This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
“Is that normal?” -Someone, somewhere, probably right before they died (I have no imagination for a quote right now)
Your character is a scientist on a discovery spaceship, which has just picked up a cargo of dark alien life forms. My character is among them. Along the way, one of the crew is attacked by an alien and, after a while, is diagnosed with an infection from a puncture wound he sustained during his fight with the alien. He soon starts to turn into one of them, and so, instead of letting him, the crew kills him. Soon, though, the aliens (including my character) break free of containment, and your character is attacked. They sustain a puncture wound, but my character saves them and carries them off before any of the other aliens can kill them. Later, my character learns that, because your character has been infected and is turning into an alien, they can communicate with each other. My character helps your character hide from the humans and learn to live with their new abilities/condition.
Roleplay Generals -
Genre : Science Fiction
Genre Definition : Based on the impact of actual, imagined, or potential science, often set in the future or on other planets
Long Term or Short Term : Long term
Romance -
Yes/No : Yes
(If Yes) What Gender Arrangement : Any arrangement where I’m female, but lesbian preferred
(If Yes) What Age Ranges : Low twenties
Number of People -
Number of People In Total (Including Me) : 2
Number of People Still Wanted : 1
Warnings -
Angst (0-10) : 8
Violence (0-10) : 8
Sexuality (0-10) : 4
Other(s) (Please List) : Torture (in the form of cruel experiments), betrayal
Your character is a scientist on a discovery spaceship, which has just picked up a cargo of dark alien life forms. My character is among them. Along the way, one of the crew is attacked by an alien and, after a while, is diagnosed with an infection from a puncture wound he sustained during his fight with the alien. He soon starts to turn into one of them, and so, instead of letting him, the crew kills him. Soon, though, the aliens (including my character) break free of containment, and your character is attacked. They sustain a puncture wound, but my character saves them and carries them off before any of the other aliens can kill them. Later, my character learns that, because your character has been infected and is turning into an alien, they can communicate with each other. My character helps your character hide from the humans and learn to live with their new abilities/condition.
Roleplay Generals -
Genre : Science Fiction
Genre Definition : Based on the impact of actual, imagined, or potential science, often set in the future or on other planets
Long Term or Short Term : Long term
Romance -
Yes/No : Yes
(If Yes) What Gender Arrangement : Any arrangement where I’m female, but lesbian preferred
(If Yes) What Age Ranges : Low twenties
Number of People -
Number of People In Total (Including Me) : 2
Number of People Still Wanted : 1
Warnings -
Angst (0-10) : 8
Violence (0-10) : 8
Sexuality (0-10) : 4
Other(s) (Please List) : Torture (in the form of cruel experiments), betrayal
No magic at all.
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Hello I would be interested in doing this should I pm you or are you going to pm me
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Hello Darkness, My Old Friend (Sci-Fi Rp) (closed)
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus