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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » To Find the Forbidden Secrets(2B Cntinued & mved )

Shinigami (played by Great7)

He looked at them then smiled, “yeah I do remember. We were like you now and almost got wiped out. Then who else agree. We will seal solarium for the few years she can remains sealed and weaken her forces. And we will get nothing from it. Well run like fools and fight like idiots what maters is that the next kins don’t get to hear of solarium for the next decades. Who else agree with such a foolish idea”, he said as mana began leaking out to the surrounding

Tobi looked at the diamond god, “hey too much. There are some underground. Did he tell you about pure and creative crystals”, she said appearing beside him
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

How he continued to claim nothing would be obtained was beyond many of them, especially when he stated what they would gain. " We won't run" The levias boy said as the crowd began to shift and shuffle.

" No, but I won't see us wiped out by the tyrant sun" The Solxienix replied. More of the crowd split with those willing to fight to see Solarium sealed gathering behind the boy and those who saw wisdom in not fighting a god gathering behind the woman.

The crystallized area was large enough to provide many Nyctorans with a starting ground or turn into their temporary homes. Some places were dense and might be deemed mountains or a crystal forest while others were more sparse, granting plenty of places to farm.

The young god lept to the top of a crystal and perched on the point, curling his tail around the crystal. " Are you calling my gifts impure!? From me, they're purity is unmatched" He growled. " Creative is what the Nyctorans do with them"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

I see. Well you don’t have the power to fight god. You don’t even have one to change your own fate”, he said sitting up, “lumerin whatever you’re working on better not put your life on the line I know soul energy when I sense one”, he said looking back then focused back to the group, “to tell you the truth I wanted some soidiers to go back so they can protect their families and teach them to fight. Listen loud and clear.....if you want to go back then follow this rule. The strong will protect the weak and the weak will support the strong. Only and only when you understand that will you be able to survive where you intend to go. And for those sacrificing their lives I will get death to give you a smooth pass through. Speaking of death if you see him tell him you’re with me”, he said sitting up, “ ok now we just need to wait for the goddess to come back and take the non fighters back to their family. How many fighters do I have”

He didn’t tell you”, tobi said with a blank face, “it doesn’t matter if you’re material is pure or not everything here is either pure or chaotic. Pure good chaotic bad and I said there are pure mineral here. Meaning they can dig to find them. Anyway where’s the goddess of water I want to see the wet lands she remianed. Someone will be here to set the plants soon. “
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Lumerin remained still and silent due to the barrier Shinigami had set up. The crystal tree was covering a large portion of his body now and the branches were curling as if preparing to hold a massive orb.

Even with the speech, few changed where they stood. Every Levias stood to fight while every Mranuvas shifted to go to the world without a fight. Some races, like the Kerberol, ensured one family member was sent away to train strong fighters later.

Mana reached out from the tree to touch the spirits of those who chose to fight. Their dream forms manifested around them as a ghost, a sign they would die soon, yet all stood tall and unafraid.

" He told us" The god stated in a flat tone. " Three races who dig, two dig deep enough to find those earthen crystals. You'll know what that means soon" He looked away towards the crystal lands he had built. Maybe he should have left the world like many of the other gods yet he knew he would be key to what was to come.

Eventually his tail unwound from the crystal and flipped about. " She never leaves the water"

Every non-fighter stared nervously at those gathered behind Kuroi when she returned. Most were clad in eerie dark robes be they ragged or elegant but all exuded an aura fit to draw in death himself. " You've whispered of them in the dark" She said in a soft yet chilling voice. " These are my followers"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

I see. Well I guess you should all sit down and wait then. Time will tell you what you want”, he said then looked over to lumerin, “now you. I don’t know what you’re doing but something tells me it’s dumb and has to be stopped. Lumerin what’s that”, he said walking over to him

Tobi looked at him with a blank face, “ok. Which direction. And where’s the earth god or something. Wait did I forget him. Later. How many water species do we have to care for again”
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Many scowled or gave him a look of confusion. How was time going to determine what they already knew? Each went their own way though, families and friends gathering to say their final farewells. The Levias were one of a few races to scatter and put as much space between them and everyone else.

A weary eye opened and seemed to look through Shinigami. " My answer..." His voice was breathy and his eye closed once more. Crystal covered his snout now and a small orb of light appeared in the middle of the curved branches. Bit by bit it grew yet it's form was still undiscernible. He prayed in silence that this human would not interfere in this precious gift.

" Three" Said with another flick of his tail. " Caprivik, Levias, and Suvorr Kinh. Caprivik are the most social and live anywhere. Fresh water, salt water, and land. Levias live in salt water only but don't force them into a single area or blood will flow. Both of these races have a strong need to wander. Suvorr Kinh are rarely seen but live in and near fresh water" With that said he looked out to the raging sea. " Go for a swim or call out to the goddess in the water. She'll appear"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Oh. In that case why am I sensing so much soul energy depleting”, he said going through the barrier then looked lumerin in the eyr, “I know you would do about anything to fight solarium so one question. What’s that”

Tobi looked at him with a blank face, “yeah sure thanks”, she said sending a wave of mana through the water. It sent a feeling that couldn’t be ignored through it
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

He smiled though his closed once more. " This is my part...of aiding your world" The orb continued to grow at a steady rate. By now, glimmers of color, like the facets on a diamond, began to show.

Her tone of voice said much to the young god. He huffed then sprang off the crystal, making it sing. When he was out of sight, the waters began swirl and shift against the natural flow of the storm. Many minutes passed before a large round area became so still it created a mirror. She couldn't be seen but her presence could be felt. The water goddess was there.,
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Then why is your soul going down”, he said looking at him

Oh she’s not here. And I wanted to thank her for saving shinigami and give her a break. Anyway the water will dry up if she and the ice dude doesn’t go to the sky soon but she doesn’t know that and might have to keep making water for years”, tobi said out loud on purpose
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Only silence answered yet the orb continued to grow. Should he check for life, he would find Lumerin was still alive.

Be it a bluff or not, the storm continued to rage unabated. After a few minutes, waves crashed into the mirror on the surface of the new ocean, blending it back into the chaos. The goddess' presence vanished at that moment.

Lightning danced in the sky above as the wind grew more intense. Twisters appeared on the ocean here and there, dancing like spinning ghosts. Through the howling winds she could hear the voice of the wind goddess. " Your kind has forgotten us, I see. My sister has shown kindness to you"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Shinigami looked at him then walked over to the orb, “how could this save us”

Tobi drew a blank face, “seriously you guys are really stubborn and bitchy. Anyway what I said was all true. The temperature will rise soon. The gods will have their stay up in the atmosphere where they can balance out the whether. Just being there should be enough to get things going. We will need clouds soon. Not these ones but fresher ones. Could you clear throngs up there. Also are how is the lands that’s meant for planting hope it’s not too wet I have someone coming to do the planting”
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

No different than Tobi herself, or so they saw. Perhaps a trait that came with power yet respect was still demanded. " We don't need to stay" She answered. The winds swirled around Tobi then rushed away. "The skies will clear on their own. Land? That's not my area but I know the gods of stone and soil have not been here nor will they show"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Shinigami looked at him waiting for his answer

Damn it. Ok I will call someone else then. For now please clear up the skies and try to send dust over the water”, she said then disappeared and appeared beside the water goddess, “hello”
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

As before, no answer came. Lumerin had fallen asleep due to so much of his energy being poured into this orb. It kept growing but now it resembled a diamond of sorts.

The water goddess was soaring through the depths of the new sea, enjoying how the water flowed against her body. She would have missed Tobi if not for her tail fins swatting her as the goddess rushed past. Darkness swallowed the form of this dragon before she turned to acknowledge creature. " Decided to see the depths?"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

He walked outside the batrier

How much is done”, she asked looking aroybd
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" It's water" The goddess answered with a snide tone. " Even you can answer that" Her glowing eyes vanished into the darkness. " The waters are empty. Best find life and plant to fill it with food" A void darkened the waters further when all traces of the goddess vanished.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

The goddess appeared by tobi again, “hey. This is my world so yeah I deserve to know how it’s going. I’m risking the people I swore to protect here so yeah again how much is done”, tobi said reaching her light, “ calm down. She’s just a brat. Did you make the underground ocean?”
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Only a fragment of her power was dragged back, the essence required to maintain the water. " Don't be so stupid with all your grand power" She hissed. " I am the goddess of water. Without me, significant life would never exist including you! Stop wasting our time, land beast, and go tend to the unfinished matters. I know my duty"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

You know there’s been no water here till I brought you here. I’m no beast I’m no powerful than you I’ve kept people alive without a drop of you. You’re only useful for what I put you up for now before I crack down on your pride did you do it or.....nevermind you didn’t do it.”, tobi said as the waters began to twirl and waves crashed around. The waters goddess control on the waters was completely stripped away. The waters parted till land on the bottom was visible, “yeah go back to your duties.....lesser god”, Tobi said pushing the part of her back where she got it, “try to be nice with them and they become arrogant, try to be arrogant with them and you’re the villain. I’m beginning to think they only left solarium cause they weren’t strong enough. And he still expects me to take care of them. Anyway back to work”, she said flying to the land and broke it down revealing a cave. On it were a lot of crystals blue and pure, “now the water creatures can trade with the land creatures. Now to find a place for the curious raxai and their technology. Would be a bad idea to put them close to water as they would pollute it causing a fight. I would ask the ice guy but he’s wiped out. Who else that’s isn’t feeling bitchy today. Gosh....and lumerin is.... forget it. Well we don’t have a weather god and the wind goddess won’t do it so I’ll do it myself”, tobi said flying up. Soon the storm stopped

Shinigami went to the soildiers, “ok. Choices made?”
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Every ounce of work wasted. While she was the most proud of the gods, it became clear why so many held little to no respect for this single land beast. For as intelligent as she was said to be, Tobi clearly didn't realize filling the caves to create the underground ocean was a given and now half of what filled the world had been removed.

If this one truly believed she knew these Nyctorans well enough to provide for them, then she would be given that task. After all, she said she could keep her own alive without her.

Removing the clouds from the sky left a web of lighting behind. The bolts struggled to maintain their role of strengthening the atmosphere without them. The largest bolts retreated like serpents to their source, the lightning god himself who watched as the wind goddess dissipated from the disruption of clouds. He followed her once all lightning returned to his body.

Many of the soldiers, most having sat down, turned to face him. " We made our decisions earlier. They still stand" One said as they got to their feet. The group who chose to fight was three times larger than the group who would return with their families. All levias along with a few other races left none to go back.

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