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Forums » Looking for RP » Humans extinct: The Last Human (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hello! I am looking for a partner to do this roleplay plot! :D I'm back from the TOTAL death! Haha! Yeah, I have been so slow that I couldn't even keep up with any roleplaying. I'm finally back! Fresh and new for a new roleplay to begin. I am looking for war-filled fantasy roleplaying that could be any type. I am also up for anything else. I am open to your ideas but if you came here to check out new ideas, I have here for you.

Firstly, I must share some information first before we can start.

About me!

Writing length: Up to Novella-length. (5-10 Paragraphs) maximum.
Grammar: Pretty much alright. (A few mistakes.) -- My sentence structuring may be a little choppy.
Spelling: Fairly okay. (Few mistakes.) -- Meaning, a few typos for example.
Detail: Yes, I could give you detail. (Such as Feelings/Emotions or thoughts) depending on what you prefer.
Literacy: (Intermediate-Advanced) -- I'm at the borderline of advanced and intermediate.
Roleplaying requirements: None.

More about me:

My real name...I don't want to share that anyway. So, I am fourteen years old and I am looking for writing some very cool stories that involve characters saving the world or destroying a threat. Achiving goals and character-development. Ranging from any kind of fantasy wars on any possible setting to whole bunch of chaos and fun. This includes darker themes as I'm fond of them. Not only wars but there could be romance as well and I don't mind that! If you so prefer romantic roleplay anyway. I even love OP-Character roleplayings for example: (Rising of the shield hero) or stuff like that. But I'm not here to make OP characters because I'm here to make actual story where we can go deep within our characters and deep storytelling. Not only that, there can be many things besides that. Worldbuilding too! The reason I am looking for a roleplay is because I want some fun and basically my inbox is very dry right now. So feel free to shoot me with new ideas because I'm here to also share one of mine.

If you have any questions, please contact me because I otherwise wouldn't know what you'd want. It'll be so much easier!

The plot: In a fantasy world with Orchs,Elves and much more. Humans were wiped out by a calamity and Nesy is the only human left in the entire world. His kind is nearly extinct. What happened to the humans? They were all seemingly wiped out by a species of dragons that somehow mysteriously ended all human lives. The mystery itself is that maybe there were still humans out there but none were found for a long time. The kings and the queens of the north,south,west and of the east became furious because of this but some were happy they were extinct. This started a massive conflict between alliances across the entire globe which was a bloody conflict but they eventully ceased fighting because they couldn't waste more men on the fields and got into some sort of agreement and peace was made.

Some started a campaign to find the humans. But so far it was not succesfull and was given up and some accepted the inevidable that the humans were gone forever. The truth became a myth and now it became a legend. There are just cities that are inhabited by non human beings or similar after those years have passed. Humans, in this world are a legendery and are worth a lot due to their rarity.

Years after the incident, everything seemed to be normal and the dragons that destroyed every living human soul were dead and their corpses vanished into the air long time ago. Nobody has heard anything from it since. Until one day, a group of explorers set out to explore an ancient human village which was burned to ashes a long time ago. To their surprise, they found Nesy who was presumingly unconcious. He was alive and was seemingly starving to death on a rubble of rocks. What will the nations react to this? It'll be a mystery for now. If they find out of course or might as well be hidden from them after all this time.

Plot-Prompt: You (can be anything) set out to explore one of the burned villages with a group of explorers and you found someone laying on the rubble (My OC). It was a human! You either choose to take the human with you and show the world they are back and take them so that the higher ups can take care of him while protecting him or hide the truth from them and protect Nesy? Our goal is to find a way to preserve human kind and re-populate them again by either way.
Magic 90%
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Technology 50%
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Romance 60%
Romance is expected but not required, and will be accompanied by other plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, Will be played one-on-one.

Hi! I have a chracter that I'm going to make that I think would be pretty good for this rp. The character will be a dragon hybrid -hope thats ok. If not I can make some changes for the rp.
NesyExecutive Topic Starter

Marshadow_and_Zeraor wrote:
Hi! I have a chracter that I'm going to make that I think would be pretty good for this rp. The character will be a dragon hybrid -hope thats ok. If not I can make some changes for the rp.

Feel free to send me a message. Right now I have a bunch of rps to deal with but I'll arrive to you shortly.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Humans extinct: The Last Human (closed)

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