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Forums » Forum Games » Whose your character in love with?

Noros (played by Jaws)

"There are many things to love. My mercs who are kind of like my extended family. Nussig, who doesn't love a good ale?"
Ethan Rameriz (played anonymously)

I'm in love with Ellie Wysocki!
I was loving on Stacey McFarlane but I got interested in Ellie when she and her older brother Danny, who is my friend, came into the restaurant I work at on Ellie's birthday. She is so down-to-earth and has such a fun playful attitude, and she captured my interest! Things with Stacey were good before, but she was really hung up on the fame and fortune that came with being an actress on TV shows, and all the security that would accompany us just about everywhere was annoying to me. I love Stacey in that certain way of friendship and such, but I am really into Ellie and I hope 2023 is going to be our year!
Eko (played by Reithesniper)

"Who doesn't love a good fight...and grape soda-" she'd say sipping another soda "Also flying is fun I guess"
Majima (played by Luscinioide)

majima and kinoshita are not in love. not one bit. they certainly don't have a thing for each other. and they haven't known each other since they were kids. they're just gal pals. best friends. roommates, even. they'll go down in history as "the greatest girlfriends to have ever existed!!!! but girlfriends, not girlfriends!!!"
Adrian Donovan (played anonymously)

“I’ve been loving on Lisa of late, but there is an Italian model I’ve been crushing on for a while now.”
Adrian Hawthorne (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Her name is Olivia." he said with a smile
Olivia Davidson (played by Felicia_Marie2000)

Olivia smiles big as she thought of the one she fell in love with. "His name is Adrian and there is no one else I would rather love in this entire world." she said.
Varian Rüdiger (played anonymously)

"Pleaaaase don't tell anyone but..." He looked around. "I have a really big crush on Cassie!" He whispered. "She's just so... Agh, she's so pretty, oh my goshhh!" Varian practically squealed. Then he paused and turned an even brighter red, "J-Just don't tell her I said that, okay?! D-Don't do that!" Varian panicked, hiding his face and kicking his feet a little from where he was sitting. He seem really embarrassed and flustered.
Robin (played by Jaws)

"My village, God, and hunting", Robin said with glee. Her tail was wagging as she talked, "I am a big fan of plants too!"
Dyllan Parker (played anonymously)

"No one, sadly. I'm too busy swinging around Manhattan and beating up some super powered nut-- oh wait, bad timing. Stop running, Rhino!" Spider-Man says, flicking his wrist and web swinging after the Russian Bulldozer.
Alia Chrome (played by Reithesniper)

"My darling Kagami, why must you ask?"
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

"Poyo. Poyo poyo." (Translation: "No one. I wouldn't even know how intercourse would even work and i don't wanna know now.")
"Hmmmm, have any of you morsels heard about this horrible monster roamin' around? And no, I don't mean myself, so hush," Mixie chuckles, before her demeanor suddenly shifts to something more serious. "I'm talkin' about an Angel of Death. She'll snap your spine like a toothpick. She'll knock anyone off their high horse and will keep kickin' them while they're down. She's an absolutely awful person who revels in bein' heinous. It's hard to find anyone who'd love such a freak, let alone like her."

Mixie smiles, her cheeks turning rosy. "Did I mention that she's also a wicked thief? Because she came right up to me and stole my heart."

"I dunno if you're listenin', Addi, but if you are... You're a beautiful ball of violence and I love you more than anythin' else!"
Addi (played anonymously)

((If you'd like, imagine that this has all the swear words the site doesn't allow in public places. Addi would say them, if not for the rules, so just sprinkle them around like breadcrumbs and you'll probably be correct.))
"MIXIE!!!!! How dare you say all these nice things about me???" Addi was yelling, but clearly only pretending to be angry; the broad grin on her face was an indication of that. "I'll have to get my revenge!" She smirked, preparing to ramble to anyone who was listening- even if that was no-one.
"Where do I even start? Mixie is, objectively, the best. She's the only one who can match my level of violence, and she does it with STYLE! All that fancy eldritch horror stuff... SO swoon-worthy. Also, Mixie's adorable 'cause I can pick her up 'n' carry her like a murdery little teddy bear! And did I mention she's hilarious? The way she terrifies people before devouring them... The way she went into that KFC and ate that Karen whole... Everything she does just brings me such joy! (And yet, Mixie, the smiles you put on my face could never rival that sparkling Cheshire grin of yours!) Now, there's a lot more I COULD say, but I don't wanna make you all TOO jealous..." And here, she smirked again... "So I'll just end by saying this: Mixie, I love you more than anyone else in this whole damn world, and don't you ever forget it! One day, we WILL get married and there WILL be raisin bread!"
The behemoth warrior took in a long quiet breath. For once, a smile crossed his face and he said one name. Her name. " love and my friend. I miss her voice......"
Kelador Stoneraven (played by Lanx12)

Kelador Stroked his beard for a moment and leaned forward taking a long drag from his pipe before he let the smoke exhale. "Aye there be a lass once in my life whom I loved...But well being a dwarf and her a human well...that be another story for another time.." He then grabbed his mug of ale and took a long drink from it before slamming it down and looking away placing his pipe back into his mouth before he looked off into the cold darkness recalling memories from the past.
Zero (played by Reithesniper)

"My Precious Sinners, my Lovely audience, how could I not, They come to see me before every battle!"
Her blue eyes looked up a moment, then smirked. "there once was a man in Nantucket...." she grinned "seriously one must love themself, really. I've been in LUST lots of times. Sometimes I don't even need to go that far... I don't even like my cat most days. Maybe some day one never knows."
Andrew Rhodes (played by VoliminalVerse)

"I uhhh....I mean... wait, LOOK OVER THERE! WHAT IS THAT?!" as soon as he said that, he flew off.
Ronal (played by randomentity777)

"My husband, Tonowari. We've had two children together and a third will be coming soon."

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