A shell dropped on the imp. "Whoops."
Shiv stares at the ship with a mixture of utter confusion and contempt. Saying nothing, she closes the door. "Why is there a FREAKIN' BOAT outside on the front porch!??! We are in the mainland for one and two, IT'S A BOAT!"
Cris straightned after lacing Reyn's shoes for the fifth time - how could a two-years-old be so swift at taking off shoes and socks when it took her good minutes to get him to wear them again *at all*? She took his hand, scooped Rosalba with her free arm and told Chiara: "Sweetie, stay close to mum" before finally heading outside. Mornings were always so hectic, but at least today there hadn't been any food fights and no last-minute check up to make sure there weren't food shrapnels in the kid's hair and clothes... or in hers.
According to the timetable on her comm, it'd take fifteen minutes by car to get to the venue of the umpteenth business meeting - and there were still a good twenty minutes before the meeting started.
We can make it.
What she hadn't expected was that as soon as they crossed the doorway, there'd be a person standing there. "Uh.... hello?" she blinked behin the mask, looking up at the much taller woman. Between the myriad of thoughts racing through her mind she tried to pinpoint if this was some neighbor whose name she had completely forgotten. "Is anything the matt--" And then she saw the cat.
... oh damn.
She knew it. She. Knew. It. No matter how many times she tried to explain to Joy that cats were not sheep, her hyperactive animatronic cyber-pup just didn't get it. She must have scared the poor cat up a tree or something like that and now who was going to have to explain that she really meant no harm to a super-angry cat owner who probably must have thought that Joy wanted to EAT her pet?
... Mondays. Mondays are just the worst.
According to the timetable on her comm, it'd take fifteen minutes by car to get to the venue of the umpteenth business meeting - and there were still a good twenty minutes before the meeting started.
We can make it.
What she hadn't expected was that as soon as they crossed the doorway, there'd be a person standing there. "Uh.... hello?" she blinked behin the mask, looking up at the much taller woman. Between the myriad of thoughts racing through her mind she tried to pinpoint if this was some neighbor whose name she had completely forgotten. "Is anything the matt--" And then she saw the cat.
... oh damn.
She knew it. She. Knew. It. No matter how many times she tried to explain to Joy that cats were not sheep, her hyperactive animatronic cyber-pup just didn't get it. She must have scared the poor cat up a tree or something like that and now who was going to have to explain that she really meant no harm to a super-angry cat owner who probably must have thought that Joy wanted to EAT her pet?
... Mondays. Mondays are just the worst.
“Well…this is quite odd. Do I know you from somewhere?” And as it was said, M1 lowered her…M1 rifle, because she wasn’t expecting company today.
Eleanor's ship had just alerted her to the fact that a lifeform had just been detected outside the ship's hatch. Getting up from her seat and placing her coffee down, she took a look at the camera feed outside to see who was there.
It looked like a young woman. An armed one, at that. One Eleanor felt threatened by.
She was wielding an M1 rifle... Quite an old gun in this day and age. Eleanor had a collection of guns dating back decades, as well as her own collection of futuristic energy-based firearms.
Two could play at that game, she figured.
She marched over to her room and grabbed one of her many laser-based shotguns, all whilst listening to Elliot's concerned comments. "Not now," She firmly tapped on her chest, acknowledging the parasite within. "We'll talk in a second."
From there, she opened the hatch of the ship and pointed her gun at the woman.
"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" Eleanor cried out, finger on the trigger in case this woman was also ready to shoot. "Drop the rifle, and nobody gets hurt! Do you understand?!"
It looked like a young woman. An armed one, at that. One Eleanor felt threatened by.
She was wielding an M1 rifle... Quite an old gun in this day and age. Eleanor had a collection of guns dating back decades, as well as her own collection of futuristic energy-based firearms.
Two could play at that game, she figured.
She marched over to her room and grabbed one of her many laser-based shotguns, all whilst listening to Elliot's concerned comments. "Not now," She firmly tapped on her chest, acknowledging the parasite within. "We'll talk in a second."
From there, she opened the hatch of the ship and pointed her gun at the woman.
"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" Eleanor cried out, finger on the trigger in case this woman was also ready to shoot. "Drop the rifle, and nobody gets hurt! Do you understand?!"
"Well hello there." Nicki smiled at the woman on her doorstep. "Can I help you?"
"Good evening, did not expect to have company today." Lazarus glanced to his watch, "Surprises are pleasant though, would you like to come in and have some tea?"
The sun was beginning to set, and Haku was just waking up after sleeping through the whole day. Fortunately, he woke up to hear the sounds of knocking at his door. With the feeling of dread setting in, Haku peeked through the peephole of the door only to find a legal enforcer.
Perfect. This was something Haku couldn't ignore. He really wished he could ignore it; his body was already beginning to tremble. This was a terrible time to have guests.
With a brief sigh, Haku opened the door. "Oh, uh, good evening, sir," Haku bowed. "Sorry, I'm a little busy right now, so do you mind if you make this quick?"
Perfect. This was something Haku couldn't ignore. He really wished he could ignore it; his body was already beginning to tremble. This was a terrible time to have guests.
With a brief sigh, Haku opened the door. "Oh, uh, good evening, sir," Haku bowed. "Sorry, I'm a little busy right now, so do you mind if you make this quick?"
Meals could be really an adventure when you were the mother of three.
Cris gently finished wiping Rosalba's little muzzle, narrowly dodged a spoonful of pureed broccoli that Reyn threw across the room ("Yuck! No likey!") and darted to take the fruit juice's jug from Chiara's hands a split second before she could turn it over on the kitchen table, flooding it. Yeah! One disaster avoided!
"No, Chiara - sweetheart, no, this side of the jug must stay up - MARTIN STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!" she suddenly yelped when their robot nanny's head peeked in. She had made it clear to Martin that until dinner was done with, the kitchen was off-limits for him; the risk of liquid projectiles hitting the poor robot and making him short circuit was just too dangerously high!
Startled more by her yell than by the threat of flying food, Martin shuddered lightly. "But lady Aliprandi, ma'am - there's a wolf on your doorstep!"
"Reyn, I've told you before, if you don't eat your greens I can't let you have ice cream-- wait, you said a wolf?" Wincing over her toddler boy's indignant HOWLS. "Is it a female, white furred?" But what could be taking her to Cris's home that late in the evening? She knew the wolf girl in Burt's old band had also had children around Reyn's own age, but--
"No, ma'am, it's a wolf man with dark fur."
Ah, one of the boys, Even weirder that they'd leave the chalet to seek her out, much less at such a hour!
Throwing a last concerned look to the kids, she left the kitchen door ajar and rushed to the door, with Martin the nanny robot hovering in her wake. After wearing her mask, she opened the door, and was rather surprised to find that the visitor who had been announced was, in fact, not one of the boisterious wolf boys from Burt's old pack, but a stranger with black fur styled in three ponytails and a long cloak. She could think of only one reason for hi presence - he had to be someone who had heard about her work for anthros rights in the embassy and had sought her out to ask for help?
"Uh... greetings? Is there anything I can do for you, mister...?" Still confused and surprised, she stepped aside. "Please come in, don't stand there on the doorway? Sorry to have kept you waiting, I wasn't expecting guests--"
Cris gently finished wiping Rosalba's little muzzle, narrowly dodged a spoonful of pureed broccoli that Reyn threw across the room ("Yuck! No likey!") and darted to take the fruit juice's jug from Chiara's hands a split second before she could turn it over on the kitchen table, flooding it. Yeah! One disaster avoided!
"No, Chiara - sweetheart, no, this side of the jug must stay up - MARTIN STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!" she suddenly yelped when their robot nanny's head peeked in. She had made it clear to Martin that until dinner was done with, the kitchen was off-limits for him; the risk of liquid projectiles hitting the poor robot and making him short circuit was just too dangerously high!
Startled more by her yell than by the threat of flying food, Martin shuddered lightly. "But lady Aliprandi, ma'am - there's a wolf on your doorstep!"
"Reyn, I've told you before, if you don't eat your greens I can't let you have ice cream-- wait, you said a wolf?" Wincing over her toddler boy's indignant HOWLS. "Is it a female, white furred?" But what could be taking her to Cris's home that late in the evening? She knew the wolf girl in Burt's old band had also had children around Reyn's own age, but--
"No, ma'am, it's a wolf man with dark fur."
Ah, one of the boys, Even weirder that they'd leave the chalet to seek her out, much less at such a hour!
Throwing a last concerned look to the kids, she left the kitchen door ajar and rushed to the door, with Martin the nanny robot hovering in her wake. After wearing her mask, she opened the door, and was rather surprised to find that the visitor who had been announced was, in fact, not one of the boisterious wolf boys from Burt's old pack, but a stranger with black fur styled in three ponytails and a long cloak. She could think of only one reason for hi presence - he had to be someone who had heard about her work for anthros rights in the embassy and had sought her out to ask for help?
"Uh... greetings? Is there anything I can do for you, mister...?" Still confused and surprised, she stepped aside. "Please come in, don't stand there on the doorway? Sorry to have kept you waiting, I wasn't expecting guests--"
Having been disturbed by a knock at the door, Indra would get up and kinda just…passive-aggressively open the door. “Look, man, I was busy watchin’ somethin’. What do ya want?!”
The hour was late, and A'sallit rarely ever opened his door to visitors to anyone once the sun started to set. However, against better judgement and with a steak knife in hand, the man gingerly opened his front door, leaving the safety chain intact.
"Yes?" He asked, not fully opening thw door for the stranger at the door. "How can I help you?"
"Yes?" He asked, not fully opening thw door for the stranger at the door. "How can I help you?"
Arren opened the door to the man. "Heyo," he said. "How may I help you?"
"I can't believe I'm opening the door in my own house. You'll be fired the minute I see you, Bertrand!" Valerie's anger could be felt even from behind the door. When she finally opened the door, she looked at Arren with an angelic smile. "Before you say a word, I'm not interested in promotions or anything you want to sell me. Now, Do me a favour and tell me why you're here." The young woman leaned against the rich wood and started playing with her hair casually.
Gary opened his door... but there was nobody there.
"Weird," he mutters, and clicks it shut.
"Weird," he mutters, and clicks it shut.
Playtime had been interrupted by a knock at the door. "Patches gooot iiiiit!"
Stumbling over to the door, Patches reached up to the knob with their long arms, and with some effort, was able to twist it. With a click, it opened, and in the door was a fairly average looking man with an odd-looking wristband.
"Helloooo!" Patches happily waved, following a tug of their string. "How is New-Friend doing todaaaay?"
Stumbling over to the door, Patches reached up to the knob with their long arms, and with some effort, was able to twist it. With a click, it opened, and in the door was a fairly average looking man with an odd-looking wristband.
"Helloooo!" Patches happily waved, following a tug of their string. "How is New-Friend doing todaaaay?"
Amuhkat stared at the small doll standing on the doorstep of Tali’s room. Without looking back she shouted to him “Is this one of yours or does it belong to that demon friend of yours?” Regardless she’d lean down and pick it up by the scruff and bring it indoors.
Eyes. The Goddex could not help but notice the eyes. Perhaps they had been wrong to stare down upon such a magnificent being, but they seemed fairly distracted nonetheless. Helianthus spared the newcomer from their true thoughts. Their shoulders pushed back from their subtly relaxed position into what formal stiffness one would expect from a Deity such as themself.
They couldn't quite tell what their guest had meant to ask from them, assuming they needed to ask anything at all. Simply, Helianthus spoke calmly. Easily. As if everything rolled from their tongue as smooth as silk. "You may enter. Tell me, what is it that brings you here?"
They couldn't quite tell what their guest had meant to ask from them, assuming they needed to ask anything at all. Simply, Helianthus spoke calmly. Easily. As if everything rolled from their tongue as smooth as silk. "You may enter. Tell me, what is it that brings you here?"
Now, Zaharah wasn't quite accurate with her estimations when it came to distance, but if she were allowed to be mistaken, the guest to her humble door was... unfathomably taller than expected.
That's close to twelve entire yards.
Geist's arse, an entire giant shining bright light came to her doorstep, which part of 'please don't stand out' do none of her clients understand?
"I'm terribly sorry about this, but this is the front entrance, and the back is about just as small," She calmly shouted up, "And the teaware is made up to goliath-sized folk. Darjeeling for you?"
That's close to twelve entire yards.
Geist's arse, an entire giant shining bright light came to her doorstep, which part of 'please don't stand out' do none of her clients understand?
"I'm terribly sorry about this, but this is the front entrance, and the back is about just as small," She calmly shouted up, "And the teaware is made up to goliath-sized folk. Darjeeling for you?"
Rhialla opens the door and looks at the immaculately dressed woman standing before her. Aasimar faces down yet another of her kind. But can either one sense they are both something of a kindred spirit? "Please come in, let us share some tea and talk some business."
With a baffled, delighted look, Sab sneakily stubs out whatever he was smoking. He looks Rhialla up and down, his eyes lingering.
"Evenin', luv," he grins, puffing out his last breath of smoke. "Now, I weren't expectin' company, but I ain't gonna say no."
He takes a step forward and then looks back, having to move his gaze upward to catch the brunette woman's eyes.
"C'mon now. Don't just stand there like a lemon. Watch the mess, grab a drink - and don't worry. I don't bite... Unless you want me to."
He chuckles to himself.
"Evenin', luv," he grins, puffing out his last breath of smoke. "Now, I weren't expectin' company, but I ain't gonna say no."
He takes a step forward and then looks back, having to move his gaze upward to catch the brunette woman's eyes.
"C'mon now. Don't just stand there like a lemon. Watch the mess, grab a drink - and don't worry. I don't bite... Unless you want me to."
He chuckles to himself.
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