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Forums » General Roleplay » Highschool Star(1x1 with Celtic)

Dominik Seikatsu (played by Rhythm)

The talent show had just ended,and everyone had left the school,well,maybe not everyone.
Rin sat in the back of the auditorium,with her back against the wall she ran her pick along the strings of a guitar she had found behind the curtain of the stage. As she played a song,she hummed along to it.She was unaware someone else was still at school,for all she knew,she was alone here.
Cecil (played by Sweetyceltic)

Cecil stopped hereing some music, and he followed it. Finding the girl playing he smiled " wow, your pretty good. What song is that?" He asked her.
Dominik Seikatsu (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

She stopped playing at the sound of the boys voice,she smiled slightly“Thanks,and,i havent really thought of a name for it yet..” Rin might like music but she did make little worldless songs herself..
Cecil (played by Sweetyceltic)

Cecil sat down at the piano near by " I prefer a piano though, I taught myself" he said with a smile " i'm new here. and im a bit lost" He said laughing softly A bit of his Italian accent could be heard.
Dominik Seikatsu (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

“Impressive” she looked up at you “So your the new boy i heard about earlier today,and i dont even know your name” she thought for a moment “need a guide or something mr no-name?” she asked getting a small piece of her white hair out of her face,and her wolf ear twitched slightly under her hat
Cecil (played by Sweetyceltic)

" Its fine, And I'm Cecil" He said smiling turning to the piano " And actually i was looking for the music room.. " he said, He was missing being able to go out and be Florence

(( Florence is what he go's by as singing, or in movies ))
Dominik Seikatsu (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(i read his profile..)
“Nice to meet you Cecil welcome to this school,im Rina,but everyone calls me Rin” she stood up and laid the guitar against the wall “Shall we go to the music room then?”
Cecil (played by Sweetyceltic)

" Douse it have a piano?" He asked standing up and smiled a little
Dominik Seikatsu (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

She nodded a yes,“A very nice one at that,follow me.” She began walking towards the door to leave the auditorium.She stopped at the door and waited for you.
Cecil (played by Sweetyceltic)

Cecil got up and followed her.
Dominik Seikatsu (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

She walked down the hallway towards the music room,.“Did you see the talent show?” she asked looking ahead.
Cecil (played by Sweetyceltic)

" some of it" Cecil replied looking around.
Dominik Seikatsu (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

They reached the music room and she twisted the doorknob to open it,Of course,they lock it she took her only hairpin out of her hair and unlocked the door and held it open for Cecil.
Cecil (played by Sweetyceltic)

Cecil smiled walking in the room " Will we get into truble for being here?" he asked looking at the piano and smiled, waling over to it.
Dominik Seikatsu (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

She followed, closed the door,and flicked the light on,“I don't see why we would,it's not like we're damaging anything,just using”.She followed you over to the piano.
Cecil (played by Sweetyceltic)

Cecil sat down at the Piano and tested each key " Hmm.... few of the keys are out of tune" he said getting up and upend the top of it...He knew how to tune a piano haveing learned a few years be for and after fixing it he sat back down.. he begain to play " Me and my friends wrote this for a talent show in middle school and we ended up winning" he said and started playing (( ignore the other voices, just the single voice is Cecil ))
Dominik Seikatsu (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

( cant watch/listen to it right now..)
She listened as he played “I can see why you won”
Cecil (played by Sweetyceltic)

(Its fine just putting it there for when you can))

Cecil smiled " Thanks" He said sighing as he looked down a little.
Dominik Seikatsu (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

“Your the first person i've ever met that can play the piano,and win a talent show doing so” she said with a small smile.
Cecil (played by Sweetyceltic)

" Well it was my and my friends.. we all played different things.. but i wrote the music" he said

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