“Bye Cecil..” Rin said watching Cecil walk away.
Cecil waved back " bye!" he said as he headed off home.
Leo ran into the house,Rin followed closing,and locking the door behind her.She looked at Leo,he was always there to greet her when she came home.
Cecil continued on his way home happily
Rin realized something,she had not locked her bedroom door before she had left.She sighed,“Leo please tell me you werent in my room.” Leo glarred at her and ran upstairs,proof that he had went in her room.She went upstairs,and looked in her room,it was a wreck,“Leo..can i ask why you were in my room..?” she asked.“I lost my lego in there” he responded.
Cecil soon made it home yawning a little
Rin went in her room,trying not to step on breakable stuff.She returned some things to her shelf.Cds to a different shelf.Eventually,her room wasent as much of a wreck,still a wreck some,but she'd finish it another time..she yawned..she wondered what time it was,she looked around,seems Leo tossed her alarm clock somewhere in this mess..oh well..
Cecil got to his room and floped down on his bed and yawned closeing his eyes
She had school tomorrow..sadly..oh well
-Timeskipping to the next day-
Rin had gotten ready for school,and started off towards the school.She walked along the sidewalk,cause she would never ride the school bus again.
-Timeskipping to the next day-
Rin had gotten ready for school,and started off towards the school.She walked along the sidewalk,cause she would never ride the school bus again.
cecil had got up early and was already at school waiting for Rin at the frount door
She walked across the schoolyard.She saw Cecil standing at the front doors,and walked over to him.
"good morning rin" He said with a smile
“Good morning Cecil.” she said to him.
Cecil smiled as he open the door for her " another long week eh?" he said laughing
“Seems that way” she said and walked inside and waited for him.
Cecil walked in behind her and closed the door " atlest we got classes together" he said smileing
“Yeah..true..” she said and smiled.The intercoms turned on and began to say something.“Attention all students,this week we be having a talent show.You can do it single,or with one other person.If you wish to enter sign ups are in the office,thank you.” it said and turned off.
Cecil looked at her and smiled a little
She looked at him..“Do you still want to enter..?” she asked him.
he nodded " Yep!" he said smiling brightly
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