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Forums » Looking for RP » Star Wars Ideas (Legends/Pre-Disney) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


About Legends
Prior to the Disney purchase of Star Wars, the Expanded Universe was considered canon so far as it doesn't conflict with the movies. Whilst much of the Expanded Universe content was of questionable quality (particularly certain comics and TV specials), much of it - particularly the novels and many of the video games - was not only decent, but subjectively superior to the Disney sequels. For those invested in the novels in particular, it is often viewed as the 'true' Star Wars. Whilst Disney has done its best to make individual items of Legends content look stand-alone so as not to have conflicting timelines, the old Expanded Universe was generally one comprehensive continuity (with the occasional conflict).
My personal Legends experience


Players aged 16+ are preferred. If you're a year or so younger than that and feel you're more mature than average, we can discuss things, but there will be extra limits set on RP to keep everyone comfortable regarding the age gap.

This is a multi-paragraph RP. If you feel you can't maintain a pace of about 2 paragraphs average per post, this might not be for you. Also, expect long posts from me early on - don't feel obligated to keep up with them and don't expect them to persist throughout; it'd be mostly due to me setting the scene.

Replies. Please state which of the below ideas you are interested in as well as which of your characters you want to use in your reply to this thread. It saves a lot of time. Any reply that is just some form of 'hello' will be ignored.

The ideas listed below are contained within collapsed elements. Click the underlined text below to reveal them.

Strange Saviour

  • My character: Balan Faal
  • Time Period: 30BBY-42ABY
  • Allegiance: Any (Good or Neutral)

Your character wakes up in a medical facility, overlooked by a small near-faceless alien with slender features. Despite the expressionless face, his body language is anxious and worried. He carries with him the tools of a doctor. Balan Faal has saved your character's life. Now, he needs you to save his...


  • My character: Nil
  • Time Period: 32BBY - 42ABY
  • Allegiance: Any

A mechanical malfunction. That was why your character's ship had crashed. When they investigate the problem, they find some sort of thick goo clogging up an important component. To their surprise, the goo begins moving by its own will, forming into a vague facsimile of a small humanoid. The goo is alive - a single sentient organism.

A Dark Child (KotOR)

  • My character: Sinili Korborak
  • Time Period: Jedi Civil War
  • Allegiance: Any

Pureblood - a false title used by sith hybrids whose sith characteristics were still visible on their anatomy. A mark of superiority to retain a semblance of control over more human-like sith who at this stage in history were no weaker in the force, though tended to be less likely to be able to harness it. Some, naturally, were more pure than others. But a truly pure sith? Some would say such a thing was impossible. Nevertheless, to find a child with such distinct sith characteristics as Sinili Korborak alone and orphaned - now that was unusual. But orphaned or not, a sith was a sith. Particularly as far as Purebloods were involved. Would anyone risk the dangers of trying to care for such a being? Would it take another sith to show her compassion? Someone acquainted with the dark side of the Force? Or are there those of good-nature capable of trying to turn this girl away from the path set by her origins?

Jedi Padawan Rescue (Pre-Clone Wars)

With the Republic in stagnation and the rise of political instability at the hands of groups like the Trade Federation, galactic law enforcement is at a low point. When a Jedi and her 12-year-old Padawan are ambushed by pirates, said Jedi sacrifices her life so that her student may escape. The child - Jo, distinctly on the young side for a Jedi Padawan - now waits in hiding for rescue that will return them to the Republic.

Diplomacy in Trouble (Pre-Clone Wars)

  • My character: Gentle-Heart
  • Time Period: Between the Invasion of Naboo and the Clone Wars
  • Allegiance: Independent star cluster

Gentle-Heart is an ambassador for an independent star cluster on the outskirts of the galaxy. With the Republic in a state of stagnation, various authorities are seeking to form a separatist confederation led primarily by corporate bodies. With the hopes of coercing independent clusters such as this one to join their movement, the shadowy alliance has resorted to acts of espionage and intrigue. And given the wish of this cluster to remain independent, such tactics are all that are left. With Gentle-Heart in the scopes of political kidnappers and assassins, they are in desperate need of a body guard...

No Time for Games (Clone Wars)

  • My character: Orosio Sardinan
  • Time Period: The Clone Wars
  • Allegiance: Galactic Republic

When the galaxy is at war, politics mean galaxy-wide competition tends to be either put on hold or fragmented into smaller events. An adolescent ardennian junior starcraft racer, Orosio had hoped to make enough of a mark to make it into the big leagues. Now, the eyes were off him as the onset of the Clone Wars has taken over the galaxy. With the Republic now armed with a clone army, civilian pilots such as himself - especially ones a fraction away from reaching adulthood - saw no chance of finding their glory through warfare instead. But perhaps there were other ways to gain a reputation... using his winnings from the last junior space racing championship he had conquered, Orosio has set himself up with a newly purchased Barloz-class freighter, hoping start a new career in blockade running and transportation. His first mission sees him landing behind enemy lines, ready to supply much needed equipment to resistance fighters on a Separatist-captured world. Just what will he find there?

Conflict of Interest (Clone Wars)

  • My character: Wrecxs Vesta
  • Time Period: The Clone Wars, some time after the Battle of Dantooine
  • Allegiance: Galactic Republic

Your character has come to Dantooine for good reason - someone is hiding here. Someone your character needs to either eliminate or take into custody. But your character is not the only one seeking this person. During their search, they run into a Mandalorian mercenary who seems dead-set on capturing the target themselves. Do they work something out and work together? Or will the tension lead to a dramatic fight for who gets to take the target?

The Starship Snare (Galactic Civil War)

  • My character: Juthul'iiny'apali
  • Time Period: Any time during the Galactic Civil War
  • Allegiance: Chiss Ascendency

As the Empire looks outwards into extending its territory. As the Rebel Alliance attempts to find allies in those places untouched by Imperial rule. As pirates, smugglers, mercenaries and freelancers operate in those spaces beyond common knowledge... for all its untamed potential, Wild Space and the Unknown Regions bring with them hidden dangers. Traversing such space, your character finds their ship yanked out of hyperspace. Pulled out seemingly by a planetary mass that they should easily have slipped past. Either this was nor ordinary planet... or sophisticated hyperspace interdiction technology was at work. Your character's ship was not the only to be caught in the snare. Amongst a handful of freighters and transports sits a rather indignant-looking Chiss frigate. This is Commander Juthul'iiny'apali's ship. And she is not amused by the situation she finds herself in.

Dragged into War (Galactic Civil War)

  • My character: Ara Caszo
  • Time Period: Between the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Endor
  • Allegiance: Neutral / Alliance to Restore the Republic (Rebel Alliance)

A fairly well populated backwater planet on the mid rim. A place until recently of growing popularity amongst non-humans on account of immigration from more anti-alien worlds. For a time, Ara's home was comparatively safe to live and work. But a growing xenophobic movement and the rise of a human-centric local government has begun to change that. Because of this, when Ara's past catches up to him, gone is the safety net of legal neutrality and due process. Ara's only move to get off the planet in his YT-1930 transport - an activity all the more difficult on account of his pacifist nature. In an effort to investigate the dealings that have caused Imperial interest in his capture, Ara must seek out his former associates and discover just what they had been up to since he was a part of their group. But he needs help...

A War of Their Own (Post-GCW)

  • My characters: Xá'Taren, Ara Caszo and Cysgod
  • Time Period: During Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign against the New Republic
  • Allegiance: Republic-Sympathetic former-Imperial faction

With the Emperor dead, disunity in the Empire has reached a high state of being. Whilst much the Empire has since been reunited thanks to Grand Admiral Thrawn's influence, many factions still claim independence. When one such faction declares considerations toward joining the New Republic, naturally it sparks distaste from neighbouring Imperial warlords. A pair of freelance do-gooders and their almost-sapient sidekick have found interest in this particular squabble, lending their scavenged and updated Kom'rk class transport to the aid of the defector faction. With his engineer Ara Caszo's unrelenting pacifism, Xá'Taren now seeks a capable additional crew member to help with the ship's aft lasers and provide extra support in ground engagements.

Space is a Dangerous Place (New Republic Era)

The Empire is in decline. But peace is not quite present across the galaxy. Indeed, even beyond the conflicts between the New Republic and the Empire, threats loom around corners. particularly in the outer rim. Where there is money to made, secret projects of dark and twisted science can be found. And when something expensive and experimental is lost to them, those who created it would try everything in their power to get it back. Gone may be the era of cloning, but there is a far more alarming technology at stake - the technology to create a living being from scratch with carefully engineered genetic features. Thanks to the daring work of now-dead heroes, the data for such things is lost. But the data is not the target. One prototype was made. Made, rescued, and now on the run.

With the help of a prodigy in hacking and computer programming, Riik is - for now - free. But two children on their own are not destined for survival in such conditions, even if one was specifically created to fight and fly starfighters. First, they will need help. Then, eventually, they would need to stop their pursuers once and for all. It will take more than a single Skipray Blastboat to take on a science-focused crime syndicate.

Lost Droid (Legacy of the Force)

  • My character: Nya
  • Time Period: Between the Yuuzhan Vong war and the Second Galactic Civil War
  • Allegiance: Galactic Federation of Free Alliances

Dark alleys of urban worlds often hide treasures, secrets or trouble, particularly for those with the eye for scavenging. What is not expected, perhaps, is for one such find to not only be in-tact, but mobile too. A BB-series droid, heavily modified to be a child's toy on first appearance, lost, alone, and thanks to the expressive display screen on its head, sad. Occasionally, the droid beeps to itself sorrowfully with a customised audio modulator, it's droidspeak distorted into high-pitched almost meow-like tones. This is clearly a droid that needs a new home. And despite its flashy civilian-focused upgrades, a keen eye might be able to detect other upgrades. There is more to this droid than what it seems...

Knowledge of Legends material isn't strictly required. However, no content introduced since the Disney canon's inception will be included beyond species, droids and misc content that don't conflict with Legends lore. All events taking place after the Galactic Civil War will follow the Legends timeline (unless characters somehow manage to change the order of events during the RP), not the Disney one. More ideas may be added to this ad if I can think of them. When it comes to your own character and background, stuff added by the Disney canon that doesn't contradict Legends canon is fine, including things like species. However, all of my personal knowledge of such things is primarily limited to my time spent on Wookieepedia, so might not be as extensive as my knowledge of Legends-specific or still-canon pre-Disney content.
Magic 40%
Magic is rare. Some of the players might have it. There may be sages or other magical figures that could be sought out for tutelage.
Technology 90%
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Romance 20%
Romance isn't outright desired, but can happen if we decide the characters are perfect for each other. The romance won't be important to the overall plot.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.

Riik Topic Starter

I've added loads of new ideas to this now since I first made this ad. Some of the character profiles are pretty bare-bones, but I'll be working on them when inspiration comes to me in that regard, and almost certainly will be fleshing them out if and when they are chosen.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Star Wars Ideas (Legends/Pre-Disney) (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus