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Forums » Introductions » HAVE NO FEAR!!! I AM HERE!!! HAA...HAA..HAA!!

HAAHAA! Sorry, I just had to use that line from My hero. It's a pretty awesome line honestly. I can feel the hope he gives people when he uses that line.

I don't think as myself as a good person in introducing themselves, so, forgive me lack of confidence.

I'm 'IVExplosiveVI', or you can call me Vince for short. Once we get to know one another well enough? You can come up with a nickname (if you like).
As to why I chose my name the way I did? I wanted something close to a 'Gamertag' and combined with some spice of myself into it. Thus--- The birth of 'IVExplosiveVI'. Haahaa--- No? Well let me explain; The 'IV' and 'VI' mean nothing, other than showing a Gamertag like feel. But the word in the middle: 'Explosive'? Comes from my emotional reck that often gets displayed as anger, rage, and/or chemical changes in emotions. Thus I chose 'Explosive' for that very reason.
Mind you, I will be trying my best to watch myself of course. And better sert myself with others both on and off here.

Some of the interest I like out of life?
Anime! Anime for sure! Along with its originator, Manga! I also enjoy American films (both old and new). I also enjoy gaming!! If that isn't already obivious enough!!
A thing you should know? My Roleplay's are incourage by both inside and outside of originalities. Top it off, I also need some rythem sometimes from other sources, such as; music, or (every once and awhile) silence. I'm thinking some of ya can get what I mean by this... At least I hope!!

Oh! And I also draw! It's been rather incouraging to work and work more on my skills, but honestly? I do lack the full determination into drawing. Mind you, I do draw when I feel like it. ^^

Anything else I miss?
I suppose I should make out that I do have some to a few disabilities. One is spelling, not sure what the exact wording is for it. But know-- I do try my best to write the words out proper to the best of my ability. And I have one MAJOR disability, or illness, that many seem to have a tough time believing me when I say it. Probably cause I'm more *open* To it, than most are. But my illness is 'Schizophenia'. For those who are unsure of what it is? It's a sickness/illness that's in the brain. It can cause all sorts of things, what it mainly revolves around? Is Hallucinations, or illusions. And ya, its honestly a pretty tough illness to deal with. Luckily for me though? I found a fighting drug that aids me and counter-acting it. ^^

Now I think I got everything out of the way---

I hope to hear from ya people sometime, and hopefully we can work well enough with one another to create a grand story!!!

*Cue A French Guy Kicking Down The Door*

Honhon! Bonsoir, Mon Ami! Welcome To RPR! 'Tis Wonderful To Have You Here! And, No Worries, You're Not The Only One Who Can't Spell. XD If You Have Any Questions, Let Alone Any RP Ideas, Don't Be Afraid To Ask! Happy Writings! :D

And- That Line You Used- It Was Amazing.
Welcome to RPR, IVExplosiveVI! :)

Enjoy your stay and good luck finding all sorts of wonderful RPs!
Welcome to the community, Vince :D

:star: Welcome to RPR :star:
Hey there!! Welcome to RPR! I hope you have fun here!! Be sure to check out the forums once you're ready!
Hello and welcome to the site! I hope you're settling in okay. If you have any questions, feel free to ask as there are a ton of friendly people around that are willing to help out with anything you may need. Cheers to making new friends and finding lots of fun RPs!

Hello and welcome to RPRepository.


Now that you have been detonated.... Welcome to RPR Vince!

Hi there! I'm Hibari.
It's nice to meet you and WELCOME TO RPR!
I hope you're enjoying your stay so far. HAVE FUN!
Welcome to RPR, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
If you don't enjoy your time here, I'll cuddle you. And you don't want that.

You are on: Forums » Introductions » HAVE NO FEAR!!! I AM HERE!!! HAA...HAA..HAA!!

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