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Forums » General Roleplay » World at war ((OPEN))

Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon usually felt gray on days when she had to conduct experiments on the POWs. However, today as hard as she tried to push it down there was a glow about her and her mind couldn't help but wonder to what and where Hans might be "Conduct Trial #3" Lemon scribbled several pages of notes as she viewed the POWs threw the glass they seemed calm and no screaming or pain. Lemon hated this work and part of her always felt guilty she choose the side of the germans and not her homeland but she knew this is what her family expected and to protect her grandmother. "Okay enter and check vitals" All she could do was make the gas as painless as possible and she had seemed to finally reach that goal. She quickly shook her head she couldn't think of them as human or she would cry, by this point in her work, she must have gassed over a hundred POWs." Turn in Data Sheets and you are dismissed for the day" Lemon tucked her journal in her pocket and head out of the offices and to the greenhouse. She stopped as she was walking looking up watching planes fly overhead and a truck full of somber troops pass by. "How did we end up here" She began to walk and finally arrived at her greenhouse. When she walked in she saw a man coming out of the manhole that was in the greenhouse. "What are you doing... You are a spy" She turned to run and shout but she felt a blow to the back of her head and everything became fuzzy.

After some Time had passed Lemon awoke still in the greenhouse concluding the man must have thought she was dead and she almost was. Lemon touched the back of her head there was some dried blood. She was barely able to crawl toward her work area and drink a vile to heal her. But as she did the wound on her head closed and she regained her strength.

Lemon thought of running and telling the general but something in her gut told her not to. She in turned pulled a potted plant over the manhole cover and washed the dried blood out of her hair. She would wait till Hans got back and talk to him. Until then she would watch the hole for any more spies and keep notes.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25) Topic Starter

Hans has went to the air hanger to see what the luftwaffe had... their listing if combat ready aircraft was: 45 eurocopter as532 cougars with an MG 3 on each door side, 50 eurofighter typhoons, 75 tornado IDS, and 45 tornado ECR’s
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25) Topic Starter

After checking all of the hangers it was late so
Hans decided to visit Lemonmay at her greenhouse but as he walked in he saw the scene and ordered his guard to search the premises as Hans slowly picked her up off the ground.. “who did this...” he said with hatred and anger in his eyes...
Janus Flint (played by Cactus_Jones)

As preparations began with the artillery and couple of howitzers being brought out and being placed in hidden strategic locations in the outskirts of the city, Janus was in the war room with his lieutenants when he was suddenly interrupted by a communication's officer that the air raiders have agreed in exchange of some of our resources they had on hand. When the officer left, his main lieutenant Marcus asked him, "Sir, what planes do they have on hand... Any bombers they can spare?" Janus answered him, "From what I know... no. From they said they bring will be around 10 Boeing AH-64 Apaches with NOVAC and their entire they are bringing around 105 Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning IIs, a multirole fighter for not only for air superiority but to assist in gun runs and 50 F-14 Tomcats interceptors." Marcus then nodded at his commander and went back to business as the attack will commence soon.
Feldwebel Karl Spiess (played by Major_payne25) Topic Starter

Karl was left at the hanger and told by Hans to inspect their naval vessels and their fleet consisted of: 5 Bismarck class battleships, 3 armored cruisers, and a referent reinforcement group that should reach land by tomorrow which consisted of 20 landing craft carrying supplies... but the most important part of the fleet were the 2 new submarines... uboats armed with smaller nuclear warheads... each one had the capability to demolish an entire block in and instant but the radiation would expand at a supposedly controllable 5 blocks each one had 10 of the tactical nukes as they were called... to avoid detection they were not equipped with radios... and they were launched from the German mainland and only the grand admiral of the kriegsmarine and the head of the area of where they were headed were allowed to know... needless to say Karl was unaware of their presence and only saw the battleships and cruisers and believed everything was in order...
Janus Flint (played by Cactus_Jones)

Janus knew all the pieces were set and just have to say the word and the whole thing will commence. Janus knew of something that the Germans had and doesn't have... a navy. Other from fishing boats that occasionally and stealthily come in with information, they had nothing other from the Taldeen Hunters, which constantly hijack the german ships they weren't here but they were based in New Jersey but he wouldn't know if they would come and "join the party" as they would put it. He then grabbed the radioed in a secured channel with all three of the main "generals" and said "Launch" as put the radio down. Then suddenly 80 different artillery pieces including the howitzers began firing into the city where some the germans will be with some of the pieces firing at the german's main base.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25) Topic Starter

The ground tumbled causing Hans to fall over as he grabbed a special flare gun off his belt which was made to signal the tactical nuke submarines... he shattered one of the green house’s windows and fired it into the air and moments later the submarines had used the trajectory of the artillery fire to get an approximate area of where they were as each sub fired 5 of their warheads at their locations creating a massive wall of fire and mushroom clouds into the sky....
Janus Flint (played by Cactus_Jones)

Janus then felt a tremor and the radio suddenly became overflowed with different voices. With NOVAC reporting in the germans dropped a nuke on of the artillery crews killing 20% of their entire artillery battalion. He knew the Germans were crazy but not that crazy. Novac and Anderson (Scout and Recon captain) continued anyways with Anderson using the explosion of the nuke to mask their way around the city taking out the sniper crews in the skyscrapers and taking them over for their own uses. Novac was able to find unsuspecting tanks and APCs and destroying from behind and left quickly after destroying them. Not only that the Elysian Air Raiders came and fired upon the Luftwaffe with some of the F-35 Lightning IIs firing into the streets full of trucks or infantry out in the open. But the helicopters haven't arrived yet. Which NOVAC grunted at.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25) Topic Starter

Hans then ordered all aircraft into the air fighters launched into the air and bombers dropped napalm on som artillery guns the helicopters went through the air firing at the taken over scout positions.. (( fortunate son intensifies lol ))
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon looked at Hans as she rubbed the back of her head than her eyes flick toward at the guard flanking Hans. "I promise all be fine" she softly smiled "Now, I want your guards out of my greenhouse they my hurt my babies" her words were sharp and snappy. She waits as the guards go back and stand by the door. Lemon leans in close to Hans like they might be having a romantic moment. "Under that pot there is a manhole, I caught a man coming up it, then he hit me and I can't remember what he looked like" Lemon grabs up Hans hands in hers "I think it may be one of those underground roots, I was telling you about" Lemon inhales Hans smell and the warmth of his hands "I just have a feeling we shouldn't let anyone we know its here, but I'll let you decide" she leans in and gives him a small kiss on the cheek
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25) Topic Starter

“I love you...” he says “but now is not a time for romance those filthy rebels are attacking... but” he kisses her on the lips “your lips are incredible...” Hans shakes his head as if to snap out of it helping Lemon up and walking to the windo of the greenhouse and watches the chaos insue...
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon lets Hans help her up she watches the mayhem unfold. She was quite trying to wrap her head around his most recent words. She stood there a moment longer soaking in the power rolling off of Hans. But she had her own protocol to follow, she pulled a small radio out of her desk and radioed her own team of assistants "we need to get the samples out of the greenhouse and into the bunkers" The area was full of white lab coats digging up some of her plants and taking her mixtures. She mumbled under her breath "I just got this the way I wanted it" Lemon ran back to Hans who was surrounded by people now She elbows past them and yanks on Hans arm "I'm headed to the underground labs with my research, don't forget about the manhole" an arm of one of her assistants started to pull Lemon away she looked over her shoulder "OH, and Hans I love you too"

Lemon is rushed to the underground labs where she sits at her desk. Her mind is still a bit foggy from the blow to her head. She cant focus on her work because she keeps letting herself get distracted by messages from those at surface level.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25) Topic Starter

Hans could barely hear her words as a naval bombardment of the city began the large ships blasting away massive skyscrapers he rushed to his office where he grabbed a special radio which was attached to the speakers in every german base and outpost in NYC “attention! All German Military personnel please report to the nearest blast shelter immediately! Luftwaffe strike squadrons have been deployed and kriegsmarine bombardment of the city has begun! You will be required to show ID at the entrance gate to your nearest blast shelter... if you do not present or have identification you will be killed...” a clicking sound could be heard and a sign off music played:
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon hears Hans over the loud speaker that comes into the lab. Her stomach drops and her skin turns pale. One of her assistants brought her some water and crackers. Lemon nodded but barely touched it and in turn started to pace her lab. If only she had figured out the man hole earlier or if she hadn't let herself be knocked out she could have told Hans and prevented this. She knew there was no way to really prevent this but she still felt some guilt. how could everything had been so perfect last night and a disaster today.

Loud gunfire and screaming came from the hallway. Lemon ran to her door and peered out her eyes locking with a young boys. He shoved the door open knocking Lemon back. She struggled and fought back as hard as she could but she was still week from lack of sleep and the blow to her head earlier. Eventually she was able to get free and to her desk where she took a jar of poisonous snake venom sat and she smashed the jar in his face. The man started to gag and fell at Lemons feet, he was in a paralysis and his organs would slowly shut down over time until he died. "What a waste , do you know how hard that stuff is to get my hands on" Lemon went to her door to secure it then placed to large plants in front of the door. Lemon quickly Took to winding in a small closet until the loudspeakers told of an all clear
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25) Topic Starter

Hans and his guards could be heard killing the resistance fighters outside Lemon’s office and as the gunfire stopped he kicked down the door his STG-44 at his side as he looked around the room...
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon held her breath as she heard footsteps in her office she was scared of more rebels. She herd some words uttered in German and she slowly cracked the door to get a better look at the people in her room. She knew that smell and posture anywhere. She whipped open the door "Hans, What is going on, Men were down here " her words were spilling out
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25) Topic Starter

Hans hugged her “don’t worry they’re dead now... soon the rest of them will be too because now we are destroying all the high rises and skyscrapers and hopefully the radiation will kill them too...
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon lets him embrace her a bit but at his words she pushes back a bit. "You aren't listening to anything I've said the past two days" Lemon has a sharpness to her tone now "Underground Railroad, the radiation won't effect them if they are using the subways and swear systems" She heard the snicker coming from the guards in the doorway. "I know it sounds crazy but .. what if" She trails off knowing it might just be better to be quite at this point since even Hans seemed to be treating her like a distraught woman.
Hauptmann Hans Gretelein (played by Major_payne25) Topic Starter

“We will keep them underground... if they dare come up to the surface they shall die...” hans kisses her in the cheek “now smile we ought to celebrate our success...”
Lemonmay (played by Clumsylemon)

Lemon still felt a pain of unease in her stomach but she decided to let it go for Hans sake. She smiled at the kiss and agreed that they should celebrate. Her and Hans were what the reich deemed a perfect Aryan matched couple witch is lucky. She had know of girls liking men and the reich not allowing it because one was more Aryan than the other. Lemon seeped over the boy on the floor as they made their way out of the lab. She help on to Hans arm as the walked her hair become undone so long golden pieces fell in waves down her back.

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