RPR!

I hope you have lots of fun here! ^^

There is the Looking-For-Role-Play (LFRP) section to find new partners by responding to ads or making your own plot pitches!
There is a "Find RP" search feature that can help you find things a little more quickly as well!
Don't forget there are roleplay groups that are open for people to join that are separate from PMs and the public forum!

I have noticed there is a little something for everyone, and if its not listed then don't be afraid to share your own ideas! The community is very kind and welcoming to all forms of creativity.
Hey! You could even make a group for your realm here and invite us all to join :) I haven't done fantasy in a hot minute though!
Hi! Welcome to RPR :)

Welcome to this fine upstanding called RPRepository created by Kim.

Welcome to RPR!

Welcome to RPR!


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