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Forums » Looking for RP » We Are Legend (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

“Don’t. Touch.”

Your character lives in a city, where mysterious disappearances and brutal killings have begun. One night, while your character is on a walk at night, something attacks them, but they’re saved by a different humanoid creature (my character). The next night, my character kidnaps your character in their sleep, and when your character wakes up, my character explains that the population of a different world (one of urban legends and monsters) is now on earth, and there is no way to put them back in the other world. Our characters have to find a way to stop the monsters from destroying the world and the human race.

Roleplay Generals -
Genre : Magic Realism
Genre Definition : Magical or unreal elements play a natural part in an otherwise realistic environment
Long Term or Short Term : Long Term
Literacy Level : At least two paragraphs on average, three preferred, more if you want, less if absolutely necessary but not preferred
Romance -
Yes/No : Yes
(If Yes) What Gender Arrangement : Any arrangement where I am female
(If Yes) What Age Ranges : Early 20s
Number of People -
Number of People In Total (Including Me) : 2
Number of People Still Wanted : 1
Warnings -
Angst (0-10) : 7
Violence (0-10) : 7
Sexuality (0-10) : 3
Other(s) (Please List) : Creepy elements, threats between characters, tension
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 50%
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Romance 40%
Romance is slightly desired, but the overall plot is more important.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.


Eve_is_Back Topic Starter

RedPandaF0x wrote:

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » We Are Legend (closed)

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